— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №106449
XXX: What will be the course of the backs?
YYY: Yes, like last time – first it will take off twice in six months, then it will fall in a day...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №106448
We talk with the wife of a friend who committed suicide on the background of family trouble.
The Wife:
“Well, I wanted to poison Vanu, of course, but I never thought about suicide.
This is because you are a positive person.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №106447
For several months, American police have been actively exterminating black boys. Every time it does not happen.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №106446
Two hours of night.

The strange thing on the street even woke me up.
Ivan: So what is there?
Gary: Well, here’s the ear knows something.
Ivan: Give them a boil.
Gary: Police on the move
Ivan: I don’t want to.
Even if the boilers are removed,
Then shake the tea bags.
with romance
It calms...

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №106445
This is:

Follow yourself, you say, here I am, quite voluntarily, often walking with fatty hair and in unclean clothes. You can throw me whatever you want. But there are days when I go clean washed, smoothly shaved, the shoes glow, the pants shoulder. Do you know what is changing? Nothing is! That is absolutely! The girls still do not fit and do not meet. To keep an eye on men dumb there is no slightest stimulus - therefore "dirty-smelling".
= = = is = is = is = is = is = is = is = is
In any case, you should never be aggressive to others. They probably did not deserve it.
And rewards for good behavior and immediately await only young children, they are taught to behave well in this way. Do you want to grow up a little?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №106444
After seven years of research, the scientists explained the reasons for the popularity of chess and high skill of players among the deer farmers of Siberia - Altai, Evenchia, Chukotka, Timyr.

During the study, it was discovered that all, without exception, deer farmers that the researchers met played chess. Pauses in the work between the reindeer of deer flocks are arranged for a chess game. It usually starts after lunch and tea.

The name of the game sounds like "shatra", play must be at a very good level. There are frequent cases when deer growers played chess players with high discharges, - said the specialist.

Field research has revealed the identification of deer battalions on the chessboard not with military battles, as in the inhabitants of cities, but with the daily work of deer farmers, where it is important to capture the smallest details of the weather, to predict where the deer will go, where predators can appear and where it is better to place traps on them.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №106443
Chubais was admitted to the hospital with injuries to both hands.
What a retreat was it?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №106442
I have a daughter born!
Congratulations, and how is it?
Once there was a woman who cried at me, now there are two of them.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №106441
The wife went to a man who has not 18,5, but much less... And so she explained: with him - NOT hurt! There is no feeling that the mother will be broken, does not rub... And I guessed before that: why do my girlfriends not hold for a long time?
And done correctly.
Because you are a rare fool - you do not see or hear anything around you except your own pleasure. Have you not noticed that they are rubbing from pain, a self-loving bowl?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №106440
xxx: Interesting, and if the blood of the sacrifice lamb to boil the servates, 1c will work faster, the RDP will stop flying licenses?
YYY: There is no baron.
I need virgins.
ZZZ: the bear is easier to find

[ + 13 - ] Comment quote №106439
The European:

During the war, a boy lived in one geisha and a girl lived in another geisha. Here the adopted children of these homosexuals and a son was born, who got 4 grandparents. It’s a normal case, and you’ve stumbled on it...


The case when grandparents have brothers is not even considered?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №106438
This is:

Exactly a quarter of a century ago I got the first pair of reading, when I tried to prove that we are still talking about a carpenter... But admit, you did not think of the line "Spring-Stretch summer red propelled"...Stretch does not jump and does not make sounds!

It was not far from the truth. Grandfather Krylov was engaged, as it is common to say, in the "import substitution". In the original fairy tale of Ezop, which Lafonten smiled, from whom it was borrowed by Krylov, it is about the cycade. She jumps and sings.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №106437
In Jordan, there is a custom - the hands of the thief are broken for theft.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №106436
I sit at work, all in depression: and with my wife does not stick and with friends is not on the same wave, and money is neglected. Ugly in general.
With a longing I kill in the search query "I am a loser", and I in the answer: "... I failed to complete the search on your request"

I go to work...

[ + 21 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №106435
The title of the song "I walk alone" translates as "I am a lone wolf". and. and.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №106434
Look what a cute cat!
The cute? He barely bitten my leg on Thursday. The hell is your cat!
Take a look at how fun he plays!
This is not a game, but a ritual. He wants to open the gates of hell and return home.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №106433
Conditions for membership in the multi-family organization.
You know the joke: "How do you get involved? very simple. There are six people and one cat. And the cat for what? Congratulations, you are accepted!"
“No, we’re all harsher... We’re only taken through the bed. At least three times.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №106432
Well, this is why the guy worse than the atomic war wants a gorgeous beautiful girl?
and cries out to the whole world that she will not even look at him.

Look at it, look at it, you want it? No is? And why?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №106431
I’ll get rid of the annoying lame shorts that forever climb the walls. Quickly, high quality and for a long time. and expensive. 11 to 11 11. and smog.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №106430
XXX: What a fool in Kiev
I read that a good tone is the name of a base with the big letter.
XXX: And changed them all!
XXX: Now I have a flock to scratch kilometers of code
XXX: Changing all the big letters
Because another debil, instead of using a separate cloth class for working with the bases, glues all the work straight into the code. Otherwise, one variable would have to be corrected in config. At the end of the first class.
The crawlers are like that, yes.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna