— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №153790
You had an apple and I gave you one more. How many apples do you have?

Yyy: one apple Because one + an apple = one apple.

xxx: your native language is java script

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №153789
The last ones leaving the battlefield are not the heroes, but the maroders.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №153788
I will share my experience of purchasing goods with imposed payment.
The case is old, the times when there were no internet shops, but the service "goods by mail" worked.
Once I found a booklet from “Book by Mail” in my mailbox, I ordered a geographical atlas of the world. I don’t remember the price right now, but the atlas was quite expensive. When the mail received the package, the mind was not enough to refuse, because the banderoll was suspiciously small in size. Immediately unpacked and found that I was sent a 6x8 cm format souvenir booklet.
Yes, theoretically it was an atlas of the world, but to read something in it, I needed the Hubble Telescope, which I never had. In response to my calls for justice, the staff members of the communications department compassionately complained to me and angered me.
I found that advertisement at home. He killed a lot of time, but patiently ordered almost their entire library.
For two weeks I was beaten up by the postmakers with their demands to pick up a mountain of mailings. They were threatened with incomprehensible penalties, but I was morally prepared to do so and absolutely refused to receive them.
The books were returned to the sender.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №153787
The airline "Victory", whose aircraft due to the wind arrived at the destination one and a half minutes earlier, asked passengers to pay extra.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №153786
We had meetings with the Director-General once a week. At the same time, there was a strict rule that all mobile phones should be turned off. At my first meeting, the head of the transport department was deprived of a part of the prize for ringing his phone. I learned the lesson.

as though.

At the second meeting I sit in the company of other bosses (their 30-40 people), some of whom I don’t even know. In the middle of the meeting, a cocooning begins. Nothing surprising – on the street summer, green outdoors, open windows. But then I realize it’s knocking my phone in my pocket.

It was my first phone — Panasonik (pictured in the comments) with polyphony, seven different background lights, and a factory recording of a cowboy in the woods.

The phone is knocking, and I’m afraid to move, but I see a few people counting how much they’re knocking. Very carefully and imperceptibly, I manage to cut off the challenge in my pocket. And I see how these people breathe unhappy, not counting until twenty.

And I got so much adrenaline that I even got a “ku” in this job.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №153785
I liked one girl and I flirted with her. One day, during the trip of our group, we stopped at a gasoline station and she bought me a pack of gum.

I tried to give her $1 for it, but she refused to accept it. So I placed them in her pocket. And she then put them in my the dollar started there/here.

We have found stupid ways to pass it backwards. I sent it to her by mail. She turned him in a rubber envelope and offered a little.

Then I decided to invite her to a date on that $1 I wrote, “Would you go on a date with me?”

She said “Yes”

Four years later, I still keep that dollar. On our anniversary, I wrote on the bottom of the bill "Will you go out for me? “” We have been married for 15 years and have 3 wonderful children.

We still keep that dollar.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №153784
I don’t remember what year it was, I only remember that I had a Nokia 3310 (blue one). At the same time, there were constant interruptions with hot water. I call as my grandfather on the home (I-I, D-Dad):

I am grandfather hello.

D is hello.

Do you have hot water?

D – Yes, we always have it.

(The question is rhetorical and has a column)

Will I come to you tonight to wash?

Come here, and you know where?

I am Emma.

D. Where are you calling?

I am my grandfather, my

D - This is a coal factory

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №153783
The friends have a family business: dance, sports and vocal studios for children. 5-6 years ago asked to create and customize them advertising on the Internet. It works well, it works well, it works quickly. No one complained. Here is a call from them in the autumn:

We do not see our ads on the search engine page. I’ve seen it before, but it’s not there now! What are we paying for? ! to

- Wait, display and transitions on advertising are in the statistics. So she works.

"We don't know anything, we don't see our advertising, how it works and where it comes from, it's unclear!

For two days I wondered why it might be. I have advertisements on the compilation, screenshots sent them. They did not do it anyway. Then I remembered what was going on, I called the employer:

When were your birthdays?

I have my husband in the summer.

Are you 36 years old?

and yes. What does it matter?

- You have ads set up to show audiences between 20 and 35 years of age - this is the most active user category on your subject. In older people, children are already adults, and they mostly think of education and university admission after school, rather than dancing or sports. Therefore, people over the age of 35 are turned off, and you don’t see any ads.

Oh, now it is understandable. well well.

A few days later, a call from the employer’s husband:

- You turn on advertising for people over 35 years old, or your wife now always remembers her age. I will pay as much as I need.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №153782
I stand in [a well-known chain of stores] in a row to the box office, in the next row alongside me a woman with a full cart of products reads something on the phone and with one hand holds the handle of the cart. In the shopping hall somewhere nearby a small child begins to cry, he is not visible. And this woman in line, without breaking away from the phone, began quietly pushing the cart with the products forward and back, forward and back...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №153781
R136a1 is the heaviest, hottest and brightest known star in the universe.

Yyy: After Lolita Milyavskaya, in the stretching leopard costume of course

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №153780
of 1993. We recently moved to a new apartment. I, a 12-year-old, go to my new friend to invite him for a walk. We didn’t have the phone yet, so we called in the apartments. A friend opened the door, let me enter the hallway and went into the room to dress up. And there were those times when we fully began to appear video magnetophones and cassettes with goblin. I watched it all a hundred times in a row, including horrors (at the time I really liked the movie Something 82 years ago). I am standing in the hallway, and at the end of the room the door is open and I see that in the chair next to me is a friend’s father sitting and watching TV. I say to him politely and culturally, “Hello, Uncle Sasha!” He turns his head, looks at me and suddenly in a fraction of a second his face is terribly distorted, his eyes are narrowed, his lips are then turned into a terrible spark, then into a pipe/spot, his face is somehow rubbed, then stretched out, and somewhere from the depths of his soul begins to sound some sort of whisper that only a terrible bloodthirsty monster can deliver (all this happened for one or two seconds and was entirely associated with the monsters of Something)... Loud and with taste. And if he sneezed a second later, I would have had time to get in my pants. Thank you so much for not being embarrassed. More than 25 years have passed. And with a friend and his father's friend. Sometimes we remember and laugh. But it was the worst moment in my life and let it remain.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №153779
I am an electrician. We have a warehouse and a small administrative facility. A suitable employee, a woman aged 40+, is still a good self. He asks, is he an electrician? You can come to my house to see the unworking rosette.

I'm not a question, let's go on Friday after work, just together and go.

It’s great, let it go!

Then I thought a little:

- Although not, it will not work on Friday, I will have my daughter at home.

Here I sit and think, but did she really call me to repair the rosette?)))

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №153778
The most profitable activity is not to carry out any activity, but to distribute the funds received from the implementation of any activity.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №153777
A year after the collapse of the USSR, I crossed the Belarusian-Polish border by train. There were no problems in Brest, and on the Polish side, in Teresopol, I was almost ruined by the joyful mood.
- Passport, - entering my coupe, a border guard ordered. He had small gray eyes and a big broken nose.
Here please.
Purpose of the trip to Poland? He rattled on a broken Russian.
Chess tournament in Chengdu.
The border guard looked at me suspiciously.
The chess player?
and yes.
He pushed his head into the corridor of the car and shouted something. A few minutes later, a long-lined soldier with chess appeared.
“Let’s play,” said the border guard, placing the figures.
He was obviously pleased with himself and anticipated the immediate exposure of the self-calling. Having found the desired field at the intersection of the vertical "e" and the fourth horizontal, he played e2 - e4 and solemnly looked at me. I answered d7 - d5. The border guard thought. And I for some reason remembered Ilf and Petrov: "He felt alive and knew firmly that the first move e2 - e4 did not threaten him with any complications. The rest of the moves, however, were drawn in the already perfect fog, but this did not bother the great combinator at all. He had a completely unexpected exit.”
If Ostap had a completely unexpected exit, then my border guard had a completely unexpected move. He brought the king to the E2. I took a foot. The king went forward again. I brought a ferris horse. He took my foot for the king. I gave Ferzym chess, and after two moves - mat. On the E4 field.
A good chess player. “He praised me by returning my passport with a stamp-entry permit.
The border guard came out. And I sat down and thought about his broken nose. I suddenly thought that this border guard had once arranged a similar check for a boxer.
And that guess brought me a joyful mood.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №153776
We were sitting in a restaurant when her ex called, and she angrily told the telephone that she had given him better years. I realized that nothing good shone on me, the best she has already given, and rushed, asking for the bill.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №153775
I work as a photographer. Calls one of the previous employees (Z):

A: Hello to you! Do you remember filming our wedding last year?

Hi, of course I remember.

H: This is the case... In general, everything went wrong, and we decided to divorce.

(I was a little stressed at that moment, because a couple of times it was like, “Listen, we’re getting divorced, maybe you’ll get some of the money back for the shooting?”)

Z: So, but since we have no claims with our spouse to each other, we just did not agree in opinions and characters, then decided to finish everything normally, without negativity and without hatred of each other. There will be a walk, a banquet, the same people, all like at a wedding. We want the photographer to be the same. You can?

I: Aha... Aha... It’s somewhat unusual, but let’s!

What in the end: we came to the ZAGS, received documents there, held a photo session there as the former newlyweds run out of the door with joyful faces, waving with testimony about the dissolution of the marriage and shouting "Freedom! “” Then we went to all the places where we went to the wedding photoshoots, and there we also took pictures. Then we went to the same restaurant for a banquet. There’s a bunch of friends, a sea of drinks, a host, competitions with beating dishes, a stripper for him, a stripper for her, and a lot of other fun. There were only parents, did not appreciate the idea of both the event and the divorce itself. And in the rest, I thought there were even more joyful emotions than at the wedding. I thought they would change their mind... but no, they didn’t change their mind.

That is the essence. It is unfortunate, of course, that it is not always possible to keep the relationship and live together until the very end. But if you finish them - it is better to do it this way, on a good note wishing each other good luck in the future. Instead of watering your eyes with dirt and dumping tons of negativity, as is usually the case in most cases.

All peace, good, and happy relationships!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №153774
A year after the collapse of the USSR, I crossed the Belarusian-Polish border by train. There were no problems in Brest, and on the Polish side, in Teresopol, I was almost ruined by the joyful mood.

- Passport, - entering my coupe, a border guard ordered. He had small gray eyes and a big broken nose.

Here please.

Purpose of the trip to Poland? He rattled on a broken Russian.

Chess tournament in Chengdu.

The border guard looked at me suspiciously.

The chess player?

and yes.

He pushed his head into the corridor of the car and shouted something. A few minutes later, a long-lined soldier with chess appeared.

“Let’s play,” said the border guard, placing the figures.

He was obviously pleased with himself and anticipated the immediate exposure of the self-calling. Having found the desired field at the intersection of the vertical "e" and the fourth horizontal, he played e2 - e4 and solemnly looked at me. I answered d7 - d5. The border guard thought. And I for some reason remembered Ilf and Petrov: "He felt alive and knew firmly that the first move e2 - e4 did not threaten him with any complications. The rest of the moves, however, were drawn in the already perfect fog, but this did not bother the great combinator at all. He had a completely unexpected exit.”

If Ostap had a completely unexpected exit, then my border guard had a completely unexpected move. He brought the king to the E2. I took a foot. The king went forward again. I brought a ferris horse. He took my foot for the king. I gave Ferzym chess, and after two moves - mat. On the E4 field.

A good chess player. “He praised me by returning my passport with a stamp-entry permit.

The border guard came out. And I sat down and thought about his broken nose. I suddenly thought that this border guard had once arranged a similar check for a boxer.

And that guess brought me a joyful mood.

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №153773
I work as a programmer.

The NR:

We have a strict dress code here, for men only jacket, pants and tie.

“Eyeye” I think.

We work strictly from 9 to 18, no delays, for delays - fines.

“Look, I have to shake.”

Are you ready to talk to your team team?

and Kiev.

- Imyarek Imyarekovich, and where are you now? Oh, and will you soon? Fifteen minutes? Ok to Ok.

I look at the clock with a pleasant look - 10: 45.

11 includes my future boss - a sweater, shoes, a beard with a scarf.

All right, you can live.

After the interview, I still ask him about the dress code and schedule of work.

- A, no, it is in them, in the vendors, everything is strict, we do not have it. not rough - okay, well, and with the schedule is more relaxed.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №153772
My mom asked me why I didn’t trust her. I then shrugged my shoulders, Fige knows. But I know exactly why.

When I was four years old, I had a toy – a rubber lion.

I also had a brother.

One day I saw that in the head of the lion appeared a crack of a type of copper.

I liked the idea and I went and asked my mom if I could make a spoonful of lion.

My mother said no.

And then I saw a hole in the head of the lion and put a belt on me. very painful.

I told her it wasn’t me, I didn’t cut the lion. But my mother did not believe.

In the evening, the brother came and told his mother what he had done.

And my mother looked at me and didn’t apologize, she just said, “You are good.”

Since then I have not trusted my mom much. I am 36 years old.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №153771
I am standing at the stop, waiting for the route. A young guy from the Caucasus outside approaches and says:

You have very beautiful eyes. Should the perfume of the lettuce be squeezed?

Why am I crushed? I have an unspoilt regiment at home, I answer.

In the store they are eight, and I have a thousand.

I don’t want to be squeezed somehow.

So they are as long as I have them, and you will buy them.

No, fucking some kind of.

- Okay, let's run down on a stone-sweeper-paper and if I lose, then I have two knives.

What if I lose?

and kissing

I am married.

Sorry, and he goes away.

I am now on a road trip, without two thousand, without spirits and unkissed.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna