— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №115712
xxx read your blog
XXX: The Last Composition
XXX: Short but Funny
XXX: I probably read it.
YYU: No, not alone Google and Yandex bots were noticed.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №115711
(0 requests per site)

Where does the one-eyed snake go?
by Pilot
In the chocolate eye.
A single-eyed serpent owes nothing to anyone.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №115710
School years (mid-1990s, a small military town). One of his classmates broke his finger during a football game. He could walk, but his foot did not get into his shoes. The parents managed to buy exactly the same shoes as Lehi already had, only two or three sizes larger, he was walking in the same shoes of different sizes.

A couple of years passed, the only shoe shop in our town became somewhat sad in terms of range, the market in the neighboring village sold mostly some sort of Chinese nightmare at the price of normal shoes, and Loisha just grows up to the bots bought on gips and sadness did not know. So I understood the meaning of the proverb “There would be no happiness, but misfortune helped.”

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №115709
xxx: We build a temple, we put a penny in it for the construction of the temple, on a portion of the money earned from the penny, we build another temple, we put another penny in it for the construction of the temple. Thus, we have two temples and two treasures: on one we really build temples with treasures, and on the other - we decorate and live beautifully! All subsequent pieces are distributed 50 by 50 in the same way.
Q: How do you feel about this business?
The inventor of the bicycle is crying bitterly on the side.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №115708
DecadenceLar: I'm probably the only person to whom Google on request "porno" releases a Wikipedia article about pornography

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №115707
I saw the rainbow after the movie today – beautiful! - the end of the rainbow was driven from my point of view just to the Sberbank branch))) This is a sign!!! Now I know where the treasure of trolls))) The current to dig there to go the eye (

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №115706
A couple of years ago, a charity fund, the head of which among our local intellectuals is considered a benchmark of honesty and often speaks on television with stories about how important it is to live by conscience. There is a sluggish trial (five or six people dropped), but it is continuously delayed, the end is not visible. After another meeting, the acquaintance declares:

And whoever again says the word “conscience” at me, will get the mouth!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №115705
The evil queen has enchanted me, and now I am forced to drink beer every night.
My love will help remove the curse.
It is superfluous.

[ + 20 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №115704
Just two facts from the official US statistics:
More than 45 million people are forced to receive bread by coupons.
52% of U.S. households pay more than their incomes
For now, this shaky structure is held by lending/re-crediting and the shadow economy. But the laws of development of societies are harsh, so there are 5-8 years left.

There are no such data. It is the Russian media painting according to the instructions from above what they will think. Here’s what we’re going to crash in five years, I can still imagine, with such a “creative” government, in the West, at least someone is solving the problems of their country. But if you believe in this fall of the United States, put money on it, you will earn millions. Probably though.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №115703
And yet interestingly, I slept with three 17-year-olds - 22. Breivik killed 77 people, if I am not mistaken, also schoolchildren are mainly 21.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №115702
A gay couple cannot have children, so decided nature. You don’t want to think, why?
And, strangely enough, children cannot be born to some completely heterosexual couples. Both are healthy and both want children. You don’t want to think about why nature has decided so and why these people don’t run away, but try to have a child with each other? Sometimes thinking is useful. This is how we differ from animals.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №115701
The girlfriend complains (orphography preserved)
XXX: This is a double-value assessment. I don’t want to have 3 in Russian in my diploma!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №115700
For a long time we had an old lying noisy computer. On the whole day, in the evening after turning off from the sudden silence there was a feeling of a whirlwind on my head. I finally bought the book. No matter how I go into the room, the first thought in my head: "and that this man is so enchanted sitting in front of the switched off comp? Do you sleep with your eyes open? Is he dead?"
And then I realize that the book is included, and the husband is alive. Well relatively. Is a person considered alive who sits behind a comp 10-12 hours a day all weekends, if he has a lawn, sunshine and a woman in a swimsuit on a trampoline jumps?

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №115699
Nika Oparina: Question from the letter: "Which of the zombies films do you like most?"
Evgeny Zloradsky: Documentary as well. To avoid panic, they have recently been called "News Releases".

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №115698
One of the most important components of a culture of communication is the ability to leave during a dispute before you start beating the interlocutor.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №115697
About cats and dogs.
Interesting creatures. And your mood is understood immediately (or even in advance) and they do almost anything you want, especially if you learn. But where did they get such a crack on their favourite masters? No scientist can explain this phenomenon.
The cat loved my father. My father came from work, in the late 1990s, always at different times (17, 18, 19, 17, 20, 22 and so on). Time is cloudy, mobile phones are not available to everyone, he worked in a construction firm, there is a job - it works, no work - go home. According to the Soviet custom. When there were no mobile phones, no one ever, practically, called and (as now) that, such as Val (Zina, Nina, Petya, Vasya...) I am free, I go home and so on. But my mom always knew when my dad had to be home. Only she was true, and we, respectively, knew it for a minute, at least, five minutes before his arrival. The cat began to break onto the balcony and confidently looked towards the metro station. I remember, my father came at different times, it all depended on work. From the metro station to the apartment walk five minutes, well seven. The station is visible from the balcony. Even when the balcony was not yet glazed, and the street was already winter, and the balcony cat was not released, this beast was sitting in the hallway, in front of the entrance door and showed with all its beauty - meet PAPU, the stitch will come, in five or seven minutes!!! How did he know this? The cat predictor never deceived, and we never stopped being surprised.
Time has passed. The cat has not been there for a long time; (I live with my wife "in a private house". There are dogs and cats in the house. For a long time I could not understand where my wife knows that in 5-10 minutes I have to get home by car (no matter how many hours are now - at least 11 or 16, or 22). My working hours are not normalized. I don’t call or warn you that I’m coming. She just knows I’ll be home today. Then she told me that the animals somehow start to behave strangely, just so, in an empty place. They run out on the street, scratching. In general, the behavior is not adequate. Okay, someone was knocking on a cane or, say, I called, and the animals heard my voice and realized I was coming in (agreed, nonsense), and here is just an empty place. Well, in 10 or 15 minutes you are coming. Here, he says, I began to call you and remind you that you need to buy on the road, where to go in our village, well, etc.
At first I did not believe. I thought he was tracking through his mobile phone, but, virtually, immediately rejected this version. No matter why, but this is not an option. And after a few months, I saw the animals, 15 minutes before my wife came back, start cuddling, though I didn’t even know she would come now, not in the evening. I met at the gate with champagne (there was an occasion), and on the question, as I guessed, I replied that I should say thank you to the four-legged predictors.
It was not very long ago.
But!!! to
The four-legged predictors have never been wrong!
How is it?

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №115696
The judge (the prosecutor, the tax officer, the official) is asked:
“And you are not ashamed that your aunt at eighty-seven is keeping your family, riding you on her jeeps, giving you one of her cottages, managing a oil and construction company, and you, a healthy man, sit here all day and paperwork!! to

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №115695
Sss: I bought a child’s weeded herb tea. Inside the colour. While making tea, I decided to have fun. Eventually, psychanula because of the fact that she badly painted Phytosha. I think I need to drink a sedative more than herbal tea.

[ + 18 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №115694
You are a fool, fool:

here here :

And why not give (if it is absolutely necessary to give) to people who are guaranteed not to be interested in her sexually and generally in the people are considered bearers of more female traits than heterosexual men?
– – – – –

Two lesbians, for example.
– – – – –
Homosexuality and pedophilia do not correlate at all. There is no connection, there is no her, if you would not be so outstretched by your ignorance, stumble. I would rather entrust my child to a gay/lesbian for a couple of hours than to a Catholic priest, ah.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №115693
When you buckle with a robot you can not run for the second bottle, you can just pour out of the robot what he drank. Or leave it for tomorrow. Then there should be a refrigerator in his stomach, and he should not snack.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna