— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №115212
Statistics are such statistics, even official, and here... Here are the people who believe in statistics. And the average salary in Russia is 40,000, and we live on average 71 years.
Every Russian should have a salary above average and my administration will be able to solve this problem.The statistician confidently tried to cross a river, the depth of which was on average 1 meter. But he drowned.Statistics is like a bikini. What she shows is very attractive, but much more interesting is what she hides.If you lack arguments in a dispute, refer to the statistics. And 94 people out of 100 will believe you.

The tool is very multifaceted. If you want and can, it will be both a scalpel and a tail, if you allow such an analogy. However, you also have to be able to deal with others. And the fact that the majority can’t, or deliberately undermines data, is not the problem of statistics, but of those people.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №115211
Ok Google tell me in which hole.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №115210
From a discussion of a project:
Drt: I built them a white ship under red sails, and they send it into the sea of shit and ask to make a plane’s tail instead of a feed, and instead of a shuttle – a veil.
HTR: And so that he could dive still

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №115209
(for the world WH40000)
Red cars drive faster, any orc will say!
YYY: In the red mocassins to go faster, any orc would say too!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №115208
What I was yesterday drunk surfing in the net that in the morning Yandex Direct offers me to buy "Luke sewage". With a free installation..
The Old Opera

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №115207
There was a spider in my bathroom, and I called him Arkasha. I often spoke to him when holding meetings (not always a refresher to read). Once there was a girl with a bedroom and decided to clean up in the morning, said, dust filled the whole. She wiped the floors and we sat down to look at the kitten in the evening. Well, here the beer pressed where it should be, I go to the toilet and I notice that Arkashi is not there! I approach the girl and ask about the spider, and she quietly answers, "Oh, I smashed him with a speck."So, Arkasha, if you are reading this, come back, I have thrown out this stupid fool!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №115206
But they are struggling (
XXX is
I remember when I was working in the militia, the chief calls me on March 7:
H is yes. Take a card and go for flowers. From the department you dive to the left, further dive to the transition, on the transition you dive to the right to the Gypsies at the flower tent. Give a visit card, take flowers, pull back. I understood?
I : I understood! Allow me to fuck?
A: I am pissing.
You say they are fighting...

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №115205
I am so good at my business that I decided to write a book about it.

Survival course in the office.
You will find articles such as:
"How to live until the weekend and not put on your hands."
"12 ways to cut your nails"
"10 reasons why flashing in headphones is a bad idea."
"Top 15 games with folders and steplers."
"5 convenient poses for sleeping in a workchair."
"Review of folders inherited from former employees."
"Office printer or additional source of income."
The basics of business communication or how to behave so that colleagues do not realize that you are a fool.

by Artme(c)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №115204
tn: I found a bag in a girl. If, while she sleeps, put the word Love or Heart on the floor with scattered socks, she will even like it.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №115203
From a reference to a couple of child rations on Ali:
I have long wanted racing. Now there is. It’s fun to ask for a cup of tea :D

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №115202
Once my colleague several times unsuccessfully tried to activate voice search on his smartphone with the standard phrase "O'ke, google!". Desperate, I started trying similar phrases. It’s very good "Put to the corner!" The whole office was filled with laughter.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №115201
xxx: I have observed a strange feature in my childhood: I often notice spelling and speech errors, but I do not feel the need to correct the people who made them. Does anyone see something like this? Which specialist to deal with this?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №115200
I remembered when we went to the contact zoo and saw a cock, who, when he was caught by children, came to the worker of that zoo, jumped to her on his knees and pulled his forehead into his head.
So, I feel like that cock, and I don’t have a worker like that.

Z is.Children have nothing to do with
c) A slope on the slope

[ + 25 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №115199
I was passing by the security office today, my friend, who is a Muslim, called me and respectfully, in response to the call, greeted him with the words “Salam Aleykum” and he replied “Aleykum a Salam.”
In the security service began to boil, the security chief caught me and began to question... while explaining, it was not so pleasant... but a friend on the line roared like a deaf...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №115198
I am not an expert, but
Your professional
I reject the view that
Inconsistent with my
of prejudice.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №115197
Late in the evening, my husband and I and a boy of one and a half years. We are almost asleep, and the little one is not calm, turns and releases the sounds of animals.
R: the P-P
The mouse is sleeping, baby, and you are sleeping too.
R: U-U
I: Sova is asleep too
And the dog is sleeping.
Category: Meu Meu
I: Kisa is sleeping too
R: U-U
The Sova is Sleeping
R: U-U
The Sova is Sleeping
R is U-GU!! to
Husband: It seems that the child has awakened critical thinking, and he begins to doubt.Sleep, baby, you are only one and a half years old, so the sheep is asleep.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №115196
The object of the study is what is directly exposed to the study, for example, the object of the study will be a member if you measure it by line. And the subject of the study is the formulation of what you are trying to study, for example: "Variability of the Murge penis length ratio when watching hetero and gay pornographic movies".
Answer by

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №115195
Online chat toys

No matter where you drive it.
In the capital (all in the book)
Is it amazon?
Sorry I didn't hold up.
V - this book is useless at 99.9%)) It is necessary to either have no bones or break her spine. Well, or herr, so that it could be named)
Phoenix von Faira: Forgive Who to Blame?
WOW (for example on the wrist)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №115194
Astro: At European marijuana achievements exhibitions offer cream that is rubbed into the same organs (km-km). Smoking is not necessary. Don’t ask me how I know it.
MyxomopbI4: I’m sorry to ask: why are you rubbing it?
ircmaan: for the friction process

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №115193
The art of diplomacy is to settle conflicts by promising to give back what is not regrettable, over an indefinite period of time.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna