— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №113932
I watched the interview with Klitschko Posner. All the time it seemed that Posner thought:"Just not to roast the shit."

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №113931
Woman injured in collision of "Honda" and KAMAZ on the right coast
The comments:
Who was driving Kamaz?
Unconfirmed information about the driver
The driver of what?
Sus Ahumanis: according to unconfirmed information, the driver of the Kamaz...

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №113930
X: We have one guy at work. It looks very smart, glasses, meaningful look. Periodically shew off the work assigned to him and transfer it to others. Arguing usually "This contradicts the philosophy of KnV-programming" and the like. No one knew what programming was like, but everyone thought it was something fashionable, cool, not yet known.
xxx: Today it became clear that the abbreviation KnV translates as "Kostyl and Velosiped".

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №113929
200,000 years ago there was no cancer, they fucked all women in a row when they thought, without asking.
Well, and your memory, however... I dare ask: Did you fuck you or you?

Cancer wasn’t because I didn’t live before it. Around 20 years.)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №113928
You come to the officer and bring a gun on him. Refusing to
He becomes a fighter against terrorism. The Hero. and posthumously.
Killing heroes is bad. This is unfair and wrong. From every
Damn the heroes.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №113927
In translation from the language of ancient Rus, the wall is translated as a construction structure with armor made of wood. It is understood as "Out of Tyne".

softwarer> This is roughly the same as outlining "satellite" from "confused"..

Dochtar> There is a root path – the road. The satellite is a companion, and the devil is a girl in the road tractor. The prostitute is the same girl in the road, but in a different language.

I see> It remains to tie the road (road) and the girls in the sidewalk. Surely in the ancient language there were and "shutters" - everyday road tractors with girls.

software> and the software. Even strange, how it turned out that the word "path" - of Slavic origin, and "compound" - Latin. Probably, some scientist monk passed by the way, and he went.

I see> I remember a journalist came to a specialized conference, interested in knives. She was informed that "stringed" is a word from the language of ancient Russians, meaning a powerful warrior who knows how to fight with three knives. She wrote about this (and not only) in the book, about the history of knives.

softwarer> i see, yes, I was tempted to tell DohtaR that the word "confused" actually comes from the word "confused", or, in turn, from the word "confused". And then,, it would be possible to extend an undoubted link from "plut" to "blut".

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №113926
My husband worked until late yesterday, I didn’t wait, I fell asleep. At night I wake up from my arms: my husband is back, love-carrot and all that... :oops:
And then he kisses me, and he smells like a doctor’s cabbage. I ate at 6 p.m. and I want to eat terribly! and Crazy:
I asked him, “Have you eaten a cooked sausage?”He said, “No, it smells like coffee with the "Stolic" bread". I: "No-e-et, it smells like a cabbage!!!" It’s not about sex, I saw her right away, this sausage! :nyam : :nyam :nyam :nyam :nyam :nyam :nyam :
This is how weight loss interferes with personal life!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №113925
xxx with my sisters
xxx: Sonia 16 years old
Veronica "Do you know that Sonia just recently learned that rain worms don’t fall from the sky?"
xxx: Sonya "It is not true! I learned about it two years ago!"

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №113924
Anthony Gutslasher:

In Zhukovsk was Chebu-Chebu.
Local jokers ripped off wires from the letters "ch"
And in the evening, when the sign was turned on, everyone thought there was a sex shop.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №113923
Following the news of the invention of special "rebs" for the road, so that drivers do not fall asleep behind the wheel.

The Russians went even further. They invented a road on which it is simply impossible to fall asleep: flat areas on them alternate with excavations placed in a random order, which forces the driver to constantly be on guard.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №113922
I walked with my wife and little girl yesterday. The men are sitting on the lawn drinking vodka and chanting. Small: -paap, - eurovigne (Eurovision) wife: here is who should be sent. And a mouse on a bicycle like a circus!!!! to

[ + 20 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №113921
In the brokerage office on Tuesday morning always held a meeting: in the office of the director gathered the heads of departments, discussed the results of the past week and planned activities for the upcoming.
Each time the plan was reduced to the fact that the IT department should develop and provide the leadership with robots with which you can conquer the whole world, after which the director will be the richest and happiest.
Everyone, except the leader, understood that the idea was absurd, but was not dismissed for various reasons. Someone had to maintain a family, and someone was just interested in watching the paranoid schizophrenia offspring of wealthy parents, who gave the child a brokerage company after graduation of the institute.
This time the director was delayed and the secretary announced:
We will start the meeting with the speech of the Head of Development.
I took a deep breath, it was no longer funny or uninteresting.
- I propose to collect at a neighboring landfill the garbage of various origins, glue a rocket, fly to Mars, with the help of the IT department (they can do anything at all) to construct a protein gun and conquer the Earth from there!
The Secretary froze over the minutes of the meeting with a questioning look.
The head of the department, in complete silence:
Is it fucking?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №113920
<k> raised a great class MaybeError<T>
<a> Maybi Yes, Maybi Noah, Maybi Rain, Maybi Snow
<k> Maybi Error, Maybi Notes
<l> Maybi fucking will understand you

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №113919
A joke of:
Much depends on the potency of a man. And as there was sex every day... so it is still. And the age difference is big, I am 26, he is 55. Just all different.
“Doctor, it’s written here that at the age of 55 every day, regardless of fatigue...
And what? Do you write what interferes with you?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №113918
to this
I take peanut and shrimp only from one grandmother, she puts a bunch so stylish with a cassette film.

Do you complete the album?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №113917
Book Review: Richard's Long Hands - The Emperor

Brownie: On 27 books, I promised to quit smoking when the series ended! The man said, the man did! I have not smoked for 3 months.)
Nikitich: I would have started drinking at 15 books, and by 27 I would have started drinking!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №113916
A resident of the Netherlands of about 56 years because of a rare disease seemed that the people around them were dragons. It is that the woman daily observed how people "transform" into mythical creatures, growing the skin of reptiles, changing faces into cheeks with sharp ears and burning eyes of different colors. According to the researchers who worked with the patient, the dragons flattered both day and night in the outer darkness.

Aaa: Moreover, the woman herself understood that it was hallucinations, but she couldn’t do anything. The Dutch psychiatrists, who took up the treatment of the woman four years ago, also failed. Scientists could not determine why the patient is chased by dragons

aaa: visions were stopped with the help of the drug acetylcholine, considered the most important neurotransmitter involved in the process of remembering information. Experts noted significant progress in treatment and stated that there is a high probability of completely relieving the woman from the disease.

bbb: Well, the woman had the gift of reptilian vision, and she was immediately stifled.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №113915
“Why do I have a girlfriend if I have a motorcycle and a multi-colored pony series?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №113914
Sex during menstruation is just a turnaround, but during pregnancy it is also harmful to health.

Lying and misleading. Sex during menstruation is the same as oral or anal sex (especially since everyone now has a bathroom), and during pregnancy sex is useful (if there are no pathological conditions).

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №113913
Lovers of stories in the style of “The West wants to destroy Russia, so it has imposed sanctions.”
shit to Russia. But let’s assume that the West really wants to destroy Russia.

Then it should be understood that he successfully destroyed it in the previous regime. Russia bought oil from the West in exchange. Production was lost, skills and skills were lost. The missiles are falling. There are theological departments everywhere.

The West had to live in this style for another 10 years, and nothing would be left of Russia with its brilliant managers.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna