— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №111929
Could we be drunk?

Today, my wife goes to a friend. I shower with the kids.

Oh my fuck. To my grandmother, right?

HH: I am myself. I remember how they look.


[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №111928
Uzbek people are strange. They just want to work, for example, we wait for the crane, we need to raise 40 15-meter boards on the roof, we folded them carefully on the bottom, climbed to the roof. No crane, I’ll tell you in an hour. Okay, full of other work, but no, prorab went to the city, left for the elderly one Jamsut, he ores to pick up in the hand! How many of his Russians (I and Serega) did not convince me that it was still necessary to pull the dome, tie the armor, etc. No, he’s stuck, I need to raise the boards. Ok to Ok. One person from the bottom breaks out our careful stack, carries it to the other end of the building and binds it, two people from the top lift the rope with the board. And so for an hour. As a result, on the thirteenth board came the crane, threw the remaining ten boards in a minute and left. The Uzbek people never understood why I was crying and laughing.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №111927
Calra: I have a husband from the Internet. Fifth year, the flight is normal. A wonderful baby is born and the second is on the way.

Bongo: >> I have a husband from the Internet.
Long been hanging?

Rongo: Do not leave the distribution! thank you!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №111926
Destroyed from ZH
Start of the year Michelin

Home "Eat at home"

Travel agency "Sit at home"

Smartphones "Sell more quietly"

Theatre ticket agency "Go offend yourself"

Public House "Slave of Love"

Economy class "Finished"

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №111925
(Business women burn on the forum)

I will die at home from boredom. I would gladly, on the contrary, devoted myself entirely to a career, if not the complete failure of many years of searching for a guy-homeowner.

bbb: Em, I think there are a lot of such, but it's called differently - tunaeader, or there alphons)))
They sit at home and play computer games, occasionally going to their mom to eat. But they won’t be doing farming. Go out of work – and sit at home – please. ))

Aaa: I’m not talking about these, but about men-homeowners.

Bbb: It is by chance not those who will prepare breakfast in the morning, take you to work, then take the children to school, go for food, cook lunch, bring home order and add a little comfort (according to the magazine "Home Focus"), then meet the kids from school, teach lessons with them, go to the gym and to the manicure, in the evening fresh and smoothly shaved will meet the wife from work, put a fresh dinner on the table, then do a massage, and everything else. Then (as long as the wife looks at the telecast) they quietly wash the dishes, the children are laid down and in sexy clothes will begin to seduce the wife...)))

Bbb: And yet, do they accidentally have no additional option to give birth to healthy pink babies? Then I would also write a couple of such))) I will not refuse... I will call one civil husband, I will visit once a week - it will be for the soul. The other will be "household" - for the farm, official.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №111924
I am approaching the entrance, and there already joyfully welcomes the home wai fa.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №111923
I don’t know how they do it – but the cats are really very long when they’re standing on your back legs, and the front side of your computer chair is folded. They get to the shoulder easily, each time causing the mistress surprise and enthusiasm.
Not the meinkuni, an ordinary caterpillar beautiful animal, 6 kilos of living weight.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №111922
Moving to remote work / freelance at home - was glad that now you don't have to drive anywhere and push in public transport in the morning. You can sleep a few more hours.
A year later, I get up early, so that I could go by public transport anywhere, just not to sit home again.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №111921
Are you sitting? And also a dog!
Misha forbade me to lose weight. Take yourself a mice, you will also eat everything in a row.
What to take away...
No need to!! I will complex...
- Well yes, if your boyfriend takes away a guy - this is a real reason for complexes! ))

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №111920
JohnDoeJr: I want to sleep. I will go to bed.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №111919
The son of the garden came with a craft - a Easter egg. My dad boasts tonight. The father praises the child: "Yes, beautiful!" Looking further, he is interested: "What are the letters here: x and bi?" (I remind: Easter egg) :)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №111918
XHH: here on Sunday, everyone was called to the zoo to trade, they said it would be a kind of holiday. I say, what a celebration? They are, of course, what kind of Easter.
of Easter. In the zoo. Very simple right?
The Caban Bober!
Really a mango!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №111917
Eat at home, treat at home, study at home, demonstrate at home too.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №111916
In my first certificate there were 17 co-authors. The idea was conceived by three of us, then the vice president, the pro-rector of science, the rest - the chief engineers of all the factories, where you could try to try it at least.
_____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

This is something else. A friend (now a doctor of pharmaceutical sciences, a well-known professor of pharmacology) told me. They synthesized in their youth a new cool medicine, tried it in every way. A real breakthrough in pharmacology. And in the patent (or the author's certificate, I don't remember already) entered a bunch of co-authors cool and deserved. There is a maximum number of co-authors. Well, she (then the young candidate of sciences) was removed from the list.
She was offended and left.
It came to the production of the drug and the breakdown. How to synthesize this drug and its components according to the formula, only she knew.

Eventually, the whole horde of professors rushed to beg her to return. They removed some of the co-authors, restored their authorship, restored their positions.

As she says, there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped :)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №111915
The file of the case, about damage to internal organs by internal affairs bodies, is damaged.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №111914
The first comment to the hourly video "Universe.The largest objects in space" on YouTube.

Andrei Demidov: but it all started with the search for cooking sushi with your own hands... YouTube....

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №111913
" Friday is a devil! He-he! - all day at work you peel and rub your palms, and after work you run home to eat in a hurry, dress up in all the soft and go to bed. The adult life.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №111912
Dialogue with my wife:
I am going home right away.
Okay, I'll meet you with the lighthouse, we'll buy you a shawarm.
I am not hungry!
Okay, I will buy myself...
And I eat!
Do you see how easy it is? ?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №111911
Arg: To create an alternative to McDonald’s, it is enough to close all McDonald’s.
Where is my billion rubles?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №111910
XXX: “The patient is better than the brave, and the possessor of himself is better than the conqueror of a city” (c) Bible, Proverbs 16:32
YYY: That’s why I always choose a sniper, not a grenade gunner.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna