— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №152450
prepared for work.

I was interviewed and I was told that I was taken as if on Monday.

I came in the morning and said that for employment.

I was silently arranged, I worked for two hours, and then decided to check the mail.

There was a letter that, unfortunately, I don’t fit them and don’t need to come on Monday.

They were no longer expelled, they decided to leave.

I am working so far.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №152449
Bishit in our military committee, in the department, where the medical commission, the poster is classy in the whole wall. It contains all kinds of clever sentences about the harm of smoking, vodka, etc. One thing I liked. “Drinking and drinking is voluntary madness.” You know who said? and Seneca! The man who lived in the 4th century B.C.E. This was a man who knew that two thousand years before Europe knew about tobacco, he already knew it was harmful!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №152448
xxx: Oh... I needed to pose in Adler! To wave you on the stone, and then drag you a couple of times over the stone. Medusa is full of ass.

Yyy: You know a lot about fun)))

XXX: I know I go every year))

For the Medusa?

If you’re honest, fuck you know why.)

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №152447
In 2007, I moved to East New York, Brooklyn. There were eight apartments on my floor: at the time, only two apartments, including me, were white, and the other six were black. So they lived, greeting at random meetings, knowing nothing about each other.

At nine o’clock one night someone called on my door. Knowing that there were cameras in our building, I opened the door without fear and saw a tall, unfamiliar black teenager.

I looked at him questioningly, and he said:

“Sorry, I’m the son of your neighbor Bill, my father invited me tonight, but I’ve been waiting for him for two hours, and he’s not there and he doesn’t answer the phone calls either.

I cried out: I did not want to let a completely unfamiliar black healthy teenager into the apartment, but he was so confused that I regretted and invited him to the kitchen. I asked if he was hungry. He said he ate lunch at school at noon.

I baked him my favorite dish: an egg of three eggs on a salad with onion and tomatoes, then, looking at his hungry appearance, I cut there two more sausages. He easily swallowed it all, even wiping out the plate with bread.

We talked to him: his name is Patrick, he is 16, his father and mother are divorced, he lives with his mother, but sometimes visits his father. Before he called my door, he walked around all the black neighbors, but no one let him go. We tried to call his father again, but he never answered, and the time was about eleven. What to do, don’t throw him out at night! I gave him a pillow, he lay on the couch in the room, well, and I was there on the couch. I will not go to bed in the bedroom, leaving him unattended.

At six in the morning, to my joy, his father came and took him.

Later, when I told this story to my friends, they scared me by saying that if Patrick was an affair, he could easily blackmail me: he is a minor and spent the night with a stranger! As I imagined such an outcome, so I became uncomfortable!

10 years passed. I didn't see Patrick all this time: his father brought a fellow resident, and the boy didn't want to see her. When Bill suddenly died of a stroke, Patrick expelled his father's fellow resident and settled in the apartment with his wife. When he saw me, he almost stifled me in his arms, but he could have - a two-meter version of 150 kilograms of weight!

A few days later, Patrick came to me and brought me a large bottle of Hennessy.

What is it? I asked.

I am returning the debt. Do you remember having a lot of mini-bottles of alcohol at the bar? I took one with Hennessey.

There were only 50 grams.

In 10 years, the percentage has risen. He was smiling.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №152446
In my family, everything is full - from hxl and above.

I did not have the "right childhood swelling" at primary school, and I was dragged by doctors: they were looking for worms, then terrible diseases, then nervous disorders.

The sixth dietitian’s mother was psychotic and asked loudly to “explain his son’s trouble.”

The doctor is silent, my mother says I will die. The doctor looks at his mother and asks her to sit down.

She sits down, reports that she is ready for everything, just to know.

Nutritionist: “There’s a guess that you’re eating it.”

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №152445
Only then do you realize how sweet the forbidden fruit is when you grind a strawberry in someone else’s garden.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №152444
Now I talked with a familiar judge on the topic of arrangement of children in kindergarten. I shared that this year's turn didn't arrive, and I principally don't give it to the foot.
The judge said he gave it. When I, gently speaking, was very surprised why he did this, the answer was, “I was advised in the prosecutor’s office.”

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №152443
The world is collapsing in front of your eyes. Knowledges toss out the results in What?Where?When?, Parents buy SMS voting in the All-Russian contest, police officers, headed by generals, throw the drug in packs. What about tomorrow, I’m afraid to guess. Does the president sometimes go crazy?? to

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №152442
In Hong Kong, on the day of protests, pornographic sites were suspended to push people out into the streets. “Hong Kong is dying. “Are you still shaking?” There was an inscription on one of them.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №152441
I had a curious case 10 years ago. He gave his car to Oka a friend to come to his parents in the village and his girlfriends. In the village there is rarely anyone who is sober.

Call and dialogue:

Q: This is a problem, we are in nature and the car broke.

I: What is broken? Does not start?

Q: It is broken.

I: Well, at least it was broken? Can you explain it with your own words?

Q: It’s half broken.

I: I understand, wait for me to come. Explain where.

I am coming... a car.

It was really broken in half... they jumped on the aurages, and at Oka's underarm it broke off at the place of fixation. The question in my head is “how? ? to ? to “”

I look at her and the car... dialogue:

Q: What will we do?

I: We will come to the city, you will go to the pharmacy.

Why go to the pharmacy?

You will buy Vaseline.

Q: I understood it, well.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №152440
Once on the wacht worked with one mather engineer on solutions. In the years, but not old, he would retire in a few years.

So, came to the end of his watch. I started collecting things slowly. And he said in a loud voice about himself, - so now the wife to call!

I asked, Uncle Vow, why do you warn your wife when you come? You said, “You have lost your wife.” Buy flowers and make a surprise.

- That's why I call, I don't need any surprises at old age!)

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №152439
Going to the gym is very tired. It is much easier to learn to close your eyes when you walk by the mirror naked.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №152438
The homeland is filled with promises of a long and rich life.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №152437
There was nothing entirely civil in the USSR. Our industry NIH in this sense was no different from the others: formally civilian, in fact - one CIA knows which. And, accordingly, we had a mandatory character in this case - Representative of the Customer. He is a colourful man with a typical Southern Russian language. I had little direct communication with him from my youth and from the modesty of my rank, but during his conversations with colleagues and superiors I was present from time to time.

* * * *

Demonstrate the R&D results. Our staff proudly stated:

Well, you see, in principle, we all work!

Comrade engineer, you should not work in a princess, but in a coat!

* * * *

We fail. The word “totally”. And in the army, as you know, it is better to do once in time than ten times right. The Director is justified:

We will do everything in our power. You know: people are ready to work overtime and go out on weekends. Someday we will get it...

Comrades, there are different opinions about this, but I think there should be no place for a feat in civil life. And if the case was brought to mass heroism, then the fighters, of course, should be rewarded for this, but their commanders should be given to the trial.

* * * *

The use of new components in the "product" requires agreement with the Representative of the Customer.

very much need. A lot of problems can be solved in one step. You agree?

Who is the manufacturer?

and Tbilisi.

and wait. First we ask for the test results. The reliability of the product must be confirmed documentally, by specific figures. Don’t waste your time, look for other solutions.

In a few days it will appear in our laboratory. The sight does not predict anything good. He throws a paper on our boss’s table.

Did you ask? Soon after, the telecast arrived. Read loudly, so that all your archers will hear!

-- X-M-M: "In response to your outgoing number 12345 we communicate: in the reliability of our products you can not doubt the TCHK"

Well, fellow engineers, do you have any more questions? I told you right away: don’t waste your time, look for other solutions!

* * * *

Is he alive now? I doubt that the missiles have fallen too often.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №152436
Listening to the Minister’s speech – it turns out, the police REALLY throw drugs!!! I thought they were deceiving.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №152435
I got to another interview in a new city for myself with the help of a navigator on the phone. He found the building safely, put his phone in his pocket. I went up to the right floor, waited for HR at the reception, went with him to the office, where two of my future bosses were waiting. Normally they sit at the table on one side, the chair on the other side for me. I pass, sit in front of me and... out of my pocket the navigator solemnly declares: “You have come!“”

In general, the interview started with a positive, to this work and arranged later.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №152434
Before elections your voice is important, after elections your silence.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №152433
Knowledge is not superfluous.
(The written truth)
Fiction is clever.

Stories by Travel1980

In the early 90s, when the shops were empty, my salary of the chief physician was 140 rubles, the sanitary -80, the cleaner in the neighboring factory received 350, and her male worker 700, to feed the family and the hospital team, I began to engage in a business - the hospital medicine.
By the mid-1990s, I had 38 pharmacy kiosks across the city.
Feeding it feeds, but the competition was strong, and suppliers after the “black Tuesday” merchandise only paid in advance and for dollars released, inflation of 100-200% per year was a common phenomenon, credit was taken under 300-320% per year or 25% per month, and thoughts about where/what/how to buy and sell were constant.
In the summer, at the exchanges where I was a broker, I got stuck with the owner of the stock exchange and, at the same time, the co-owner of the largest private oil campaign.
Andrei "shared the sadness": after the processing of oil in addition to light oil products remains, including oil. They can be melted, there are boiler boilers on oil, but in the summer it is not needed by anyone, and its excess is simply poured to the ground, in open tanks, about ecology and other things, then nobody even remembered.
I offered him a deal, which seemed to me to be quite adventurous, and he took and agreed not to trade.
(It must be understood that the 94-99s were the height of non-payments, there were no turnover funds, no taxes were paid; there were no wages, and not only budgeters; there was nothing to buy drugs-bints-apparatus in hospitals; the financial mechanism did not work.
Factories and merchants exchanged everything: fabrics for fire cars, cigarettes for bricks, bicycles for potatoes, wages issued with the same bicycles or potatoes.
In order to provide some kind of cash flow, large firms issued their "value papers", bills. They went with different discounts - for a paper with a nominal value of one million rubles, you could get from 800 to 100 thousand dollars, or even a hole from the bucket, depending on the reliability of the firm. Someone changed the bills for goods, someone tried to impose them on the state instead of taxes, the state stood back, because it could not issue a salary or buy medicines for the bill.)
In short, I took a commodity loan from Andrey until the end of the year in the form of oil loans, with the condition of paying the bills of his own firm, and by the nominal.
The first railway staff, about 60 tanks of oil, if I remember correctly, I got three days later.
Immediately he sent it to Borovsk, to a glass factory, where the production furnaces were melted all year round with oil.
When the composition arrived at the factory, the factory sent me wagons of 20 wire, long glass tubes from which ampoules for liquid medicines are made.
These 20 wagons of wire went to three different pharmaceutical plants with ampule production, and soon I became the owner of five wagons already with medicines.
But the range of medicines, of course, was not rich, who needed a whole wagon of saline, for example, and I transferred three wagons to Moscow to major foreign drug distributors, exchanging their Russian ampoules (which they needed for females) for a good range of tablet drugs.
Of the three wagons of different medicines available to me, I delivered two to the regional health department, whose head barely kissed my hands, because I not only provided the medicines of the regional hospital, but also agreed to take in payment not the money he did not have from the word "in general", and no one needed the bills of the company of Andrey, which the regional health department gave from the generosity of his regional finance department.
With these most received bills, I completely settled for the oil, and the last wagon of medicines, that is, my profits in the form of a commodity price, put into my own pharmacies.
I immediately sold them with a discount of 30-40% of the market (in fact, the retail I had was a plan-loss link, providing, at the same time, a real profit for the entire scheme), the drugs flew away like hot cakes, and for cash.
With this living money I continuously paid salaries to my employees even in the most difficult years.

A year around 97 magazine "Glass of Russia" called my firm "one of the largest manufacturers of medical glass in the country"))

Ten years later, receiving a higher, already economic, education in the state university, I was summoned to the chairman of the commission, a professor from another region, a gallbladder.
I didn’t like something at once, he needed a long time, that I didn’t know the subject, that I didn’t answer in the textbook, that everything was not right in life, and he said something about tolling schemes. It’s not Toling at all, but I told him about this combination.
Do you know what was his only question?
No, not about the economy and not about the marginality of each stage.
“How did you know that you need a lot of oil to make glass?”

Well, shit, no matter what, after school I went to work as a slasher.
to the factory.
of course glass)

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №152432
Apparently, my neighbor instead of the apartment got a concrete cube, from which he is now using a perforator trying to make an apartment.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №152431
A colleague told me. The girl was in the hospital after the accident. Only allowed to enter the chamber, as her boyfriend literally inscribed there. Typical rocker: hair, hair, music, corresponding to the naishnikov. On the day of her service, the girl recovered. The next scene. The patient opens her eyes, smiles, looks at the guy and says, “Am I in heaven?” The rocker answered, “No. I am here.”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna