— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №158521
The more losses in the army, the more stars generals have.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №158520
When I see a couple in a cafe where a guy is sitting, stuck in his phone, and the girl with him is just sitting, sad, forging a spoonful of salad, but does not use his phone at the same time, apparently, showing a good example to the guy, or waiting for him to finish there, I always ask the waitress anonymously to give her flowers or dessert with the phrase: "So that such a beautiful girl would not be bored, but smiled." Interesting to see the reaction of both. Most often, the girls bloom, and the guys in shock jealously look at the sides, clean their phones. The girls sit with a mysterious smile, and the guys begin to actively conduct a conversation. Do not come to dinner/lunch together and then hang on the phone alone. I see it as disrespect for the person sitting next to me.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №158519
He and she are on a date at a restaurant.
She (the menu list): a buzz, well and the prices! Go home and eat the peelings.
My dear, do you want to be my wife?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №158518
My son 4 years. When I was walking with my grandmother, I met a girl of her age, Zlatan, at the playground. According to the stories, grandmothers run barefoot together, wonder, climb everywhere. They already know each other.

He went for a walk with me today. We come to the playground, I see a girl described as Gold.

I ask my son, “Is this the gold you talked about? “” The son thought.

The girl who heard us, sweetly shortsighted - "I am Katya, but I can be a little bit of Gold."

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №158517
She divorced her husband because of his betrayal. They talked because they have four children. He married and divorced once officially and a couple more times so, without a stamp. She walked like a horse, raising the children, because he helped little financially. She doesn’t even think about marriage, more because of the children, although she looks very good. And here recently (after 15 years) her ex calls out and says, "I'm getting married. This time it is serious. You probably get married, don’t wait for me anymore.”

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №158516
A girl who knows her price is no longer a girl, but a commodity.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №158515
Karma in action

I stood with a plastic pad and with a great mood at the tape in the Sheremetyevo airport inspection room. There was a journey ahead with travel and adventures.
From the side came a man of thirty-five, with a bald child in his arms. The man, quietly, slightly pushed off his poddon my and also slightly whipped the poddon in front of the grandmother. He set his own in the breach that had formed and measured it as if he were standing here.

It is clear that he took the one-and-a-half-year-old child in his arms only to make everyone see that he is a tired madonna with a baby, although this baby even a minute ago was perfectly running around the airport in his little shoes.
If the man said he was late, or that their mother went ahead, or that they need to change the diapers faster. Anything is whatever. Even if I would say directly, “Nothing, if I stand before you?”
I would like to miss a person with a child, especially since I did not rush anywhere. But after all, he just bluntly, mechanically pushed the line and just stood in front of me.
The mood of the great became normal. I decided to keep silent, thinking that karma itself would one day catch him.
And then a man with a child saw my feet in the bacillus, pointed to them with his finger and without preface asked:

Do you have to wear Bachelors?

Here I joined:

- I don't know about Bachil, but it is necessary to take a checklist.

The man understood what I was clinging to and decided to include the final ham:

- I, somehow, without your advice, decide myself - where and what to do and where not to do. Okay is?

We both understood that fighting at the airport under the cameras we will not in any case, so that our duel although gained momentum, but remained verbal and even emphasized on “you”.
I answered:

Okay, okay, of course okay. Just know that your ham strategy of behavior in society will not lead you to anything good.
Why won’t it lead? Nothing at all. has already brought. I am in front of you right now, correct me if I am wrong. So my strategy works well. Ha ha ha.
Laugh, laugh, but in vain you think that disrespect for others will advance you in life. In the long run, karma will still catch you and play out.
and karma? Ha ha ha. I have heard it somewhere. In fact, only life losers like you are hoping for karma, and determined people like me are always at the forefront.
- No, but imagine this option: you will go people on the heads, and people in turn will, for example, tell your son that his father is a piece of shit. This will be your karma. How do you?
- All this is just your unsuspecting, wet fantasies, dear, not karma. It does not work that way.
Why not sales? Those who do not believe in karma immediately get a slight click on their nose. See how it works.

I smiled widely and slightly bended my head to meet the cheeky child. The child also smiled at me and I said to him loudly and cheerfully:

Boy, and your dad is a bit of shit.

The child heard a familiar word, joyfully looked at his dad and ticked him in the face with a finger.
The man shook and almost shouted:

You are a piece of shit!
“It doesn’t matter who I am, your son won’t remember me anyway. Most importantly, he will remember that his favorite dad is a piece of shit. Yes little boy?

A smiling little boy, sitting on his arms, waved my hand, I waved in response, but he was quickly taken away from me somewhere far away.

[ + 40 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №158514
The most difficult thing at school is for chemistry teachers. They know how to blow up or poison any minor bastard, but they keep up with their best.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №158513
Once I tried to call things by their names. is useless. Things are not recalled.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №158512
It’s about pearls, if...
I could not tell this story. I love watermelons, but because my twins, Katya and Lena, love them, I didn’t stand by. In addition, near their houses were laid shrubs. I saw Katie first.
The Arbuziki! Going to the shelf, without nitrates. Boyko asked her. It’s August and I love it!
What a nitrate, a miracle, not a garlic. Like the honey. Jigita stood behind the shelf.
I know, I know. Please choose a good one. Not too big to bring home.
We will make everything beautiful, tasty and not heavy! Everything is right. You will eat and rejoice. Look what a beautiful man! And he stumbled on a barrel lying in a huge pile of peanut.
Come on, let’s go! I’ll swallow it right here! How much of me?
After calculating, she grabbed the watermelon with two hands and pressed to the stomach and headed to the entrance, under the jigging of the giant following her small figure. She didn't have time to enter the apartment, as through the corner of the house, Lena came out of a women's consultation. Because, by the way, its suitable for the end of the period of pregnancy. That did not hinder the desire to taste a mountain on the ruin of the product. Sometimes even reinforced.
The Arbuziki! She spoke and headed to the shelf. Please hang up! Average but good! "Gigit pulled off his smartphone, raised his eyes and lost the gift of speech. He looked at Lena and what thoughts he had in his head was impossible to say. It also annoyed Lena. What is? - She didn't understand, - please give me peanuts, I really want to, I love them.
- Yes, I understood, I understood, - the seller finally spoke and took a bunch of watermelon. Looking at Lenin's stomach for some reason, then once again looked into his face, as if checking whether his visual memory had failed, and stumbled, carrying the watermelon past the weights.
How much of me? “I don’t understand anything,” asked Lena.
I give, I just give. Good buyer, come back again.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №158511
The taste of their dishes and the appearance of their women made the British the best sailors in history.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №158510
We sit with my husband at home, waiting for the installers for the length of the inuit. We wait a long time, 6 a.m. The husband begins to stick in order to do sex. I am :

- Well, stay away, you know the law of wickedness: just start, so somebody will stop.

My husband persisted. I am :

You don’t understand at all, right? Distance to!

The husband:

Keep quiet, I’m deceiving the monitors.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №158509
Eat the cucumbers yourself, give the cockroaches to your friends, and leave the strawberries in the rack.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №158508
xxx: My 190-year-old friend just married a girl who is 150-year-old last week. They’ve been together for seven years, something he’s been thinking for a long time.

YYY: I thought it would grow

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №158507
Russofobia in Turkey:

Where are you from, guys?

from Russia

Here is Russian music.

For what?? to

[ + 6 - ] Comment quote №158506
The best questions are questions about a person, because everyone likes to talk about themselves.

For example:

What are you skiing?

What’s so sad, shit sausage unpleasant?

Who are you in life?

What did you write on your ass?

Are you a pedophile or pedophile?

Also help questions that make a person turn to basic values, existential:

Wolf in the eye or shit?

If you were a lamb, would you fuck a sheep?

Ask about the surroundings, people like to talk about friends and family:

Who do you need?

Are you one of those mom didn’t want and dad didn’t try?

Who do you know from the area?

Using these simple tricks, you will quickly find your new friends!

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №158505
xxx: In our military school, at the medical commission, a man with a dirty ass was driven out of the office by a surgeon (there you have to turn back and push out the sticks for inspection) and, following him to the corridor, he loudly proclaimed: "And that with the socks on the glasses nobody else would enter!!!" and. The boy before the release remained so-Sugar.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №158504
Dad told me. They were on a trip with the crew. A free day. Young stewardesses gathered at the disco, the rest are called as well. Men of the age tend to agree, remember the former fate, as suddenly...

“Will you go, Uncle Cole?

No, thank you, I won’t go.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №158503
One employee very often called me to smoke on the street, cute, all with her, I already thought to invite her to the movie, or to my home, fish to watch, indeed she almost fit me as a daughter.

And it turned out that the automatic doors at the exit do not work on its growth.

And I wasted, old wise man.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №158502
What is our life: from scholarship to retirement.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna