— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №152247
The rating of the insurance company is the higher the less losses, that is, the more it shoes, the better it is considered.

[ + 43 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №152246
The Invisible Soldier

My father was born in Crimea. After the revolution, when the Joint Society helped the orphans survive, he could be in America, but escaped from the ship with his little sister, the only close person left of his family.
The young Soviet authorities gladly gave him, like all the blinds, a wide choice: to die of hunger, cold or disease. But the father, after studying two classes in the church-parish school, and somehow reaching adulthood, left his sister to distant relatives and went to Moscow.

After studying at the Dosaaf courses and obtaining the title, the father recruited as a driver to the Belomorcanal. In 1938 he was summoned to service. The Finnish War extended the service for another year, just before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War.

At the beginning of the war, the father was the senior of the mortar calculus, but when on the order of Stalin, who needed at least a few competent fighters who could control the equipment, the father failed, his career went sharply in the mountain. He was given a half-fourth on which he spent the entire war, capturing in addition several post-war months.

When I was a kid, my dad didn’t seem like a hero to me. Is it heroism when during the Finnish time a sniper shoots at you and bullets pass from you in a couple of centimeters? Is this heroism to go out of order after reading the order of Comrade Stalin to identify technically competent fighters, despite the threat of shooting from the commander, who saw in this practical desertion? Is it heroism when a piece of the head takes off a young lieutenant sitting next to you? Is it a heroism when another lieutenant, having decided to show the master class on getting out of the dirt of the half-turn with the attached anti-tank cannon with a four-cylinder, breaks the differential and gives three days to repair? No food, no water, no spare parts, no tools. Fear of not obeying orders. Heroes are not afraid. Is it heroism, when the projectile carries the earthquake, in which you were supposed to sleep, but scared of lice, went to sleep in the cabin half Tuesday? Is it heroism, when in the morning, almost under the wheel, you see a mine, which has not reached a few centimeters? Can this be called a courage when you drive at night along the Ladoga with broken headlights, glasses and a broken stove? Is it a routine to get bombed every day on the road of Life to the besieged Leningrad? And what about the threat of shooting for sabotage, when you are given half an hour to overturn the Landlyzovsky Willis engine! They did not shoot!

He was not awarded with orders or medals, except for the anniversary. He was not even hurt. He just served like millions of other soldiers! He was just lucky to be alive! And only as I grew older I realized that there are the same invisible soldiers as my dad, and there are real heroes. They did not talk about duty, honor, love of the Motherland, patriotism, but simply did their job, fulfilling impossible orders, freezing, starving, cracking and not counting on medals or orders.

He died 39 years after the end of the war. On the Day of Victory. When he was buried, it was raining. I looked at him for the last time, and it seemed to me that he was crazyly tired of this mess and just wanted to wrap himself up, like in a half-wheeled cabin, which would finally take him to a place where there was eternal silence and where there were already millions of unseen soldiers like him.

Vehicles ©

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №152245
- Mary Ivanna, why do I need your algebra, where can it be useful in my life?
Oh, Petrov, you will still remember me when you are 35 years old doing lessons with your six-grade children!

[ + 33 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №152244
Do you not think that the Sabbath is an insult to the feelings of the Jewish believers?

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №152243
I recently heard of a funny incident. My colleague witnessed this story and here it is.)
A car came to the entrance of the food supermarket (it is immediately necessary to clarify that the road to the store is at some angle). From the left front door a man rushed out and escaped in the door of the same store. The car, in turn, slowly started to roll down. Two passers (a very conscious citizen, by the way) saw this picture and immediately tried to stop the car and try to push it back up. It lasted 10 seconds until the driver came out of the car and asked, “Girls, can I leave?” The fact was that the car was “right-handed”.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №152242
When the Mercedes is labeled "We can repeat," somehow you can't believe that they can really repeat the Mercedes.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №152241
A couple of Munich doctors invited to "Halloween" - event in Germany

Not as important, but still noticeable. My wife rented clothes.

for himself and his wife, but before leaving he feels sharp

He has a headache and wants to stay home. An annoyed husband

He takes his suit and leaves, his wife takes an aspirin and goes to bed.

About nine o’clock in the evening she wakes up with a headache like never before.

He decides to attend a party. Immediately upon arrival, she sees her husband burn.

Flirting with all women. He doesn’t know what the costume is.

She has chosen her husband, the lady boldly goes to the "crazy", dances

with him a couple of walks and, eventually, allows him to pull himself

In one of the dark rooms, where they warmly love for an hour and a half,

Not a mask.

Without waiting for midnight (when everyone is obliged to open the face), the lady

She returns home and is looking forward to her husband. He barely crosses.

at the threshold, she asks:

How did you have fun?

Don’t ask me, I’m tired of my husband. Without you, what is fun?

You didn’t even dance, right? A lady enters.

What is “Dancing”? With whom? There are only nurses! Okay, came

Weber and Meyer, and we played poker all night. A stranger who

I borrowed my costume for the evening, saying that he did well.

So have fun...

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №152240
I went to the store and I was thrown aside. At first, he barely stood on his feet, then he hit the fence on the other side, could not catch him and knocked on the nearby car, then he walked to the store and fell on the stairs. People have fled. The stroke. I thought. It turned out that I was a buoy in shit.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №152239
xxx: I don't believe these smooth photos on the internet, any one can be made a whore, I know!

Petrovich, let’s get rid of you!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №152238
xxx: In Ufa tickets, for example, cost 150-250 rubles even on the premiere, where do you go for 480? I went to the Avengers in 3D on April 30 for 160 rubles, at lunchtime

yyy: Figa you have lunch at work

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №152237
I saw it many years ago when I came to a large town in the Caucasus. In the yard of a residential house, an elderly serious man paints a large wooden bench. He works slowly, but very carefully. There is a little boy around, 12 years old. He then strikes the ball, then strikes him at the wall. He catches him if he can, or runs with screams to get him. All this happens in dangerous proximity to the worker. The man, as it is appropriate for a serious person, tries not to pay attention to the rush and the screams of a young enthusiast. Finally, the ball goes straight into him. Keeping calm, he holds him in his arms and calls the boy. By the way, in this city, then almost everyone spoke Russian. Giving him the ball, he with a deterrent annoyance says, "Listen, I was also a little boy, but I would never have been such a handed boy."

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №152236
Anecdotes are not composed of a fun life.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №152235
Reading the publications on this site, I had the impression that the local community sees life in Europe through the "rosa" point.
Not thinking about the fact that the high standard of living has only disciplined laborious citizens of European countries.
It is the Discipline of Labor Citizenship - under these words I am ready to sign up and give a lot of examples.

And the first short story, which happened last year, I publish under the tag "Discipline", for the youngest visitors to the site.

The story is about a family of Jewish “refugees” from Ukraine who came to Germany in the early 2000s.

My father and mother are working. The daughter is studying in a prestigious gymnasium, preparing to enter the law faculty of the University. They live in Bavaria.
For those who do not know, in Germany, the system of holidays and school holidays is different in different countries.
In Bavaria, school holidays usually begin on the last Monday of July and end on the second Monday of September.
Only 6 weeks.
Father and Mother have a vacation in July and want the whole family to spend a vacation on the sea coast, and here the tour with a very good discount turned.
Yes, and the daughter to leave alone at home do not want to, if little thoughts in the teenage head walk, 17 years still.
And until the end of the academic year ALL 2 weeks and although all the tests are passed for excellent, the school NEED to attend.
But our people are not foolish.) And so a familiar doctor "takes" a certificate of illness, the whole family joyfully packs suitcases and rushes to the Munich Airport.
The rainbow prospects are slightly overshadowed by the interest of the Vigilant Police Officer when registering for the flight: "Is your daughter not obliged to attend a school, because the school year is not yet over?“”
To which the Father of the family politely smiled, and mentally sent the Employee many times.

The trouble began with the start of the new school year, when the daughter and parents were called to the director of the gymnasium.
It turns out that the Vigilant Employee made a complaint and sent it to court. All in the German spirit: "I (somebody) noticed a violation, not related to my direct responsibilities, committed by the student (such one (I did not let go of copying the data). Namely, this student was noticed when crossing the EU border in the direction of warm countries." and etc.

The director did not hide his irritation, because he received a warning from the Ministry of Education and a directive to approximately punish the culprit.
In general, in order not to tire the reader, I will list the penalties:
Violation of discipline and fraud.
1st Exclusion from the gymnasium for a period of 1 academic week with entry in Zeugnis (analogue of the Characteristics).
2nd Parents are fined €149 for every day of school.
Three A warning that in the event of any repeated violation of discipline, a permanent exclusion from the school will be applied.
Well, privately informed the parents that with such a characteristic the girl is unlikely to be accepted for a decent Yurfak.

On the further development of the story, the parents do not spread, only heard that they hired a lawyer, trying at least to "clean" the characteristic.

In a week I will publish a story under the tag "Work" if I'm not caught up again)

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №152234
There are shortcomings in the law on the tax on parkland greenhouses - many crooks grow on the windows and thus avoid taxation. Send it to the Lord immediately!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №152233
It was the case in the late nineties/early zero, I was a junior school student.

Study is easy, the relationship with parents is trustworthy, which I often use. Call the city phone (when did I last use it?) with a friend living in the neighborhood - and let's say, tomorrow we go to school, and go to play football / in the console / in the park in the slot machines? We sometimes did so – according to the classic, “mama, I have stomach pain – okay, lie down at home”, and you will wait until everyone goes to work, and walk to the neighboring yard. The main thing was not to overlook and do not turn this trick too often.

They went to the neighboring courtyard because they burned their grandmothers in the entrance, they everything where it should be, and in the evening the parents will come and give you an injection of propison intravenously.

Well, everything was done as agreed, I go out to the courtyard about nine o’clock and see a wonderful picture. Now it would be called “a dress out of control”: my friend is taken by an ambulance. I’m confused about his accompanying mom – Aunt Light, and what about Pashka?

Well, he says, something his stomach got sick, decided to call an ambulance, not to risk. Why are you not in school? Yes, the stomach also hurts – I joyfully, and, in order to avoid unnecessary questions, rushed home. I don’t think we were lucky in Pascha – obviously we both simulated.

And Pashka identified appendicitis, and in a few days successfully operated.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №152232
A friend told her that when she was relatively small, 16-17, her parents divorced, her father, an imposing man of 45 years, took only a car, though quite bullshit, and regularly came on weekends, visiting the daughter. And in the day-to-day, he did very different things: dressed fashionably, sat in his fashion machine and cut out the streets. If he saw a cute girl, he talked, signaled and offered to ride. It always ended differently until it was over at all.

On that unfortunate evening, the girlfriend’s parents, as usual, patrolled the area. He saw some two sympathies, walked up, swallowed, opened the window and polently offered to ride. The girls walked forward and did not turn. Our hero increased the pressure and just began to insist that the girls ride with him. At the fifth minute, one of the girls turned around and said:

Daddy, you have gone away, right?

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №152231
I have a friend who is 8 years old and I don’t know why. It’s open to everyone, it’s on the go. A small trailer - quite good for himself outwardly, not the dumbest guy in the village, earns not just a huge amount of money, but for his city is quite even decent, and even an apartment is there. And the puzzle is simple, and he has been told it many times, but the man persistently does not believe it. Man is looking for an ideal. For him, the girl should be, 90-60-90, look like Angelina Jolie, fuck like Sasha Grey, cook like a makarevich on the Smack program, earn as a gasprom manager and at the same time on the first requirement to run to him. That one girl to match is not something that would be unrealistic, but it is difficult - it does not matter to him. And those who advise - they don't even look at him, they have other ideals. But okay, maybe he would find himself such a girl - only at every first date, he allows himself to roll out all his demands into a mixture with insults of all kinds of female, allowing himself expressions not quite literary) All the babies are frogs, females are scratched, one he is a dartajan)) Naturally, beyond one date does not go - and begins the question why I am alone....)

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №152230
My friends carefully picked up a birthday present for my teenage daughter. We found in the store a magnificent edition of the Brothers Strugatsky. But they decided that it would be small, and added a few notes. Money was placed between the pages. Tell me, this is a surprise! Not only are the stories exciting, that make you think, but also the dungeons. The daughter’s reaction shocked them:

– Rodokie, are you completely squeezed? ! to Why do I need a book? ! to

- So you polystyred her, - shyly offered the shattered parents.

Why should I list her? ! to

Here you look! With these words, the father began to shake the book, and money came from there.

“Oh, you who are backward,” the daughter breathed, softening, “there is a envelope for that! It just ruined my mood.

This is where the birthdays really shrink.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №152229
Probably many who have sold things on websites have encountered the fact that the buyer calls, promises to come, and then changes his mind. I found a solution: first I set for myself the minimum amount for which I would give a thing, say, 2000, and in the announcement I raise it and bet 2200. When the buyer calls, I specify his price, allegedly forgot how much was stated in the ad, and call 2000. No one has fixed it yet, and everybody thinks it’s luck, and I need to take it before I get rid of it. They come lightning, drop 2000 and, satisfied with their "deception", leave =)

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №152228
I am easily offended. After that, it is difficult to escape.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna