— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №112129
Shake up, shake up, shake up, shake up and shake up.
And the fact that every change under the windows of residential houses gathers schoolgirls, smokes and mothers, is it normal? I think this is a much more urgent problem. So that.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №112128
Talk about the cemetery.
Celebrate the day with a friend. He lives next to the cemetery. We ordered a taxi, came, went to another cemetery, there was a coffee shop. There are few people who know, we say the cemetery Memorial. Back ordering a taxi comes the same man, say, and now to the Tekutievskaya cemetery. The driver decided to ask "Do you have what Shabash?"

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №112127
In Russia, individuals should only have rubles.
YYY: And for the second ruble - immediately to the wall with all the native!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №112126
Explain it to me, Debbie.
Question 1, Options of Answer:
1st "Our own man", covering a modest hatchback. Pay for loyalty.
2nd "The man hired by the goat of indulgence". They pay for tranquilization, then the bill is lost and a person is taken away from the apartment for lack. One head of the factory of ZBI so 7 chamber directors in a year.
Three "The Son of the Boss" They actually pay the boss.
4 is "Human profit is not related to a computer". Let’s say that one person is paid for a strong liver to negotiate.

A task with a star.
As the most acclaimed specialist with a degree and a pack of grades in the hand thickness - I did not get one job, because. On the question "For which football team you suffer" he said that for no one. I lowered my eyes and saw a picture of "Zenit" with an autograph. Social skills are often more important than technical skills for changing jobs.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №112125
And now tell us, dear expert, who and why danced the belly dance?
Have you tried the relevant literature to google-look, and not communicate your erotic fantasies from under the anonymity?
I'll tell you: it was danced (mostly women, but also men) to heal and maintain physical shape. The girls were trained to the branch, which developed the necessary muscle groups in childbirth and adjusted the respiratory system (and Eastern women had to give birth before bleeding from a fairly young age).
That popularized "Eastern dance" that you are taunted by snorting Gypsies arose only in the nineteenth century and not in the east, but in the European cabaret, when it was in fashion STYLIZATION under Eastern culture.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №112124
I see the dilettant. Don’t add data to theory. Scientists were both in the 18th century and in the 19th century they were also confident in their research and what we now see is that they were mistaken. When they say that scientists know everything, they exemplify the image of God, such as the only true statement and not subject to discussion, religion also does so. DNA was discovered in 1868, and its role was discovered only in 1952. For almost a hundred years, scientists have thought, adapted all facts to their theory.
– – – – –
When religion produces at least half of what science produces, then you will say that science is wrong and doesn’t work. Because there is no other criterion than practice for a person to take simply from nowhere.
Science can make mistakes, but it can correct its mistakes. Religion cannot fight with its mistakes. Even if God exists, religion is the result of human activity. People are typically mistaken.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №112123
I sit and do English.
yyy: London from Web Capital of Great Britain
XXX: approximately yes
XXX: Only the agreement of times
yyy: London Hades Always Bin Wae, Capital of Great Britain
yyy: hasz *
XXX: Heads can also
xxx: But it will come out something like “London has always been the capital of Great Britain, but then it has been scattered.”

[ + 15 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №112122
The Moralists...
And you know that shaking your ass is very beneficial for women’s health, as are moderate physical stresses and stretching. Some, of course, go to striptease and belly dance to comfort an impotent husband, but in general it is fun and useful. And trembling perverted will also be on the recording of the lesson of physical education in girls.
Per it is not necessary to chase girls and their teachers, but to deal with those who put it out for trembling?
Is it forbidden to drink under the age of 18? Shake the poppy - can excite a man - become a prostitute. This logg chain can lead to a complete ban on any manifestation of femininity, for example: there is a pop - it can shake - on the list.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №112121
In the Beekeeper:

A man comes to a psychiatrist for a reception.
"What are we complaining about?" "You understand, doctor, I’m okay, but the boss sent you in order. Just wherever I look – pornography is everywhere and it annoys me". - "Let’s look at it"
Showing the man a black square: "What is it?" - "Room". - "What is in the room?" - "People will..."
It shows him a triangle: "What is it?" - "Square". - "What is in the tent?" - "People fuck..."
He shows him the ball: "What is it?" - "Fat woman". - "And what does she do?" - "self-satisfied..."
Psychiatrist: "Yes-a-a, young man, you need to be treated..."
Man: "No, doctor, you need to be treated, all of me some kind of pornographic images!"

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №112120
This is:

Tell the atheists! Where did the bees come from?
Covered seed plants appeared much later than insects... From what fool there were plants that can be reproduced by insects... If there were no insects carrying pollen?
— — — —

Have you ever heard of wind pollination (anemophilia)?
And why should insects in the initial stage of evolution just accidentally not pollinate plants, say, when they crawl on them, etc.? And then, due to natural selection, those plants that were attractive to pollinating insects survived - had nectar, etc. Insects have a new source of food. This is so parallel and adapted...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №112119
A: I like everything at the moment, except the little bit of the kind of unpleasant dining :)
A: Are you not going to switch to two apples a day? and ;)
Two apples a day is too much. I have enough, but definitely with meat and pasta.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №112118
by miledy_katarin

I suddenly have been six months as "mama Katya". This position is functionally similar to a mother, a older sister, a superhero woman (who can fix EVERYTHING) and the Catholic Church.
Mother of Katya! I poured coffee on her head.
Was it easier?
and yes.
It is wonderful! Go in peace, my daughter, I forgive you this sin.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №112117
Why is the water wet, the sky blue, and the deputies are %s?
The atheist will say, “The devil knows it.” The believer will say: by the will of God.
It is....
An uneducated atheist would say so. The answer is different from the believer. An educated person knows the answers to these questions. He knows where to find those answers.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №112116
A little bit about bees:

My daughter didn’t go to school today because of all this messaging on the internet. She’s all in tears and asks a normal question, what did they do? Why did they fall like that. We are grateful to “Credo” for the fact that our children are passionate about dancing, for their desire to dance, and not to sit in the dark entrances in the evenings with a bottle of beer,” said one of the mothers, Natalia Chernosova.

Well, you understood - the perverted parents specifically scattered their children - to put them all in jail. All dances are prohibited except folk dances. At the same time, prohibit figurative pair skating, swimming, gymnastics and athletes. They also want different movements that can excite anyone.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №112115
You will not escape from fate.
In Soviet times, a family couple lived on the 6th floor... A drunk man fell out of the balcony twice... by a miracle remained alive, even without fractures... The wife begged... somehow managed to exchange the apartment from the 6th to the 1st floor from sin away... Marking the invasion of the new apartment, the man again fell out the window and died, hitting his head on the border...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №112114
Was it Mongolian?
Under the Mongols, the mail worked and roads were developed, the robbers who worked on the road did not exist at all and the only one of them entered mythology. All the people were free and literate, and communicated via mail. Then came some peddlers and spoiled everything (c)
Most importantly, I forgot the main thing! The phrase "as I remember, there was a..."

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №112113
I can't help but ask the Debbal 17039.
Man, were you really going to make her an offer after 4 years of molded plates, unwashed dishes and seeds for dinner?
Well, tell me at least, what did she do in bed that you didn’t send her in a couple of months?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №112112
A few small remarks.
_______ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
And is it not the salt that is for adult girls and not schoolgirls of 12 years???? Not every parent will like that his daughter dances like a Brazilian shalawa.
In general, every dance has its time and place, and with a aunt who made herself a choreographer and so it's clear - you whisper and get angry? So you know what you earned, and why, and for what kindergartens you taught them - let the investigation work out the salary.
_______ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
All so only they are not 12, but 16-18, and not vice versa, but with the consent of parents, who knew what hardening is. And it was not an upset parent who put it out, but a kind of upset left-handed shit from the mountain, whispering at dancing girls. But the message is correct - it is necessary to prohibit dancing until the age of 30, and only the Russian people, no belly dances, plastic stripes and other things, and then there is a joke prepared. We have a prostitution that goes from dancing, do you respected expert?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №112111
What a time? You say that you smoke - compassionately shake their head, say, poor girl. If you say that you are drinking, they will answer that not everyone has a head to shake. You smoke grass - well, everyone is resting in their own way and everything is so compassionate. Even when you say that you are in the ass - the maximum, the hand stops at the meeting.
But it is worth to say that you, man, do not eat meat - holy water in your mouth with cries "Here is the bitterness of a sick bastard!".

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №112110
>>Look, you have drawn a circle on the table in which all the seeds can fit - it is a man. Then you put the seeds on the table. Something is in the circle, something is not. What you don’t get, you put in a glass – it’s not viable.

You explain wrong.
Imagine that between Earth and Mars around the Sun in an elliptical orbit rotates invisible even to the most powerful telescopes glass of seeds.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna