— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №153750
Literally 15 minutes ago I finished doing a brain MRI. It is cheaper at night. I got out of the machine dressed, told to come to the reception, I go. There a girl with a very worried face says to me:

Next I am a girl.

D – (this quote) I have very bad news for you!

Did I get caught up?

D - We broke the payment terminal (I previously agreed with them for nothing);

I’m... girl you understand what I thought the least about the broken terminal at that moment?

D – Oh sorry.

Do not get sick! (They are :

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №153749
The best and useless advice: be prepared for any surprises!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №153748
After the dentist had to visit the store of household appliances. The tooth to the treatment got difficult, ultracaine took on conscience, the jaw to the right did not feel from the word at all.
I walk with my husband on the rows of washing machines, I am interested in washing and chewing on the models I liked. The tongue does not listen - I try to gesture, from the overwhelmed and numb corner of the mouth, saliva betrayally blows. I don’t feel that, I’m all passionate about business. My husband carefully wipes my lips.
I hear behind the back the dialogue of girls-consultants:
Have you seen? Even marry such people!
Stop the diet!

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №153747
“United Russia” is 18 years old.
Could she eventually eat us?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №153746
The story from the girl: "I go in a trolley bus. In front of me sits an elderly couple, a man and a woman aged 60. A woman looks at something in her smartphone. A man looks at everything around. Suddenly he smells, looks at me and asks, “What does it smell so delicious in a beautiful stranger’s bag?” I said, “The butterflies. Go to my friend.” He said, “Couldn’t we be friends?” The woman, looking away from the smartphone: “No, you’re already friends with me.”

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №153745
Sometimes you sit in a hunting bush, in the taiga, to the nearest home 100 km. You decide on the satellite phone to check the mail, and there comes out the advertisement of the type “Real Dating. Larisa, 30 years old, is 400 meters from you.” And you scratch, for some reason you look out the window and check the doors on the door...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №153744
I go some warm evening by the Ryazansky Prospect. It is still light, and the headphones play an old good medium-heavy radio.

Meeting - two people, a little resembling the builders from "Our Rush", only without orange clothes.

I asked in a very bad Russian:

Where is the Skinhead Shop?

– to? ? to ? to

Strangely, strangers were not only not the target audience of the "skinhead-store", but also the active members of the opposing groups were not drawn by the composition and even the expression of the face.

Where is the skinhead store?

I shaken my head and said I don’t know. Where is the shirt? ! to The football club was, yes. To be straight? ! to

Only when I walked past that same store, I realized that they wanted just секонд хенд.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №153743
You have to be an idiot to give your country to a handful of oligarchs in the hope that they will all take care of it like their mother. They will care, of course, but only about their own ass. It is closer and closer.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №153742
From the bustling street to the right under the "brick" the jeep is well and confidently diving. In front of him, another owner of the 19th rubber flies out with the same bullshit. The street is narrow, but double. Therefore, they do not meet mouths, but die side by side. The “other owner” makes some gestures to the “confident jeep.” From the jeep, an angry clayton is distributed, the window is lowered, a cigarette is spilled out, and an angry lady appears with the face of Ranevskaya:
You are showing me here!!? to
The girl...
Outside, let me go by. He stood up here like a fucking buffer.
The girl there...
I told you... go out of here.
“Dumb,” the guy cried out, “there’s a brick.”
- Uherpich - already predictably in the rhythm respond to him - and now? Women generally give way everywhere, not taught in childhood? For the fool, I can hang you.
Go on, the guy is breaking up. The guy leaves.
- Yes, you have been there for a long time, and your legs have been hanging, the eagle of the room follows him.
The lady gases, exploding the wheels of the asphalt crumb, and crashes from the spot.

After fifty meters to meet her opened up, like an accordion in the hands of a professional, a white teeth smile, and waving with a stick-pick-up comes out the inspector.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №153741
I propose to amend the Bible and mention Putin in it.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №153740
Three hours ago. The youngest son is eight years old, and time to teach lessons. It is stupid:

I’m not going to teach these bad poems. And in English, and in Kazakh, and in Russian! “I hate school!”

An angry woman threatens him with a towel. The older brother comes in and says, “Wait, Mom. Let me talk to him.”

"Let's Senya do this: I learned the line - I give you 20 tenge (about 3 rubles). How many lines in a Kazakh poem?

The little boy’s tears immediately dried up. He thinks.

and eight!

“Look, you learned, you told me, and you have 160 tenge in your pocket.

Arsenie thought about it and added:

The Russian poem is bigger.

“That’s fine,” the older brother said, “do it!

The process went.

And I remember the first time I took my eldest son to dig potatoes. He was roughly the same age. Being on the field, he decided not to collect potatoes, arranging a small sabotage. I honestly do not remember how much I promised him, but the son began to collect so diligently that I barely had time to pour out the cage. He earned a decent amount.

The next day, speaking with a colleague, he talked about his method. The teacher of biology was terrified.

What are you doing! Which child do you want to be? The Targaryen? He will do everything for you only for money!

Nevertheless, the son grew up a decent man, knows the price of money and his labor.

My thoughts are interrupted by a small cry:

I have learned Kazakh!

The method still works.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №153739
has long been. 10 years ago. My wife went somehow for business, I sit at home, on the weekend, stick in the compass.

Half an hour later, the wife breaks into the apartment and suspiciously looks at me, runs around all the rooms, looks into the closets.

Sitting on the couch confused says:

I sit on the route. Nearby there is a girl, whispering on the phone:

Mmm, but where did you go? To the glory? Is his wife gone? — Oh, burn it up there.

When I got home I don’t remember.

He nodded his head: You run fast. has not arrived yet!

My wife did not go anywhere that day and watched my phone.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №153738
There is still Eva Green.

Who is Eva Green?

Have you seen the City of Sins? She is naked and smoking.

– No

And the dreamer? She is naked and smoking.

– No

And the cracks? She is naked and smoking.

– No

Home of strange children?

Is she still there too?? to

It’s a children’s movie, just smoking.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №153737
My mother had a picture of her granddaughter on her laptop as a wallpaper. I made a hundred copies of this photo and switched the wallpaper to the slide display mode to show the same photo, i.e. files change, but there is no image on the screen. Images change every 10 seconds. On one of the photos, I painted small twisted eyebrows and periodically for 10 seconds my niece appears. Her mom thought she was going crazy, or she had a virus on her computer, but every time she had a moustache and wanted to show it to someone, it disappeared.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №153736
Although our steam car is still flying forward, it seems that we have already arrived.

[ + 45 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №153735
I have always had a girl’s memory. No, as long as you’re working on something – it’s all fine, but after the end of the project, in a couple of months, I almost forget everything. That is why this amazing story is possible.

Last week I got a call from a wealthy organization. We once supplied them and assembled equipment. And now they ask to solve the problem of illumination and illumination. They showed. Three dozen classrooms with computer management. Plus the outside. And strangely, automation seems to work, but by some idiotic logic. They say, so invented their chief manager, who was finally paid off for all the nonsense he did. But when he left, he captured all the drawings. In short, you need to change everything in mind.

By that time, I had already remembered that I was running a project here, but everything else, unfortunately, was erased. And with the manager they fought several times.

Work is decent. I pretend how many people and time it takes, add for pathosity, voice the price. Everyone agrees and signs.
I have time, and I, asking the electrician for a staircase, climb under the ceiling. Look at the transmission.
From the first box hangs a brittle and dusty sheet of paper, written in Russian. I am surprised to recognize my writing.

“It’s not you, but it’s me. I hope you are still working, and you have been called to fix what this fool has done. In the panel number Svetkin DR, behind a bunch of blue wires you hid the scheme. Connect to the label, and it will work. You will manage in an hour. 14 May 2012 »

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №153734
Medvedev’s cabinet even Putinists considered ineffective.
And here he is not! How not.
Medvedev in the Council.
He led the state corporation.
Topilin is the Pension Fund.
Oreshkin, Medinsky and Kozak in the Kremlin.
Fifteen ministers remain in the government.
Now, of course, it will be effective.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №153733
and YUUU. I cooked such a selfie. You are hanging. No smell of silhouette can be heard. The head from the morning as after 1% kefir. All the smells added. Better than whiskey. Then suddenly it stopped working. The fortress is none. He poured out, insisted again - all the same... I tied up with the self-infestation, the machine was thrown out.

My daughter celebrated 39 years. I remembered my selfie. She admitted that at the age of 17 she went to the country with girls and boys - they drank my swallow and praised! Then, whatever I did not notice, the residues were diluted with water.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №153732
I study once, listen to me. If a girl meets you naked in a transparent coat, it means she has already decided that you will have sex. But you shouldn’t offer her sex, you should give her a lot of unobtrusive compliments, and if she suddenly calls you a perverse, you should still do a lot of compliments and don’t take a moment from her, but don’t touch. If she says - let's drink tea, you have to agree, but say at the same time that she is an incredible mistress, a poet's dream, etc., but you can't drink tea, because. You have grabbed your throat from her beauty, mind, business, and so on. While she’s going to pour tea, don’t stop complimenting and try to kiss her. If you start screaming that you are a perverse and resist, stand back and silently drink tea. As soon as she asks (and she asks) why you’re silent, start making nonsense, about the fact that you can’t hold yourself back anymore, but you understand that she’s a decent girl and doesn’t give everybody, so you’re ready to wait as long as she says. In 80% of cases, you will have sex at this stage. If she’s still breaking or saying something – and how long you can wait, say boldly – like her, you’re ready to wait for a lifetime. In 99% of cases, sex will happen on the threshold, it will hold you back. If after that she will stand in a position, then boldly leave and don’t call her anymore. In 99.5% of cases, she will call you back for any occasion and then sex will be 100%. And if not, then boldly walk her through the forest otherwise then all your life you will go to say compliments and she will need them more and more))))

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №153731
Everybody then slept at lectures after a tumultuous night or out for preparation for the exam or for any other reason. I had my own.

I studied on a paid basis at the Film Faculty. In order to earn my education, I worked in the night shift, and by day I was driving in pairs. The specialized pairs that I was interested in were the last, and sometimes even after the big window, at a time when I especially wanted to sleep.

At first I struggled with these feelings, but sometimes the sleepiness got up and I slept down on a chair right at the lectures.

The teacher and my classmates never woke me up—learned to put light directly on me while I was sleeping—everything was more interesting than doing it on a plaster. So after the couple I always had a few beautiful art photos as I slept at the lecture.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna