— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №110409
XXX: Buying a new fan
YYY: is it beautiful?
xxx: and
Capacity 2200, flow power and temperature are separately regulated, there is cooling and ionizer. Two fittings: diffuser and concentrator
I don’t even remember the colors.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №110408
From the Litlwan Forum, about flowers from husbands for March 8

Yesterday, my daughter and I were so sick, I lay on the couch and fell asleep. The husband came, from the hallway called me, I did not hear, asked my son to bring me flowers. He brought and laid on me. Here I wake up, lying on my back straight, on my chest of roses, I got worse.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №110407
Photo of man. Signature: on bread earns onanism
Mary is
This is my dream job.

Tired of fast)

Mary is
Do not tell.
I’ve never been tired since I was 16 ?

Well, here you are for the soul and the mood... And there every day from call to call... Nightmare too )

Mary is
Well, if you think... then they should give cream for harmful work)
and "a relaxing video"
Question: How do you define the quality of work?

The commission sits... Here is Olga Victorovna - started in our office 20 years ago with a simple onanor so the legs do not move - a professional injury... Victor - still new so often runs to the toilet... And Mikhail Sergeevich, he is generally gay so dumb buffs

Mary is
Scuck, I can’t roast, I have a tribe sleeping x)))))

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №110406
here here :

Yesterday everything came to its place. The guy explained to me what a prelude from a man looks like:
Q: Imagine you are very hungry and come to MacDack.
I: Well what?
Q: You buy your favorite hamburger and grind it for 10 minutes.

In the place of a girl, I would have explained to a man that I am not quite a burger. The myth that a woman does not feel anything in bed has long been dismissed. And if he is ready to heroically endure some inconvenience of drying, which is likely to end before the girl has the time to at least post-factually arouse, then she will soon get bored of such a painful squeeze instead of pleasure.

But bring a man to hungry fainting is not necessary) Feed regularly - he will want a prelude.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №110405
In Ukraine, tariffs are increased from 1 April. At the Ukrforums, weep and scratch the tooth, the short essence of which is: "Clats moscali! Without them, everything would be fine!and "

For those who have not understood what the humor is, I explain: the increase of tariffs is prescribed in the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №110404
with debt

On the road is not ice, but ice. The ice is on the trees, not under the feet. Or are you jumping on the branches of the white ack?
Every time after such "blabla", call things right! " I go into the dictionary and look at the exact distribution.
Every time there is at least one word used wrongly by the purity fighters.
It just disappears)

[ + 23 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №110403
This is:
I live with a girl after the match. I look at her with an empty look. D: What are you thinking about now? 5 second pause I: Yes, something engine oil eats and bad pull started. D: And during "this" what do you think about? I: About how "ofigenously" our players play. D :???? I: It helps to last longer. Q: Do you ever think of me?! to
Check the valves.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №110402
Different sources give different assessments of the risks for the mother. For example, the English-language Wikipedia reports a probability of 1 to 44 for the age of a woman at 50. Plus, the influence of father’s age on the likelihood of having a child with Down syndrome is now being analyzed and seems to be there too.
In addition, there is such a thing as prenatal screening - you can determine the pathology in advance and yes, interrupt such a pregnancy.
So it is, no one is arguing about screening, just abortions do not affect the female body in the best way. And by the age of 30+ it is already becoming difficult, even just to endure. Ask any pregnant woman who has had problems in the process)))
Birth affects the female body even worse (unfortunately, the risk of death and complications during childbirth is higher than in the case of abortion in a medical institution), but women go to these victims. Plus, usually women 30+ have a better financial position and, accordingly, they can better organize their lives.
So the only question is that a woman should get truthful information about the risks and benefits of possible solutions.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №110401
They took the Labradorchik... At night, the aunt comes from work, eats a bowl of puppy food and understands in the morning what it was... Saying, a good bowl... I don’t know can try too?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №110400
Hm, and not surprisingly...

About "Gagarine flew into space and saw no God":
He was a military man and gave a signature on non-disclosure"
Before the airplanes appeared, they said that B-G was in the sky, not in space. He participates in a witness protection program and moves every time.

...because of what followers he has on this earth.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №110399
And this does not cancel the fact that it is better when a man is in front of him, all such a predator and defender. Don’t take away men’s dignity, they feel better when they are stronger, and women feel better when they are more beautiful.
= = = = is = is = is = is = is = is = is
Let me offer you a simple test. If in your speech, written or verbal, you use the words “better/worse” or “needed/not needed”, then add a simple question after each: “who?” and answer it yourself. If your answer is "of course everyone", then congratulations: you are a fool.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №110398
Today, the body came to us for the repair work we are conducting, asked me to rent a perforator. The man passing by, as I realized, this house, looked at me like the apostle Peter, who decides who to send to hell this weekend.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №110397
From the correspondence:
1: Here again
Like my ex.
2: Which of the former?
1: well lol
Who is the only less girl
In the sense that she was my girlfriend.
More or less a girl xD xD
Thank you, man, I haven’t been so roaring for a long time.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №110396
Once again, I convinced you want to do well - do it yourself. asked to go to the pharmacy and buy papazole and papaverine in the home pharmacy.
What should I buy there? I only have paparazzi and paparazzi McDonald’s in my head.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №110395
Go with your hookworm... no, not even on thematic sites, but right away naked, no, naked!!! 1

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №110394
Ladies and gentlemen, I congratulate you all on the beautiful 8th of March! Be happy, smile more often, try to always look for the positive in the world around us, and just be a beautiful half of humanity:) All your blessings :)

A good boy.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №110393
Oh, a holiday, you need to go to relatives, spoil the figure and the liver. Dever and two nephews with their wives also came. Men drink vodka and complain about the baby. The babies stoicly look at each other and forge in terribly high-calorie salads. As, then, the women's holiday, we also men to carry by the houses, all driving...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №110392
The Google Advertising:
Azov Sea, Russia, Pension
One child is free!

I sit, I think, the child, therefore, will be given free... and a couch and umbrella on the beach?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №110391
How quickly to sit on a spaghetti at home in 1 day?
You go to the store and buy a spaghetti.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №110390
<xxx> In the Mean
<xxx> Tomorrow I will have guests, two familiar musicians with children
<xxx> Kids - girls twins two years old
<xxx> In this regard, he walked through the apartment and removed everything tiny and fragile from public access.
<xxx> This was basically my collection of MLP figures.
So I’m 28 years old, and I’m now walking around my apartment and hiding my toy pony so that other kids can’t play with them.
<xxx> Where did I go wrong?! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna