— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №154112
The girl told the story of a couple from her hometown (she knows them personally). The banal story:

They have lived together for a long time and have a young son. After some time, the husband had a mistress on his side and from her he also had a son. Nothing predicted trouble until the wife learned about the mistress and arranged a scandal.

Do you know how I found out?

The faithful led their common son to introduce him to the "brother".

[ + 33 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №154111
In the second class I liked a group. And I am one of those people who don’t say their nose on the street, I spend all my free time playing games. Social skills are zero, and romantic skills are negative. How to? All decided by case.

The girl was looking for someone to go to the exhibition of paintings, and I was so friendly to earn, imposed and paid for two. We have common topics to talk about. I went to the cinema regularly and the taste was similar. I wanted to care, to make a person pleasant, but as if to do it non-obsessively, because it is scary to uncover all the cards at once. I sought a reason and found it. In conversations, the girl often mentioned some little thing: whether it was an ice cream she liked as a child, or stickers with a favorite series. I believe that this is how the best gifts get - you listen, and the person will tell you what he wants. I had to run around town in search of ice cream. And here I allegedly accidentally encountered a ice cream, similar to the description, and handed it as a small present by pure coincidence on March 8. And so it was a year and a half of uncomfortable walks and half-hour bumping at the door of the dorm room with a gift in the hands. I think it is time to decide whether to be or not to be. The case also helped. I practiced in the universe deanate, transferred student cards into electronic form, and I got her card. And there are all the data: home address, phone number (which she was very embarrassed to give, there is a social network why the phone) and birthday, which in 2 weeks. I remember everything that stories from the internet have taught me. And all I remember is that I need to be more persistent. Let it be now and on vacation in another city, but thanks to the internet and mobile phone everything is possible, there would be money. Zagreb all student savings, found the delivery of flowers, thank them huge, florist helped me collect the bouquet, I said the color, and she showed the flowers. I ordered delivery for afternoon, until noon the girl is asleep. She was impressed that I knew the address in some way, because of the common acquaintances no one knew him. And when we returned to school, I told her that I liked her and would like to get to know her closer. And I’d be happy to say that we’ve been together for 5-10 years, but after that I’ve been completely ignored everywhere, and I still don’t know what’s wrong with me.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №154110
Difficult to wear.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №154109
This happened when I was eight or nine. I studied very well, and for that reason Mommy did not check my diary. What to check there? What to watch? Five with rare inputs of four? It’s boring, as Dr. House said. There is nothing to criticize, except a crude handwriting. Therefore, every Saturday, Mamula scrupulously praised me, wrote in a diary, and the question of my success was closed. I was more than satisfied. I did not need praise, I was interested in studying on my own, but nobody came to me with all kinds of nonsense, did not require a housekeeper for examination, did not force me to tell the paragraphs out loud. No one knew this, not even the teacher.

But one day I surpassed myself. I had a really striking week, a stachanovsky week, and the twist of the diary was completely covered with excellent ratings. Every day, from Monday to Saturday, a few five, and some even with a plus. There was something to be proud of!

I decided to make my mom so happy! In full, with a surprise! That she came from work and right away - ah! to obey! How did you succeed? You are my smart!

Immediately, the surprise came to fame. Not exactly the way I thought...

After opening the diary, I put it on my secretary’s desk. Unfortunately, the diary was completely lost against the backdrop of the mess that reigned there: dangerously crushed mountains of books, some scripts and handwritings, paper fragments, mummified apple bits, under-eaten sandwiches... Well, what I will be crucifying here, many of us have gone through this. Both as children and as parents.

I had to put order. Particularly valuable sludge I sprinkled on the boxes, textbooks built on the ranch, carefully disassembled notebooks, drafts and other textbooks, thrown out the garbage and even wiped out the table with a wet cloth. The result did not make myself wait – I got a concise, strict composition on the subject of a round excellence, the center of which was a diary.

But there was still something missing. I felt some annoying incompleteness. Need an accent, I decided and, turning on the desk lamp, directed it to the diary. To enhance the effect, the upper light was turned off.

Oh yeah yes! That was what needed! It was beautiful and high artistic!

Immersed in almost complete darkness, the room was a great background. And the soft yellow light of the table lamp formed a mysterious sphere in which a bright spot highlighted my surprise.

I was completely satisfied – beyond such a hint could not be passed. Mommy just had no right not to be interested, but what’s there? But here is the trouble: knowing my mommy, I was sure she would go the shortest way. That is, asking a question in the head and all, the end of the intrigue.

I decided to hide. I will observe. And when Mommy bows over the diary, I suddenly jump out and shout:

and ah!

What is “Aga”? Why “Aga”? What thought did I want to express with this “aga”? I had no idea, but the idea made me excited.

I chose my closet as my refuge. First, it was much more convenient to jump out of it suddenly than, for example, from under the bed or the table. Secondly, the space under the table was easily viewed from the threshold. And, thirdly, on the bottom of the large two-piece section my mom folded our pillows and blankets, so it was comfortable there.

Comfortably settled on the soft, I covered the door, leaving a small leaflet for observation and fell asleep. It just instantly broke.

This situation, when a child hides somewhere and falls asleep, is often described in literature. Believe me, it is based on real events.

Meanwhile, Mommy came back from work. There was an unusual order in the room. Pleasantly surprised, even upset, she wanted to say a great human thanks to me, but couldn’t – I was nowhere. Not in the room, not in the public kitchen, not in the toilet or bathroom. A little worried, Mommy knocked at the neighbors. They told me that I came from school, it is true, I ate lunch, and then crawled there and there and grumbled with a mowing bowl. And where the result will be, they do not know.

And actually where? Going to Walk? But the coat hangs on the hanging, the boots roll on the carpet. Going to play with your girlfriend from above? I was allowed, but I had to leave a note. But there was no note, and there was no sound from above, which was completely uncharacteristic of our bustling games with Natasha. Maybe we are watching TV? Or do we read loudly?

Momou went up to the fifth floor and found out that I wasn’t there today. She ran along the entrance, ringing at all the doors, in some hats, ran out into the courtyard, where the courtyard just grabbed the snow. I was nowhere, and nobody saw me. I felt like I had failed through the earth, leaving behind me the perfect order.

A collegial decision was made to call the police, and Momula was just dressed to go down to the taxi, as the breakdown came.

I woke up from the noise – in the common communal corridor were loud excited voices. Not wanting to miss the most interesting, I quickly got out of my shelter and, burning out of curiosity, jumped out of the room.

A crowd of people crowded in the hallway - our neighbors in the apartment; our neighbors at the entrance; aunt of Light, the mother of my girlfriend from the apartment above; grandmother Clava, the well-deserved gossip of the whole court; some other people... And my mother, somewhat upset and alarmed, wore a coat.

I barely seemed on the threshold, all at once were silent and began to look at me. Such careful attention somewhat confused me, it obviously promised nothing good, and I stumbled. But my mother stopped me.

Where were you? She asked gently.

This tenderness could not deceive me, and I began to think convulsively, what did I do? Nothing like that came to mind, and the adults, meanwhile, were looking forward to my response.

“I was sleeping,” I cried out, and for some reason said, “In the closet.

All the eyes immediately turned to the mommy, the faces of the neighbors clearly read unfailing interest. Is this a new pedagogical approach? A young neighbor apologizes for Spartan education?

Do you sleep in the closet? “Trembling of excitement,” asked Aunt Clava. Here is the news! Arshine letters were written on her face.

The poor mommy! She was so petty about someone else’s opinion! She carefully cared about her reputation. And here the mother-in-law daughter in one word destroyed everything that was built for years. But Mommy decided to fight to the end.

What did you invent? – by all her strength depicting carelessness, she asked. Why should I sleep in the closet?

Why is? Well, how can you explain to adults your decision, which you personally find so simple and natural? How can you describe the logical chain that leads from the fifth to the closet in a few short words? Impossible, just impossible! Mommy was waiting. And everyone waited.

I said with despair. I wanted to get under the table first. It is more comfortable in the closet.

As Mark Twain once said, “Let’s drop the veil of pity over this scene.”

And the worst thing is that until my fifth, the matter did not happen that day.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №154108
From tomorrow the Russian Federation will follow the path of Norway and natural minerals will be declared the property of the people! Thus, already this month, revenues from oil sales of minus $120 billion will be distributed among the citizens of the country.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №154107
Xxx: I once dreamed that I was Excel, and my cells were being killed by incorrect data and formulas, oh how I was rooted in a dream.

YYY: I have never seen such porn before!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №154106
When I finished high school, a girl and I were very much in love with each other. Well, at least for a year, they said this to each other a hundred times a day. We were kissing. There was even a light pitch. But she put the condition that we will have sex only after we finish school. Even a date was appointed. Conditionally on June 1. And here, school, exams, awards, graduation is over. Since we lived quite far from each other, she had no phone at home, and there was a whole generation of schoolchildren ahead, we agreed with her that I would come to her on THIS DAY at a certain time, her parents would already be in the country.

I barely got off the wheels in those few days of waiting. At the specified moment (with an accuracy of a second) I am clean and odorable, with flowers and champagne knocking at her door.

My mother, sleepy and in bigods, opens her to me: “And she’s cha, didn’t she tell you? She went to "Nsk" yesterday, get used to it, prepare for entering the university there. What’s your lips shaking? Don’t drift, it will wake up and call.”

It all went so. She called 18 years later, having two former husbands and one child behind her shoulders. And the love she has carried through all these years. In her words, she tested her feelings and indeed, the love of her whole life was me.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №154105
I met on the internet with a beautiful girl. Direct ears, not a combination. We decided to meet, went for a walk, drank coffee, ate something there. They had a great time. Somewhere at 22: 00 her phone rings, and Madame disappears in the arms of the device for 10 minutes, after which she immediately changes in mood. To the question “what happened?” I get the answer.

My ex-boyfriend calls, complains that it’s too late, and I’m not home.

Meaning of guy? ? to ? to

He and I separated two months ago, but we rented the apartment together.

Understanding that I was not prepared for such a life, I put my lady in a taxi and go digest a new life experience.

Two days later, a message came from her:

“We can’t see you again, I told the ex about you, and he didn’t like you. He is against me to see you.

When I realized that the breadmeter was scaling the situation, I agreed. If I'm against, then I'm against who I am to argue XD

The next day, this guy, with such a big longrid, writes that he appreciates her and that he wishes her a great new guy and happiness, but not with me.

Since then, I realized that people are sad at the head, they really exist.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №154104
Black spots on biographies are best covered with orders and medals.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №154103
Quarantine in Nigeria.

So far, 13 people have died from the coronavirus.
Police killed 18 violators of quarantine.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №154102
The attention!
The film contains scenes of handshaking, touching the face and staying outdoors without a valid reason.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №154101
15 years ago I had a girlfriend (we were 16-17) and one day she said she really liked one guy and she in case they had mutual sympathy - wants to be, so to say, "in all arms." She asked me to teach her to kiss. A very strange request, because then I was not interested in anything but football in the yard with the boys and I was obviously not a professional in kissing). But naturally I agreed, and after a number of “kissing sessions” she admitted that this guy was me.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №154100
Xxx: I know a guy, his 3 year old student girl dynamil. They had a relationship and then got married. Real after the wedding.

YYY: Is it for him?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №154099
I remembered his youth. I met a cute girl, hugs, kisses, but I didn’t go any further. She was a virgin.

There were talks, hints, and apparently she decided to take that step. At one of her visits to me, she gladly announced that we could finally do this, because she was no longer a virgin! She slept quickly with a guy in her village, trained, so to speak, before a significant event.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №154098
The perfect man and the perfect woman will never meet: she disagrees the first time, and he does not offer twice.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №154097
I sleep with my wife. Both doctors.

Suddenly he wakes me up and says:

- Write a translation for me (translation epicrisis), I do not have time!

I stand up. I go to comp.

His wife did not wake up, nor did she wake up.

I look stupidly at the monitor.

3 hours of night.

We are home.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №154096
The girl once told me, if the whole world is against you, I will stand behind and give ammunition.

She is behind the bullets.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №154095
One time I worked in a warehouse, and there was a girl at the dispatcher's office, let's say it was Julia. Beautiful, sociable and married. The warehouse was on the outskirts of the city, the bus route there was one, so they often went home together. We talked about Sam. And you know, with every trip Julia liked me more and more, and I really started to envy her husband when she offered to go to the store after work, to help choose a game on the X-BOX, so that both of us and my husband play.

I got the wedding photos that Julia brought to show her girlfriend at work. You rarely meet such a ugly and reckless guy, and this is her husband!!! A couple of days later I began to torture Yulia: how did they meet? She told:

My parents introduced me in school, in the 10th grade. I think it is a fool. They lived in a private house and this idiot came every morning to take me to school. This lasted more than a year.

And then he disappeared. Not coming for 2 weeks. At first I was happy, and then it became somewhat grim, and it got worse every day.

He appeared in the morning, weakened even more, said he was sick, apologized for not coming. Since then we have been together.”

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №154094
The relatives, seeing how I get away from my single life, decided to reduce me with the same male girl. Showed a photo. Have any contacts – call! We showed her your photos and she liked you very much.

I called in a few days. There is no answer.

Written in Viber. and silence.

I called the next day. Also without answer. and abandoned.

Two weeks later, a relative asks how things are, the date of the wedding has already been set? He said that the subscriber is not a subscriber, full freeze. Yes is? He was surprised. And the lady told her mother that you are well, you communicate, walk together regularly.

The next day, she finally replied, “Weak.”

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №154093
He worked in Great Novgorod on video surveillance. The general calls me and says:

Addressed here to me, Sever3000, an old friend of our family, you have a good guy, and you can communicate with the client, here is the customer's number, call and solve her problem.

I called, I came, I talked. It turns out, according to the woman in old age, her husband had a young mistress, and they both try to live her out of the light or, at least, to remove her into a psychic. The methods they choose, gently speaking, are extraordinary. Among them were: arsenic poured into a toothpaste, a cross pulled out of the grave, and pulled to the windows of the apartment where the grandmother and her husband lived to craze her, the walls cut with a knife to deprive her of comfort and peace. Traces on the walls were actually present, and fragments of the grave cross were rolled under the windows. The situation is non-standard, you can not refuse - the order from the general, and I took the business - hanged video surveillance in the apartment, near the apartment, under the windows. We watched the video for a week, but in the end nobody was visible on the video, except the old lady and the neighbors under the windows. Even my husband did not come in, and I decided that he changed his experience for youth and eventually went to a young mistress. I, since I did not catch anyone, was a grandmother recorded as the enemy of the people and the bad comrade, whom her husband subjugated. She called my gender and complained that I was doing my job badly.

On Monday, the general calls me to the office, I come in, I sit down.

- Why did you, Sever3000, not fulfill my hopes, deceive, customers complain, how do you?

“Yes, you know, General Director, there’s a silly story at all...

Tell me.

In general, the husband of your good acquaintance had a young mistress.

and stop. Did Takayotovich have a mistress?

and yes. the youth.

Yes, he died ten years ago...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna