— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №152207
This story happened to my school friend Alexey. It happened when there was no order in the railway stations and airports. Alexis waited quietly for his transfer in the waiting room. It was not too long, 18 hours. He entertained himself as he could - he was going to re-read the masterpiece of literary thought from the series "I am a thief in the law" for the second time, as he suddenly saw the Gypsies breeding the same male traveler.

Alexey came closer to this company and he heard fragments of phrases: “You have a deadly spoil”, “you need to be shot urgently”, “everyone will die”, “you need money or gold”. It was visible that the poor man under hypnosis, the most speaking Gypsy woman, was driving him through the face with a pen and drumming something. The other 5-6 formed the background. The man was behind his wallet. Alexey imagined himself without money in another city and rushed to protect the unknown.

- Comrade Roma, citizen with me, it is time for us to go, - he took the unhappy man under hypnosis for his elbow and led to the side. He immediately felt that he was being dragged away by the skin. He turned around, behind him stood a large Roma child with golden teeth. Through his teeth he cried:

Go where you went. I pay!

Was cut in another city Alexey did not want, and he left. Meanwhile, the man gave the Gypsies a gold engagement ring and a watch. There was a sense of justice in Alexei. He found in his pocket a melt jacket that remained with him after painting on the asphalt with his niece. I resolutely approached the crowd. Sitting at the feet of a man. As in the Gogolov "Vii" outlined a circle, within which was himself and a man. He raised his hands up and started screaming like a crazy man:

Anon Eehelen Edro Hi Amen! Fanos Nohosrim, Lasto beh Lamen!

The fact is that Alexey loved Tolkien's Lord of the Rings very much. This Gandalf's spell he learned in a way. It meant, “Elphic gates, open for us now; gnomes’ people’s gates, listen to my word.” Alexey worshiped and shouted the spell over and over again. His word was listened not only to the gnomes, but also to the Gypsies. Nervous, they began to be baptized and went away one by one. Alexey saw that same Roma child with golden teeth. He looked badly at Alexei and bragged something harshly. Alexey recalled his favorite scene, “Gandalf’s battle with Balrog,” a demonic creature, and, looking into the enemy’s face, spoke to the whole station:

I am the servant of the secret fire, the keeper of the flame of Anor.
The dark fire will not help you, the flame of Uduna!
Go back into the dark, you will not pass!

The face of the Gypsies was blurred. He fell on his knees. Then he took out the gold jewelry from his pockets and folded it into a circle of crust. Alexis couldn’t stop in the oral:

Go back into the dark, you won’t go through.
The poor Romanians said:

I have nothing more! I have teeth, but I need some time.
Alexis did not stop:

I am a secret fire servant.

The Gypsies cry:

I have a family. I am scared! The police help! They kill! He quickly got up and ran away.
At the end of the day, there were two people at the entrance to the station. Alexey stood up, stripped off his pants, and said to the man:

Take it, here is yours. Be healthy, don’t get involved anymore.

The man looked at him with shaken eyes.

How much do I owe you for removing the spoil?
*** by
When my children ask me, “Why do I read? It is boring! You can watch a telecast with YouTube,” I always remember Alexei and that gypsy with golden teeth, smile and answer the words of Felicia Jeanlis:
Those who read books will always control those who watch television.
c) A. Bessonov

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №152206
And how will the freedom of Mizulina increase many times if she is forbidden to open her mouth and express her intelligent thoughts???!!! to

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №152205
I bought a fitness bracelet, mainly because of the pulse meter - the heart gives a crendel( but also to increase activity, such as dropping a couple of gays would be great. In the course of use it turned out that to the daily goal I lack a couple of thousand steps. And here this blinking screen and compliments from the app really made me take my file to air and reach.

But already in the course of several ventilations it turned out that in 2 thousand steps the route to the store with your favorite unfiltered and with the entrance to the fishery behind the belly of the samga is perfect.

I still hope to lose weight...

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №152204
Conduct in Taiwan. It is best to put a bell on the clothes. His voice scares the bear. And it is better not to walk on the bear trails - they can be recognized by the presence of a bear's mark. It is not difficult to understand what a bear is. Usually there is a bell.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №152203
If anything threatens Russia, it’s not the cats of the West, not the uras-patriots, not the fifth column, not the liberals, not national clashes, not a permanently dormant prime minister, but effective managers.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №152202
British rider Mark Fisher has recently been at the center of a scandal that broke out after he said he had no idea what Getty Jones, who has long been his second driver, had told him during the race.

The second pilot was supposed to read a so-called "legend" - a series of notes describing the route of the track, but Fisher called it "a complete nonsense" and that he was kidding the second pilot all these years. “It’s just abracadabra,” he said. “But the organizers believe that during the race there should be two people in the car. Getty is a good guy, so I always took him with me.”

Davis wasly angry at Fisher's words and claimed that they were equal partners in the team, but Fisher immediately denied it.

“Okay, okay,” he cried out. "Listen only - 100 PR2-4 on LV5-1 throw at the outlet! It is 300. And what will this help me when I am carried by the side at a speed of ninety miles per hour?”

Fisher is not the first time he is being discussed because of his role as a second pilot. In 2009, at a rally in Yuvesküla, Finland, without a second driver, he forcibly drove a homeless wanderer into the car, thus fulfilling the condition of "two people in the car." The trick was learned after viewing the recording from the camera installed in the car, which shows how the Finnish second pilot instead of reading the legend repeats "This is shit!“Sometimes inserting phrases like “Care, home!” “Slow down, you are the shit!”

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №152201
Every time I am not tired of wondering how two phrases are used in our country: "don't engage in self-medication" and "record to the therapist for June".

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №152200
To the baby, who grew up, instead of Carlson began to fly Karlsberg!

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №152199
You are clever, you are shit.

Australia, Taffford Bay, mid-19th century. It is one of the "transport bases" of blue whales and finvals, past the bay went then their regular route of nomads. Naturally, this location was loved by whales. But in the open sea, the whale easily left the ships, and long-range harpoon guns in humans had not yet. A rare fortune was a situation when the whale managed to drive directly into the bay - there the miserable giant was deprived of freedom of manoeuvre, and it could be quite easily captured. But the whale is not an idiot and will not go into the bay.

At the same time, the flocks of whales are followed by hungry and evil cats.

The whale loves the whale. She appreciates the whale. The whale is pure, she loves the whale. That’s the same meat for a poor dolphin. Cossacks can even attack a whale, gathered in a flock, and in principle catch it, but: this is a huge risk. A whale who feels close to death resists, like the devil himself, and part of the herd can die in an attack or seriously injured. And the Cossacks, even if they are the brutal killers of all living things in general, the super predators of the ocean, treat each other very gently and devoutly, and every death for them is a terrible drama and pain. They live for a long time, groups form on a family basis, in general - they are not interested in risking the precious lives of relatives.

And here it passes year after year. Sometimes people manage to drive a whale into the bay and kill it, sometimes a whale breaks out into the open sea and leaves. Sometimes the whale manages to stumble upon the whale and eat, sometimes the whale furiously disperses the whale gang and goes away again. And then this happens.

All the time, the cats watch people. At some point, they know what they need to do.

They are chasing whales into the bay. A bunch of whales throw on the whale and chase it from the sea into the bay; and when the whale, driven into the corner, decides to fight to the last - the whales immediately retreat. They allow people to act! Humans are not stupider than dolphins, they quickly understand what it is; and when they notice a lonely whale, which for some reason a wild zigzag approaches the bay, the whale bats immediately drop the velbots into the water. Directly around them in the water will jump squirrels, grinding their teeth; but people are not afraid of them, they know that they are allies and helpers. People kill the whale with harpoons and take a part of the carcass - and the rest are honestly left to swim in the water. Eat the dolphins! They deserve.

The next step is to take a closer look at human hunting and understand not only that humans can easily kill the most dangerous beast, but also how they do it. After that, these cattle wait until the first harpoons emerge in the whale. This is the most dangerous moment for humans: the wounded whale begins to throw, it has little to turn and break the velvet, it can still break out and go to die far into the sea, where the hell you will already pick up his body. What Do Dolphins Do? From each harpoon hangs a long thread with a float. And the squirrels begin to grab their teeth for these wires after hitting the harpoons, keeping the whale in place! The whale fighters told us that the leader of the herd, the matriarchate, began to jump out of the water, as if shouting, "Well, well, brake monkeys, let's go! We’re tanking, go in!”

This collaboration lasted at least a decade. Both sides were completely satisfied with each other. Probably, go through such a scarf for a few centuries more - and the cats would finally fit, they would shorten their mouth, appear a funny peach color, touching hanging ears and a tail ring, and they would begin to bring the whale fighters lost harpoons in their fists. But... here’s the way: big stripes are also smart. They looked at this wreath and the children of the cottage, said, "Sedna-mother, the whales are good, what is happening" - and left the shores of Taffford Bay forever, changing the centuries-old paths of their wreaths. People and chickens were overwhelmed, crushed with their heads, grabbed each other's hands with gratitude - and went in different directions to look for another luck.

But now tell me once again, my dear witnesses of the Church of Behaviorism, about the uniqueness and uniqueness of the phenomenon of human consciousness.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №152198
The singer Alsu threatened that in the event of cancellation of the results of the contest "Voice", she will buy the First Channel together with Ernst, Nagiev and other shellfish and sell it to Kolomoisky.

[ + 27 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №152197
I’ll tell you a stunning story about how I was operated on my eggs under local anesthesia. Sit more comfortably. The cause of the operation was such a thing as hydrocele. It may appear for various reasons, in my case the consequence of injury (no, I was not hit by a modest girl who, I tried to rape, just the bicycle Ukraine, I think, was invented for the purpose of genocide of male teenagers). The thing is quite harmless, life does not interfere, but doctors recommended to remove it because Godzhenka did not think so. I was going to do this for a long time, because the words "egg" and "operation" in one sentence did not cause iris images in me. I came to the hospital, there a very cute but strict nurse of Light (she could have been beautiful if she had not smiled) identified me in the chamber to three grandparents, who three had 2 legs and one diaper. The dinner was meant to be. 20 minutes later another grandfather came without a leg and so on. I didn’t fit into this Infinity Club, the Light asked me to leave. I was assigned to a new chamber where there was only one inhabitant - the one-legged Sergei Petrovich. "Some new mainstream theme with the legs...we need to grind," I thought.After getting to know Sergei Petrovich closer, I learned that diabetes is not a new topic and not very mainstream. As soon as I arranged, the Light came (do not smile), injected me with something and asked me to dress up. Since I had an old grandfather’s sense of humor, I smiled cleverly and asked, “Why am I, I’m going to dress alone, beautiful?” Light answered me in a serious tone, "You know we are going to cut your eggs now?" I didn’t joke with the light. On a catalytic, covered with a lump, I was transported to the operating room, where I went to the table. At the operating table, my hands were tied to the cross like Jesus Christ, and I began to suspect that I might be suffering here. Further, catheters, injections, local anesthesia, the nurse asked to say when it will hurt. For Ukraine, my soul has been sick for a long time, but she had nothing to do before. The doctor came, a couple of questions, such as: how is it? How do you feel? We start?

We start.

Part of the impressive.

* It needs to be explained. The excitement of this story was that there was a section here where I described the operation in detail, but when I read it over, I thought it wasn’t very interesting to read about how the surgeon twisted the scrotum and burned his initials on it. Unless you’re crazy and it’s not your scrotum. Therefore... *

After 20 minutes of suffering:

They brought me to the room and moved me to bed. Eggs do not hurt, the whole body hurts from knees to shoulders. I lie down, I cuddle. Not funny anymore. Thirty minutes passed and the anesthesia began to release, and then I felt the Torah Hammer on my eggs. There was a slight discomfort before. Asked Sergey Petrovich to call the Light. I couldn’t call, I was busy. I knew the universe through pain. The light came and asked her to anesthetize me. Light, a good soul, put the dimedrol point and left. did not help. I asked for another injection. The light said there is not so much. I asked her to do something at least, she said, “I can dress up, you seem like you were interested an hour ago).” “Fuck, it’s funny,” I thought when I opened another chakra and the third eye from which came the tears, in which were concentrated all the pain and suffering of the universe since the beginning of times. One hour later they brought me something to eat, but all I asked for that day was general anesthesia. The doctor came, said that there will be edema, which will go away in 7-10 days. About the edema he said, but about the fact that my eggs will be blue-green and will resemble New Year's balls, he did not say.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №152196
There were two cousins in the same class. At the beginning of the next school year, the teacher gave a home assignment to write a piece on the theme: "How I spent the summer". Summer in the village, for rural children, where nothing interesting does not happen, does not contribute to the flight of thoughts on this topic. With this problem, one of the girls approached her mother, who explained that once they ask for a composition, you can write not what actually happened, but what you wanted to happen. Well, then the soul of the "writer" turned, stumbled and pointed out how she was travelling to the camp not the sea. The work was "very even" and the teacher decided to read it in the classroom. The second girl on the change then gave the first:

How could you! I went to the sea and didn’t even tell me. I have a sister too! It is also called a friend!

and swallowed. I did not talk for a week. The arguments that it was just a composition did not pass. As well as the fact that while living in the neighboring streets, they were very often visiting each other throughout the summer.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №152195
Yes, I fought with my head the other day. It is the first beginning!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №152194
The garbage thrown into the urn is much more patriotic than the tape on the car.

It is easy to be a patriot. You pulled the tape, and you are all a patriot! You can still "do the inscription on the BMW in Berlin", and bring a piece of garbage, and if there is no urn nearby, put it in the pocket and throw out later this work, daily work, it is more difficult than on 9 May to become a patriot for 1 hour or even a day.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №152193
Did you hear what the accused said?
“No, I was at the other end of the corridor, and he spoke quietly, almost whispering.
Why did you think the accused was disrespectful to the authorities?
- I explain, he spoke quietly, almost whispering, and then suddenly said loudly, "Here are goats!"
Why did you think he said this about the authorities?
And about whom else?! to

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №152192
On the one hand, Russia has stood on the rails of import substitution, and on the other hand, it is abundantly lubricating them with palm oil.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №152191
I have one very famous acquaintance. Once she was walking with her six-year-old son and he hit his head on a playground. There was not even a clot on his head, but the acquaintance was afraid that he might have a brain shock. Even after she laid the child to sleep, from time to time she walked into his bedroom, woke his son and asked his name. When she went back to him again, she saw a sticker glued to his forehead. On the label label was written:
“My name is Artem.”

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №152190
The deputies were beaten silently to avoid falling under the law on insulting the authority.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №152189
I love bananas – I think it’s even mutual.

I’m grown up and can buy it myself. But as a child, when I asked my parents to take them, I always heard two options in response.

In the spring:

At this price? ! to Better to take oranges and shrimp twice as much!

In the summer:

In winter, you should eat bananas. And now you need to take pears, apples, melons.

Morality: If parents don’t like bananas, they’re never on time.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №152188
He leaves the hospital and sits in the car. At Grandma’s stop:

Are you in town?

Yes Yes

Do you bring?

Sit down

Dialogue along the way:

Are you married?

– not

I will introduce you to my grandchildren. One truth is foolish...and the other nothing, in Ufa lives...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna