— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 39 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №154051
Xxx: Can anyone explain that religion exists at all? Why do adults write it? What a joke?

Yyy: To die is scary is the first. It’s okay to just die as a process, but the very fact that you don’t become EVER the brain of a healthy person diligently bypasses. Someone says to himself, “Yes. There is nothing else" and lives for himself without thinking about the subject. And someone chooses a religion to their own taste and lives with the hope of death. In both cases, the goal is one: not to think of death as it is. Otherwise, you can go to the cottage.

Secondly, every religion is based on the concept of “justice.” In sentences because this concept stretches and stretches to any situation, like a Gondon. Typically, here and now, that bourgeois is eating in three throats, and the people are eating the last fox without salt, but in that world they will all be placed in places! Here again is a way to live and not to grieve for injustice. Not thinking about this topic. You can go to the cottage.

In the third, religion is a set of laws and rules. The most correct rules, because they were given by God, and who better than God knows what and where? Following the rules is good and pleasant. No need to make decisions, no need to doubt, no need to think. Thinking about the choice is difficult. You can go corn.

Well, and finally, religion gives the opportunity to understand everything at once, without studying or stressing anything at the same time. Every event has an easy explanation. For example, you are lucky in life - it is God helped. So they say, with God’s help. Well, the ways of the Lord are unconfessable, do not despair, man, so it was necessary. Again, the meaning of life is simple and clear, like a glass of light beer in the sun - live, follow the rules, glorify God, and do not look for another meaning - the cockroach will go.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №154050
Coronavirus was invented by Islamists. Thanks to him, now on the streets you will rarely meet women with an open face.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №154049
13 minutes that didn’t change the world

In 1939, there was a man in Germany who wanted to change the world alone. And he almost succeeded. His name was Johann Georg Elzer. He decided to kill Adolf Hitler.

Who is Hitler and why many contemporaries wished him to die, it seems that you can still read a couple of lines in history textbooks, so let's not go deeper. While the crowds were enthusiastically zigzagging to the Führer, Elzer saw in Hitler an upcoming tragedy for the country. Elder decided to stop it.

First of all, there were two questions to be solved – when and how?

From the first and simplest plan, simply to shoot Hitler out of the crowd at a rally, George refused. The plan was too risky and unreliable. He wanted to act. The bomb was more reliable. But where and where? The second question was solved the easiest. On November 8, 1923, Hitler attempted a failed coup, now known as the Beer Putsch. With Hitler's rise to power, every year a solemn rally was held at the Burgerbroukeller in Munich for the Nazi regime's bonz.

In November 1938, Elzer came to Munich and visited a beer store. It was the most suitable place. He had exactly one year to prepare.

Time and place are determined. Time to take the bomb.

Elzer was a simple carpenter and the issues of bombing were extremely distant from him. And what did he do? I went to the library. There he gathered a bunch of useful books and unwittingly took up theoretical skill in sapphire. If everything went well with the theory, where do you get the filling for the bomb?

The rapidly militarizing Germany built many military factories. On one of them, Elzer has been working for two years. He began to slowly roast the powder and take it home. George built a couple of bombs and conducted tests at his uncle's country.

Instead of a stunned grandmother, I heard a disappointing buch. It was a file. Elzerto was not a real explosive. Only by personal experience he was convinced that the dust explodes not ahti as.

“Hernia, not convincing,” said Elzer.

We had to look for alternatives to help.

I see the goal - I see no obstacles, was the slogan of Elzer. He demonstrably quarreled with the director of the factory, where he then worked and managed to settle into a stone-breaking house. There, of course, explosives were constantly carried out and the explosives were in ruins. Elzer glanced a little at the new place and began to slowly pull out of the warehouse explosives and detonators to them. How can so many explosives be stolen in a pedantic Germany, even in a period of strong totalitarian control? Oh, it was an entire special operation worthy of James Bond. Be careful: the warehouse was not guarded, the materials were not recorded, and Georg managed to open the castle with one of his old keys. and all.

Elzer conducted new tests and remained satisfied with the power.

The following problem had to be solved. Elzer knew the bomb had to be hidden in advance. Before Hitler’s speech, the Gestapo will close the hall and round every corner. We need a clock mechanism. Elzer again let go of the golden hands and smashed the timer. With German touch: the mechanism had a reserve course and a triple detonation system.

It was time to start the installation.

Elzer moved to Munich. He looked at the brewery and chose a good place – behind the tribune, where Hitler would be speaking, inside the column. How to put an explosive there? Time for the Stellar Mission. Every evening, George came to Burgerbrough, drank a glass of beer and danced with the girls. He went to the toilet and hid there. He waited until the beer shop closed and all the workers left.

George removed the wooden panel of the column and made it a door to cover the traces of his work. In total darkness and silence, for hours standing on his knees, he began to squeeze the depths in the column. At first, he worked with the shovel and had to wait until the automatic sludge in the toilet worked and did not silence the sounds of work. Then Elzer changed the tool to manual drilling and it went faster.

He worked every day for several hours, then again hiding, sleeping, waiting for more visitors to come and left as nothing happened. When the depth was large enough, he started slowly bringing the explosive there. A month of unstoppable night work was coming to an end. The last step is to set the clock mechanism. Elzer set the explosion at 21-20 and struck the clock with a traffic jamming so that no ticking could be heard. On the night of November 7th to 8th, he installed a clock with a detonator in the column and closed the door for the last time. Everything was ready.

In the morning, Elzer left Burgerbrookler for the last time. He picked up his suitcase and went to the border with Switzerland. During the day, the beer was cleaned by the Gestapo. They searched every corner and struck every wall, but found nothing. A year of unstoppable, diligent, faultless work has ended. It all collapsed in an hour.

On the evening of November 8, 1939, about two thousand people gathered in the Burgerbreukeller Hall – almost all of the old veterans of the Nazi party. At 8 o’clock Hitler entered the hall. Half an hour earlier than planned. It was ruined by cloudy weather. Hitler, in a hurry to return to Berlin, postponed and shortened his speech. He reads the speech from the tribune, and behind his back the timer counts the last minutes before the explosion. At 21.00, Hitler finished, said goodbye to his loyal supporters and left the hall. It was 21-07.

Exactly thirteen minutes later, at 21-20, the bomb installed by Elzer exploded. It collapsed so that the column was torn into pieces and the roof collapsed. Eight people, one civilian and seven members of the Nazi party were killed, sixty wounded.

At the same time, four hundred kilometers from Munich, Elzer went to the border with Switzerland with his suitcase. Everything went according to plan and he was completely calm. Suddenly the clock ringed and asked him to stop. Behind the opening of the laccan at Elzer found the badge of the "red front" and he was detained for search. George was still convinced that nothing had been heard about the explosion in the beer store. Therefore, there is no reason for increased vigilance in the guard. Unfortunately, he broke up entirely. In the workplace in the suitcase of Elzer border guards found several explosives. Which he forgot to throw away. George was arrested.

The Gestapo quickly compared one to the other and Elzer did not shut up. At no interrogation he conspired anyone, and as he did not try to beat the confession that he acted on the assignment of foreign intelligence services - Elzer stood on his own. He worked alone. I was only 13 minutes late.

Johann Georg Elzer was shot in Dachau on April 9, 1945. Twenty days before the liberation of the camp and a month before the end of the war.

In the 39th year of the interrogation in the Gestapo, on the question "why did you do this?“Elzer replied:

I just wanted to stop the war.

A bright memory, Herr Elzer. Sleep peacefully, the war is over.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №154048
It is written about the Primorsky End. But, it seems to me, geographically, the text is much wider, unfortunately:

Primorye authorities: - Yes, we have quarantine, self-isolation, and all that.
People: And what do we do?
Primary authorities: You cannot work. Sit at home.
People: Oh well okay. We buy a bucket and sit down.
The authorities of Primorye: - And tomorrow we will introduce a pass for walking through the city.
People: What is it?
The authorities of Primorye: Let the fucking know. There will be misses.
People: Okay, we are waiting.

Primorye authorities: No, we will not introduce a pass.
Do you enter or do not enter?
The authorities of Primorye: - We introduce, but later.
People: What do we do?
Primary authorities: Go with certificates.
People: Where to go?
The authorities of Primorye: - Wherever you want, go there, shit. But with certificates.
People: With what certificates?
The authorities of Primorye: Let the fucking know. Take some. That you do not have worms, for example.

People: And how to get the dogs out?
Primorye authorities: - Not further than 100 meters from the house.
People – Why?
Primary authorities: That is. And with passports.
With dog passports?
The authorities of Primorye: - Do you cheat, are you so stupid? Take the dogs too.

People: Where is the information? What can and what cannot? How many infected in the country?
PRIMORY: So why did you fuck us? We work for you and you are ungrateful.
People: What have you done for us?
The authorities of Primorye: - We protected you.
People – in what way?
Primary authorities: Oh, it is all!
People: What should we do?
The authorities of Primorye: "Well, do what you want, do it, and do it only, and do not hinder you from saving!

by Diana Udovchenko

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №154047
She has a classmate Alice. On an online lesson, a teacher asked her to answer one question, beginning with the words: Alice, and call me, please.

The girl Alice on the compact activated her virtual sign from Yandex, which immediately boycotted her readiness to the whole class: I listen to you!

One of the boys reacted first: Alice, turn off the computer!

Following the cool chat, Alice flew out real - the voice assistant did her wet job.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №154046
My mother worked for a long time as an educator in a kindergarten, then in our rural club some organizer. In general, the personality is quite famous and respected. She goes somewhere along the street past two local alkashi, who decided to rest from the influences in the shade under the fence. Alkashi recognized her and decided to pay her tribute.

The first:

“Hello, my name is Father, you’re a good woman. May God give you 100 years of life!

Mother :

thank you! But this is only a hundred years, I don’t want to live so long.

Second, with an angry voice:

It is said to you, live! It will still be out there!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №154045
True democracy is when everyone says what they want. Because it can. And nobody is listening to anyone. Because he has the right.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №154044
Many years ago, anthropologist Margaret Mead asked students what they thought was the first sign of civilization. Students expected Mead to talk about fishing hooks, clay pots, or processed stones.

But not. Mead said that the first sign of civilization in ancient culture is a hip bone that was broken and then crushed. Mead explained that if a living creature in the animal kingdom breaks a leg, it dies. With a broken leg, it cannot escape the danger, get to the river to get drunk or hunt for food. It becomes a prey for predators, as the bone grows quite long.

The hip bone that was broken and then shaken is proof that someone spent time staying with the person who received the injury, bound the wounds, moved the person to a safe place and guarded him until he recovered. Helping another person during a difficult period is the act with which civilization begins,” Mead said.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №154043
Dear parents! Please send money to repair the online school by the end of the week!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №154042
At the age of 19, I was homeless. A few weeks later, on the street, a man came to me one evening, dressed as a priest. At that moment I could not understand if he was really a priest or just wanted to deceive me.

I told him I didn’t want to talk about God. His subsequent words shocked me. He said, “I have not come to talk about God, but to make sure you are safe.”

We talked until dark, and then he offered me a bed. He seemed sincere to me, so I removed all foreign thoughts.

He took me to the suburbs and asked me to wait in the car, because he had to talk to someone. A few minutes later he came back with another man who offered me to sleep in his garage. Inside I was screaming, “It’s a bad idea,” but there was nothing to do, I agreed.

The garage looked quite standard, there was a store, tools, etc., but in the corner still stood a box and a blanket rolled. You could enter the house through the inner garage door, but I was told to close it for the night. He apologized, said the children at home, he didn’t want to risk.

The priest asked permission to come in the morning to talk to me. Then I went into the house with the man.

I did not sleep all night because of fear, although I had no reason to fear them, both men treated me well. But when you come out on the street, you begin to realize that you can’t trust anyone.

Something amazing happened this morning. The man knocked on the door of his garage and asked if he could enter. It sounds ordinary, but when you live entirely in sight, this behavior makes you feel human again, understand that someone respects you so much that asks for permission to enter your own home.

I stayed with him for seven nights and talked to the priest every day. They somehow managed to break through my subsidy apartment (even less than a studio), find me a job and set up my life.

It’s been over 20 years and I feel indebted to them.

I still send card cards to a man who lived in the garage for Christmas and even went to Thanksgiving for two consecutive years. Unfortunately, the priest died a couple of years ago, but if there is a paradise, he definitely got there.

I’ve been waiting for a slide all the time. I am glad that it all ended well.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №154041
The preface.

A couple of weeks ago, somehow, I stuck in YouTube on a video about washing machines (started with the views of Advocate Egorov, I don't know how I got to the washing machine). I noticed how quiet they were. I thought, I thought, I decided to buy a new one, although mine works, but she is 12 years old.

of action.

I go down, ask the concierge for the number of our courtyard, I call, I say “need – take.” Five minutes later, I picked up.

In a couple of days, I learn from the concierge that they sold it for 3,000 to a neighbor at the entrance. It is possible.jpg

They sold and sold, guys. Then came the pinch.

I knock on the door, I open, the neighbor stands (I don’t know):

Your machine is not working!

...??? to

It does not heat water.

What are the claims to me?

Give me my money back!

Emm, I gave it to the courtiers for free.

They sold it for $3,000!! to

Congratulations to you! They ask for your money.

They said they did not have it and that they sold the machine in working condition.

Again, did you give me money?

No, but...

And then goodbye!

I close the door. Then the counsellor said that the neighbor would write a statement on me and the courtiers. And yesterday I learned that this machine was bought by a conserge, asked me to show how to turn it on.

P.S the heater in the machine works, just someone's hands grow from the wrong place

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №154040
If there are no football millionaires, pop singers, television experts, global economists and other elites, the country will not notice this. But without doctors, teachers, scientists, she will quickly get angry.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №154039
Who could think

When I was a kid and my mom sent me and my brother to sleep, I always thought how cool it was to be an adult.

You can go to bed at what time you want, do something there in the dim light of the apartment, talk about something, reason, look thoughtfully out the window.

Who could know, it turns out, my mom was just cleaning and washing dishes, thinking about how to feed us tomorrow, unfreezing the straw, wiping the dust and putting a little order in the apartment. Before you go to bed, you can look out the window quietly.

Thinking about it, tomorrow is Wednesday.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №154038
There are three ways to fight the coronavirus.
1st Chinese - the most cruel quarantine, blow up a bunch of money.
2nd Swedish to do nothing.
Three Russian – to declare Chinese, to implement Swedish, to make a difference.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №154037
This story happened to me three weeks ago. I woke up in the afternoon after a night shift. It was lazy to cook and I decided to order delivery. Everything is fine, I paid, I’m waiting.

Here is a call.

The courier has arrived, and I tell him that I am going out. I go to the door, happy. In the morning, she went to work and closed the door as usual. I look for the keys, but I don’t have the keys. I panic, call a girl, ask where my keys are, if she has not seen them. And I hear the silence in the telephone, and I understand that she took her own and my keys too. The courier calls again and says what’s there. I tell him, you can confirm the order and pick it up for yourself. Because I couldn’t get out of the apartment, they locked me and left no keys. I’m upset, even a little bit upset by the girl’s inattention. Here the courier calls back, says maybe the neighbors leave the order, and I tell him that I just recently moved to this apartment and I don't know anyone yet. From his conversation I realized that he didn’t want to leave me in trouble. And here I remember that after the repair we have left the old wires. 6 floor, about 18 meters. I think enough. I offer him, I say, or maybe I'll kick you a wire from the window, and you'll tie it. He agreed and walked around the house. Standing up under the window, I was connecting two wires at that moment. Our rescue operation began. I dropped him the wire, the length was enough, there was even a reserve of two meters. He tied a pack of food. Signal that everything is OK. I started raising the package. In his head played a song from the movie "Mission is not executable". But we still fulfilled that mission. I am satisfied, filled. The courier also got up the mood, I think he was like that for the first time, threw him on the card for tea in a sign of gratitude.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №154036
I remember how sometimes I went to work and fell unnoticed,

But to go to work secretly from the president, life did not prepare me for this.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №154035
I work in a clinic, I do a reception.

A patient arrives today. I hear a dry cough. I ask :

Why not wear a mask when you enter?

They did not give me.

I am going to understand.

It turns out in 2 weeks waiting for a check from Moscow, the masks to issue ceased: we have to report that we have everything in sufficient quantity.

I have everything.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №154034
My brother and I are doing major repairs in my mother’s apartment. We began to change the transmission. A new one without connecting. The old one was not photographed immediately, so that the light was. It is time to cut off the old wire and connect a new one. We disconnect the old from the shield - the neighbors' light in one room is gone!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №154033
Coughing on the coronavirus must be from the underlying side.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №154032
The famous British journalist Matthew Parris in his book “Mission Achieved!” tells about the incident that happened to American Senator Bill Bradley at one solemn dinner in 2000. Using the intended portion of butter issued to him, the senator demanded another portion from the waitress, but, to his surprise, received a firm refusal. Then Bill Bradley decided to show his crudity: “Do you know who I am? I am a U.S. senator, chairman of the Senate Asset Committee and a former basketball star. And I am also a candidate for President of the United States!"But even this didn't impress the unwavering waitress: "Do you know who I am? I’m the guy who decides who to give oil and who not!”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna