— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 36 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156116
I know one woman who in her youth (approximately the early 1970s) married a representative of not their nationality, which caused her parents to fall into resentment. The parents publicly denied her, "It is not a daughter for us from now on and forever; here is a son for us a son, and we do not know you!" And all that. So they did not communicate.

Years passed, the USSR collapsed, this woman and her parents were in different countries. The heroine of history is in the Russian Federation, and her parents are in the European Union.

And around the beginning of the 2000s, my mother came into contact and offered to meet and reconcile. “We are not native people, right? I didn’t have a long time left, and I always regretted that we got that way.” She sent her daughter an invitation, the daughter went to her little homeland, maybe they even cried there, hugging. We have reconciled. Mother said, “Remain, you will have a home, you will get citizenship and all that.”

Well, and the daughter remained in the home to take care of the mother, because the husband of the daughter has long died, their own children were already on their feet, and here the reunion with the mother, in addition, the mother was almost gone, and then in general left.

In general, she has cared for her mother for several years, in recent years, she has already had a shit of soap, and the shit has endured, and so on.

And when the mother died, the will turned out to be on the son, that is, on the brother of the heroine's story, and on the words of the mother asked the son to pass on to his sister, that her mother did not forgive her, because it is not, and this is all supposedly reconciliation - for the reason that the mother needed care, and a nurse to hire is expensive.

The daughter went home.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №156115
xxx: In the middle band of our homeland (for example in the Pskov region) the salary of 40 thousand is really not easy to find.

Yyy: You just need to work on two jobs of 20 or four of 10, and it's not difficult to find it in any strip. Enjoy health, I am waiting for photos from the yacht and near my Maybach

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №156114
Since childhood, we have been told that before the law everyone is equal and that the rules are for everyone. But this is the only reason why the schoolchildren dressed up on the first floor, in a place specially dedicated to this, so as not to spread dirt throughout the school, and the teachers go to their office, leaving behind dirty traces. And in the dry warm weather, many teachers did not change clothes at all, but schoolchildren were still forced to wear a shirt, because these are the rules.

And then in the social science, I spoke about it all. To me, the teacher intelligently and with indignation explained that you are many, and teachers are few and so they can break some rules and there is nothing terrible in this and in general you are still a child, how dare you tick me with your nose.

It is clear that this can be said to be a harmless example and should it be outraged at all. Only when the next deputy beats a person, he also thinks, "well nothing terrible, I have beaten a simple person, what now to go to jail for this? Well not.”

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №156113
We are not allowed to predict how our word will react.

As the children discovered with horror where the meat dishes came from, they had to convince them that all the broilers, calves and pigs live a happy and fulfilling life on the farm, and only by throwing off the straw from old age, they become food.

A couple of years passed before the first funeral - the smallest beat the mother-in-law with a sincere question: "When will grandfather be in the cocklets?"

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №156112
When my wife left, I was sad at first. But then I got a dog, bought a motorcycle I’ve always dreamed of, and finally struck the neighbor who I wanted for a long time! Life immediately improved, only now I think that when my wife comes back from work - I p@deac...

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №156111
It happened yesterday in the local Fifth and like that it burst into the soul.

I stand at the box, from cheese products and a bottle of wine. I am 90 years old, but I don’t look at my age at all, so I’m still asking for a passport.

I don’t look 17 years old, but I’m still young.

It is my turn, I get my passport on the machine and show the cashier.

He looks at the passport and me and there is a funny dialogue.

So you’re nineteen, why should I look at the passport?

I’m always asked, I look young, I’m used to it.

So you can move a little, it’s time.

It was so sad (

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №156110
It’s hard to get up from your knees with your ears in the shit.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №156109
Yesterday I met a friend of my school years at a restaurant. I finished the meeting at work, sat down with me, talked for a few hours. A busy story:
Three years ago we moved to a new apartment. Money was in general, the wife only gave birth to the second, with hard work, mortgage - you understand, not to fat. The eldest son, a 10-year-old obaltus, loves to play compass and does not like to read. Therefore, the constant desire to buy the unit is stronger. Because of the lack of funds, all the houses have to be cut to the root. As it was a bad mood - the contract broke, and the son began to noot again. I tell him:
No money, not at all. If you find money, I will buy a notebook.
Where will I find them?
How do I know? Look and you will find. Or make money.
How is?
You don’t read books, you don’t know. So it is all written.
Well Dad!
Dad is busy, the conversation is over.
(The apartment was bought with some furniture and some books also remained, our ones we also added)
The next day I see the son riding in books, reading headlines, looking through.
Maybe I’ll like it, I think I’ll start reading at least.
I sit in the kitchen and suddenly I hear the cry:
Dad, Dad, I found the money!
I jump, I see a happy son with a book on nuclear physics (!) Two banknotes of 500 euros.
Where did I find?
In the book!
In this one?
and yes!
There is no pause.
Why did you study nuclear physics?
You said, look in the books, I was looking.

The laptop was eventually purchased. The book is from the previous owners of the apartment.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №156108
From one store ordered chicken with delivery to the house, and from another store - eggs.
Let’s see, let’s see...

[ + 33 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156107
A strange man. Shamans believe that after death you will have to pay for everything - not.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №156106
The first salary

My London acquaintance had electricians working in the house - to turn the wiring, install the sockets, etc., all this took about one and a half months. The seven-year-old son of the acquaintance, Teo, he was constantly turning at the electricians under his feet, asking questions, touching instruments - the comrade thought to shout at him not to bother, but the electricians did not object and even kindly communicated with him.
A couple of weeks later, a friend received a letter from an electrician firm that contained a bill addressed to Teo and his salary of £15.
Decoding of the calculation list:
Measurement of different things - 1.50
Calculation and folding of the number of rosettes - 1.50
Catering (flavored cookies) – 1.50
Class Volunteering – 1.50
Quality control (a lot of questions) – 9.00
In total - 15 pounds sterling (a little more than 1500 rubles in equivalent).
Should I say that Teo is extremely proud of himself and his first salary?

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №156105
My wife left me with three minor children (the eldest son 7 years old, daughter 4 years old and younger 3 weeks old) and went to the kitchen to drink tea. What should I do?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №156104
Xxx: The problem of the present time is the abundance of highly motivated low-skilled personnel

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156103
Our company gives the best impressions.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №156102
Three years ago, most people from Uzbekistan worked at my farm. Good guys, a little really bad speaking and understanding Russian, but this is only a problem of the first days. Then they performed their duties well and there was nothing to talk to them about. And the Russian-speaking brigadier was quite enough. Vodka was not drunk, because of national traditions, pigs kept on the farm for "shashlies" were not planned. What else needs.
If not on April 1. It was on that day, in the morning, that I saw on my tablet that the Day of Laughter or Fool was international. So it was written there. I decided to joke.
We will cut pigs today. Nothing more fun or fun, I could not imagine. But the joke passed, I determined it from the eyes of the Uzbek, who adopted a purely Russian form. For seriousness, I added, do you bark your bears? In Russia, it is recommended to cut pigs in the spring. Especially valuable pork wool, national wealth. And in April it is already hot, the pigs in the wool are heavy. In general, especially executive, a prize for a thing!
About the "stitch", I probably said in vain, without thinking, but I really wanted to make the joke as serious as possible. I said and left, I had to go. And their talks in Uzbek, I still did not understand.
When I returned after lunch, I heard a wild whisper from the farm. A little upset, I broke up there and broke up. It was enough to scream:
What are you doing, shameful wolves? They heard my scream. And I shouted all those a few hundred pigs. And how can you not scream if I saw a few dozen completely bald pigs. Uzbek, worked harmoniously and collectively. They were surrounded by a pig, and they grabbed it for their feet, each for his own. She was scratched to the maximum, and the fifth cut, an ordinary manual haircut machine. I didn’t even think where they took it. Hearing my scream, a brigadier separated from the crowd.
Do you understand that this is a joke? I was talking, a joke! Today is International Day of Fools! Are you stupid?
A prize for something? The Uzbek brigadier looked at me very carefully, as did the rest who still held the pig. - We almost cut a bag of especially valuable wool!? to
I counted the pieces and I thought, the day of the fool was successful!
Is it international or not?

[ + 30 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156101
Let us speak like the St. Petersburgers: not the administration, but the crap.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156100
In our country, they always remember the good when it is no longer there.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №156099
Our steamboat stood on the St. Petersburg-Hamburg-London line and we returned home every two or three weeks. That trip to Peter was unusual: first, it happened at the end of December, and second, we had a crew shift.
Almost everyone in the team, on the last trip to England, bought the right-handed Lades and now counted on them to leave the steam boat home on their way.
But it was not here. Useful customs officers wanted corruption and, after finishing the dismantling of newly acquired cars, told us that they would only issue passes for leaving the port after the New Year holidays. Unlisted cargo cannot leave the port.
The senior customs officer proposed the option: if we give them $500 from Santa from the car, the brave customs will find the strength to overcome the "increased pre-New Year burden" and complete all the passes somewhere in ten minutes. The announced price was overwhelming. The Russian car that was intercepted by the sailors at the gate of the English barracks cost a maximum of £1,000. But the customary greed of the customs, apparently, has been aggravated by the coming New Year's holidays. On January 2, the steam boat with the new crew was going to the sea and the cars left on the shore will cause a tumultuous joy in the port docks, who will immediately unlock the homeless cars to the screw and take everything out of the port by various routes.
The satisfied customsmen carnivorously stumbled, looking at our shallow faces and realized that we could not go anywhere. But I did not want to pay. Guarding the car in the next two weeks was also not possible. Having traded with the customs officers a day "to think about", the crew had done a brain attack that same evening. The decision came in the style of the blockade of Leningrad. The entire purchased fleet was dropped by a ship crane overboard, right on the ice of the port and, under the cover of the night, went to Vasilievsky Island.
The shift captain, shocked to astonishment, told us only one thing: “Switch the lanterns, or suppress the port trailers!”

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №156098
Georgia has committed a brutal anti-Russian provocation, expelling the US citizen Pozner from the country.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156097
Xxx: I liked one girl in school (8-9th grade, it seems), I was pretty shy and in dreams already imagined a million times how we meet. 

I didn’t talk to her directly, but I tried to communicate very closely with her. So I decided to invite her to a date. Movies, flowers and all that. I set a date in my head – next Friday! He waited with great anxiety, every day in his head rehearsed his invitation.

On Tuesday there was a planned inspection from the military committee. Her father was sitting in the commission. And it was he who touched the eggs and looked at the member. And here he holds my eggs in his hand and says, “I’m a dad named Family, she’s told a lot about you, says a good boy.” He blinked at me with a smile.

In short, we never went anywhere with her.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna