— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №111909
Officials and theft:
According to Chinese laws for corruption and theft, officials are threatened with the death penalty, and it is not uncommon for servants of the people.
He talked to the Chinese and said:
- If the state has allocated money for something, a bad official will steal 70 percent, and the rest will build it something. A good official will not steal more than half and it will build something better.
We are like this: Well, what if he (the official) steals a little bit, well, 20-25 percent?
The Chinese: Yes, this is just a holy man, we have almost nothing like that.
Communism, the death penalty and the most developed economy in the world. You say the West.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №111908
= the =
White Knights to Build Roads

and no-no Money was not held in their hands. But it is you who will spend them properly for the future. and bet. and happiness. You swear. And you will also drive the same obscene ideas to justify yourself, "lightly". Something like: "I will only take 300,000, a million will not be lost". And you will even build for the rest. If you say that you are honest, the others are stealing. You just took a little, and the neighbor so caught 350,000! The thief!
The sofa imbeciles.
= is
There are probably aliens in the West. In Russia, too, for some reason in some cities everything is normal, and in some a full ass.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №111907
About the business talent of Mikhalkov: Nikita - "Sunshake" - minus $ 23 million, Tired of the sun - minus $ 43 million, Andron - Shelluncher - minus $ 74 million.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №111906
I thought that the main evil on the planet is the minecraft, because from it the roof of the children comes. Anne is no! not only. My 6-year-old granddaughter was taken to a chess game. She has learned to walk the figures correctly, but in the process of the game she is terribly upset when someone beats her figures. And from sorrow begins to throw these figures into the enemy.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №111905
In the meal, we will buy a sacred cupcake. I put it in a bag on a chair (for visitors) next to me. She came out of the cabinet, and to us the deputy secretary of the ministry came to sink... well, and the village.
I am GY
The first call was my: it is an insult to the feelings of the believers.! to

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №111904
Damage to internal organs by internal affairs bodies

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №111903
Today the mayor of Moscow met with the developers of the new satellite "Mikhail Lomonosov".

A unique satellite that will walk to Baikonur

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №111902
Well, tell me, I want to know everything with all the dirty details.
Yyy: The artist does not always paint what he has seen, and the writer does not always write about what he has experienced, sometimes they prefer to colorfully describe what was not.
X: You didn’t have anything with her?
YYY : No. There was nothing between us, but what happened was only between us.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №111901
And what we are actually afraid of, nothing will ruin the European Union so quickly as Ukraine’s accession to it.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №111900
In general, we have a lecturer at the university named Baran.
And he has such a clever fine (the senior students told): when he comes to a lecture for the first time, his first words are: "I am a Beran." And whoever then begins to laugh, is his enemy forever, and no more trio lights him at the exam.
So, he sees our first course, enters the audience and says, “I’m a Beran.” Everyone sits quietly, and only one guy begins to roast wildly, falls to the floor and rides.
The lecturer approaches him, wears his glasses and strictly asks:
The name?
He stands up and answers calmly:
and a goat.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №111899
Announcement in the psychiatric hospital: "The opinion of patients may not coincide with the position of the medical staff."

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №111898
I had to call an ambulance to my grandmother because she read on the Internet that a nine-year-old girl was hit by a military car. I say - grandmother, and here I am, and she is for me - Pasha, people are sometimes so struck by a car that a boy or a girl fucking will find out. I say, Grandma, I am 22 years old!! And she is Pasha, let’s look the truth in the eye"

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №111897
Question: Which normal, judgmental, reasonable, adequate person will choose the first option?

Any normal person will choose. The thief will steal.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №111896
>>...Therefore, we must appoint rich people as ministers, because they have everything, they can think about the country.

Ministers should not be appointed by rich, but by intelligent.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №111895
Rin:...And then some diligent censors and the word "jopa" with a star are written.

Aniramka: And so is "Jop*".

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №111894
by KMM:
— — —
The famous phrase from the trackers "Fak Yuu"
This is what? Fuck me? Fuck you yourself? Fuck it or fuck it out?

Abbreviation of Fact Woolf. Fuck it yourself.
— — —

Make yourself a little shorter.)

Remember the hat about the destroyer "Unfuckable", which has long thought about how to translate.
The option "Innocent" seemed unconvincing to the specialists, and ultimately stopped at "Innocent" :))

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №111893
From the forum, discussion of the book:
XXX I have read.
The book contains generalized information, practical tools I did not find.
Recommended for reading purely for familiarization with the subject matter, you can read diagonally in half an hour without losing the quality of information perception.
yyy:I read on the perimeter, some of the quality of perception lost, now I will try on your technique.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №111892
Thanks to one print, erotic transforms... turns... into... something terrible.
XXX: Pushing her hips with cancers
xxx: (facepalm) of the host. I’m going to watch the pony cartoons.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №111891
Do not leave your opinion here, the flies are sitting on it.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №111890
Viktar: what figured I have skype in this group the letter u highlights yellow
He is already angry.
Tags: flies run away
Threatening threat

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna