— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №114192
When I became seriously ill at the age of 30 and was in the hospital for more than a month, a neighbor of the house urged me to take my hands and go home. This is despite the fact that the way from the bed to the toilet for me was on the verge of physical possibilities. Nothing, she said, you will be in the hospital, get up, clean up, throw things in the laundry and lie down. After lunch, she got up and cooked dinner again. But the husband is watched and fed. And all the other women whispered and told their stories as they were left alone (all were chronicles and were sick for many years, periodically lying in the hospital). All six women aged 40 to 65! Since then, I myself lie in the hospital a couple of times a year and rarely meet married sisters by misfortune. Fortunately, my was an exception.

The same thing happens in our oncologist. The aunts and themselves in the rows stand, and the men in the wheelchairs ride their own. That, on the contrary, these are isolated cases, and a man like that is a hero.
And the statistics this male sex denies. Tip, nine, we are not goats, I would never! Well, and those who abandoned a sick wife - they always have an explanation - her character has ruined, shattered, there is no passion of the former... I am not to blame, caroch, all for the time being, get rid of yourself.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №114191
- here here
Who is there?
- The postman of Pechkin, brought the remains of your boy. Only I will not give them to you. This is a state secret.

[ + 41 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №114190
When you talk about traditional “values,” remember:

1st Trafficking is traditional.
2nd Wars, terror, and executions are traditional.
Three Women’s injustice is traditional.
Three The very rich and very poor segments of the population are always in tradition.
4 is Pest, famine, epidemics are long gone traditions.
5 is Religious wars are traditional.
6 is The Inquisition is traditional.
7 is Chronic pregnancy is traditional.
8 is Lifetime service for men is traditional.
9 is Sacrifice is traditional.
10 is Blind faith and submission are traditional.
11 is Illiteracy is traditional.
12 is Exile and murder of dissident people are traditional.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №114189
Oh, and the sharp attitude toward spiders in most cases indicates the latent spiderism of the speaker!
You see, my dear friend. People with arachnofobia experience an aversion to spiders when they encounter spiders directly. They do not claim to mention in zoology lessons that spiders are the same part of the animal world as all other animals, they do not require that the existence of spiders be carefully hidden, but for the word "spider", said in public, battled fines (and better at all shootings), they do not rush out on the street to water from the gas bottle of a man with the pattern of a spider-small on a T-shirt, and will not run out on the subject that the archaeologists - charlatans, will not break into the forums of breeders of domestic spiders, to run into the ears with their invaluable opinions "what a shame this flooding tarantula", do not require to rewrite the biology about "my religion or my for denying the existence of the And even more so, the arachnofob does not carry the type of hernia "If you do not hide the fact of the existence of spiders - your children will start to eat flies, azaza!"(Maximum - will take care of proper isolation of poisonous species). Finally, when a normal arachnofob knows that there are spiders somewhere, he will not go there without the need, and the homofobes will just stick to the homosexuals with a bath leaf on their ass.
When at least one arachnofob begins to behave THAT - know, he is a latent spider and he definitely needs to cause a psychosis.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №114188
You are anthropometric deviations with psychological confusion. Anthropometric data, with rare exceptions, do not create any obstacles to the creation of a normal family and reproduction.
— — — —
And what, the main criterion for granting civil rights is the ability to reproduce? Did you think so, or was it decided at a legal level? Well, let all the infertile be deprived of rights. Or those who in principle can leave offspring, but who due to health features are not recommended to give birth. Also with Childfrey. They are those who are out of the reproductive age.

[ + 28 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №114187
> Don’t talk for everyone. A man should not like a pregnant woman. This is a natural mechanism so that the male does not climb to the pregnant female. If you are attracted to pregnant women, then you are just as perverse as zoophiles, for example.

Is this mechanism inherited by nature? What evolutionary advantage does an individual/group get from blocking sexual attraction to a pregnant female? Imagine a primitive woman becoming pregnant, the male immediately lost interest in her and merged, and the child for several years is helpless and needs food. There is an opinion that the year-round ability of the higher primates to mate (unlike, there, cats-dogs, which only during the flow can) arose precisely to keep the male. I am not a god knowing what an expert, I just hint that in these natural mechanisms of yours everything is not as simple as it seems at first glance.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №114186
I can say that my attitude toward gays is negative. True, it is worth noting that such an attitude is only to homosexuals in general, and if you consider a particular person - forgive me, but I will judge him by his merits.
Interestingly, in my 40 years among my acquaintances I met no more than 5 people about whom I could really know that he/she is gay or lesbian. I suspected a few more, but I wasn’t sure. None of them agitated me or promoted their way of life. And I judged all these people by their merits - among them were good people and so for themselves. Should I treat them negatively?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №114185

I would look at you, your examination sessions, if every teacher suddenly started sending everyone with one mistake.

"A couple of mistakes can be made", "here you are three and go",..., "blade, again "Proton" jubled!"

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №114184
I’m not an iFono-fob, but yet, still... Peter, the city center, a young man of 25 years asks me how long: “Sorry, you can’t tell me the time?” Or I have my phone down... My iPhone... Fifth..."
I understand that the worthy answer would be: "Now I'll look at how much time... on my iPhone... Sixth... Plus...", but if there is only a poor Android in my pocket, I had to make a substantial effort not to stumble, and look for help to the watch, the old...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №114183
YYU: I noticed that some quantum effects extend even to macro objects. For example, in the absence of an external observer, I play guitar much better.

[ + 13 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №114182
Are gay people deprived of civil rights? Propaganda is prohibited.
— — —
The right to get married is not a civil right. The right to joint children, even adopted or surrogate, and the right to receive alimony after divorce? Inheritance of the property of the deceased spouse. The right to make a decision in case of illness and critical condition of the partner? Just the right to see him if he is in a critical condition and only relatives are allowed to see him?

Or do you think they organize parades because they are not allowed to promote?

[ + 29 - ] [19 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №114181
That is why China is closer to us, more understandable and more native. I am sorry. Patriotism is hard to educate when you live very, very far away and everyone doesn’t care about you.
The problem is not that you managed to change your homeland for a sausage. The problem is that you boast of it.
= = = is = is = is = is = is
The problem is that the Motherland did not care and hit the inhabitants of the remote outskirts (in fact, everyone who is outside of New Moscow). And then he reproaches those who “changed their homeland for a sausage.”

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №114180
Huginn41:Map of Russian roads
Huginn41: While driving home I realized that in my head there is not only a map of the usual routes, but also the location, size and depth of the pit along the way.
I could know Spanish.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №114179
And it was meant to me that Karl was the one that Friedrich Hieronymus, etc., explained here—and sadly even became.

They put raw powder, Karl! They want to stop you, Karl!"

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №114178
Before I walked a little. After I, on the advice of friends, went to a expensive paid clinic, no one notices the crumb, because now I use a wheelchair.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №114177
My member is broken.
You have curled.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №114176
XXX: The accelerator is just fucking.
Is your character wearing female clothes?
xxx: yes
Does the character have a long tail?
xxx: yes
XX: Does your character really exist?
xxx: Did your character play for FC Arsenal?
XXX: Yeah, fuck it out, fuck it out.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №114175
17397, you are a medical unrecognized!

You with your recipe for all diseases called "eat less" go to professional nutritionists. There they will tell you how many such wise men came to them, whom the hunger strike so spread that they then broke their hair in a known place.

Remember once and for all, the counselors are domesticated: there is no universal recipe in nature. Humans are not a flock of cloned sheep, they are all different, with different features of the organism. It even happens that someone from the same products disperses, and someone separates with kilograms literally in front of their eyes. This is why nutritionists came up so that they can choose the right diet that helps a particular person.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №114174
In my time, the word “trans” meant “transformer”.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №114173
The problem of zombie apocalypse will be quickly solved by flies. Zombies (factually dead bodies) - flies - flies bite zombies - even more flies, etc.
Fear of the Apocalypse.
Mila Jovovich with a flyboy in each hand!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna