— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №156517
It has been noted that in the last few days the cat is rapidly running out of food. During the trial, it turned out that the cat invented a scheme by which he guards each family member in the kitchen alone, pretends that his mother did not feed him, and asks for food. He has been eating lunch three times for several days.
That is, he specifically did not ask for food at all, so as not to burn, and waited for the time when other family members would go somewhere: out on the street or in the more remote parts of the apartment.
The manipulator.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №156516
Can a domestic vaccine be considered effective if a person is vaccinated, and he does not want to vote for United Russia anyway?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №156515
XXX: I’m not a movie.

YYY: But what?

xxx: but you can look at my end

I don’t like short films.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156514
At first we were afraid of covid, then vaccines, and now we have to be afraid of the vaccinated. They will everywhere and freely and without masks and crowds scatter their virus across the country.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №156513
I work for one company in Europe, filling out long questionnaires about myself. One point: the race to which you are classified. I am a programmer, but not a fool, I read newspapers. I know that being white is not very profitable. But to call himself black, the hand does not rise. Fortunately, there is an option - a mixed race (the Indians there some or something else). Calling from HR: what a joke? I am justified that I am not educated in this matter, we, I say, in school, in the USSR, racism was not taught: how to correctly divide people. The HR officer long snoops: well - you will be mixed!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №156512
- Rabinovich, why do most deputies do nothing for the good of Russia?
Interference in the internal affairs of Russia by foreign nationals is prohibited by law.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №156511
There was a beautiful, long-legged blonde. Communicated occasionally, sometimes intersected, beer drinks went, I was mostly lazy to take care of her, she was with claims, flowers of a taxi and all that, so I did not try, and she did not initiate. But still, like an ordinary person, I sometimes just wanted to drink a beer. After one such meeting with beer, she asked to spend the night, some relatives went there, the children gave them the best places, and her ancestors drove to sleep somewhere in the summer kitchen on a mattress on the floor. I lived alone at the time, in my own monastery as a king, and slept on a large double bed. I agreed in principle without hesitation. Not every day long-legged blondes come to bed with you.

Well, in general, I cooked dinner, the table was covered, the romantic brought up as it could. We got tired, it was time to go to bed, I gave her a shower towel, everything seemed to go to sex.

And then she declares that she is really very tired, does not sleep with guests, feels bad, only wants to sleep and urges me not to stick. Without hands and anything.

Okay, I thought, the lady asks. She really needs to stay overnight. I’ll go gentlemen and sleep.

In general, she washed, hung her drying clothes on a towel dryer and jumped into bed in one towel. I followed her and slept safely.

tk. The final post for the League of Fools is obvious.

In the morning she woke up first, rather dressed up and stated that I was not a man, not even trying to get her, went offended knocking the door.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156510
I was young and beautiful, with outstanding shapes that even in a bag of clothes, they still "look out." We had a shop of building materials "Molotok", where my friend worked. And in front of him, closer to the stop, there was an island where "girls" stood at night. Once I ran to a girlfriend to work and talked to her until dark. I stand at a stop, near the “island”, a car comes in, and from there the guy asks, “Do you work?” I say, “Yes” (I recently got my first job). He asked, “How much? “” I announced the promised salary. He replied, “Nihrana, is it for the night? What time is it?” I stand, I think, I count, I thumb. He said, “Okay, and how much to suck?” Here I understood...

[ + 39 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №156509
In the tenth, I served in the now liquidated office aimed at fighting drug crime. The schedule of work was treacherous, in the best case, the day after day (the day after day they went for searches and detentions, and mostly at night, and the other two days worked). In order to prevent the staff from running through the roof, the boss allowed us to drive home at night and break up at the call of the guard if necessary. The Winter. I wake up from the call of the police officer: "Name of the river, dress up, go out, the car is following you, we have 3 searches." I am a decent person, I don't like to be waiting for me, isolated and stepped out on the street, so as not to relocate the family. I wait for the frost, so as not to miss the car and at least a little hollow after a deep sleep phase. 3 o’clock at night, from the cold, reduces what is not provided by the female nature. After 40 minutes, I get a cell phone and call the officer with a pretext: "What artist, I say to him with the utmost indignation, I am standing in the street for an hour, and the car is not there? “” The officer was a little surprised and said he didn’t call me at all. The courtyard at that moment was illuminated by the right flame of my popcorn, but the cheek suggested that the history of incoming calls should be checked, which naturally turned out to be empty. I dreamed too realistically. This officer long suspected me of the use of expert doctors.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №156508
The higher the boss, the less often he asks from himself and the more often from you.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №156507
It was 2000 and the historian taught us a lesson on Christianity.
And at one point she says: Who knows when Christ died?
I am a bit educated in this matter pulling my hand: 1967 years ago. (Citing from Christmas of Christ)
It’s wrong, 2000 years ago.
I: Not because...
She: "Breaks" look at this idiot, doesn't know and goes to prove.
You are an idiot, count it.
She is out of class, hamlo.

Then there was the call of the mother to school, and the suspension from lessons for a quarter.

Thank you Elena Mikhailovna for teaching me that there are a lot of idiots among teachers too :)

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №156506
The most frequent question on a direct line with Putin was the question "Do I need a QR-code when collecting a valley?"

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №156505
Xxx: A friend said that side effects from vaccination are AIDS and homosexuality. After the vaccination, he didn’t talk to me. People with medical education work in a hospital.

Yyy: You won’t become homosexual after vaccination if you start sleeping with men before vaccination!

Zzz: You’re walking on the ohuenly rainbow ice.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №156504
The tables in the cafe "without masks do not serve", similar to the "shorts and cowards do not remove" in the toilets

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №156503
Once I worked for a short time in a small pension, or a sanatorium, or a holiday home outside the city, which at the time of the Soviet Union belonged to a large and wealthy factory, and in the 90s I went on an independent sailing as if a hotel for long-distance fighters, or a weekend bordel for those who caught luck for the tail.
Once our boarding house subscribed to the two-week "customs" of the Academy of Football from the regional center. Neoplan brought a couple of dozens of boys, aged somewhere from 10 to 15 years. The first thing that surprised me was a few moms who followed their children and wore a smooth soccer shirt on their shoulders and in a lightning blanket.
Further observations confirmed the first impression. The boys behaved arrogantly and carelessly, the waitress in the dining room called carelessly "E!"Al she was suitable for them by age if not for grandmothers, then at least for mother. During all the time they lived in our guesthouse, I did not see them either tired, but even sweaty.
The apogee of their "gathering" became a party in the room - whether someone's birthday, or some kind of sporting event - after which the future pride of domestic football was covered by a mass struggle. Immediately the mommies on the expensive cars and began to threaten us with all the penalties - and the supervision, and the prosecutor's office, and everything that was possible, promised to fine us, to close, to plant and generally wipe in the dust. And we showed them the recordings from the video camera, where the baby is dragging through the lobby bags with beer and energy, some snack, someone carried a cake healthy, and as they then ran after, a good store nearby. A bag of garbage from their room, with bottles, hugs and a box of cake, the senior administrator ordered the maidens to take it to the director’s office and lock it in the lock. Mothers are silent.
Those people can only win from people like themselves. They go to football not to overcome, to overcome and to win, not to win against everything, like the USSR team in Seoul in 1988. They go to football for the star way of life. For millions of contracts, for parties, clubs, resorts and restaurants, for expensive bowl and long-legged models.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №156502
“Serjoza, look when I bend, can you see the trousers?
No, I cannot see. But I could wear it.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №156501
I just arrived in Spain, a new immigrant, a month after arriving. I go to the summer terrace of the institution, I make an order. The waitress took it all out, I sat down. Nothing predicted trouble, as suddenly appear a man with a little girl, 8-10 years of age. And this guy approaches me, stretches out a girl’s pen, and so on: please look at her while I’m running out of business.

Oh my uncle, stand up! Where? → Uncle didn’t wait for my negative answer while I picked up words in foreign and dropped it. The girl stands next to me and smiles. Note, I am from Russia, there, against the backdrop of pedophilia, people are arrested for sitting next to the couch! Here is this!

Well, I think he arrived. This is a local divorce, now I will come to p...yes. I look around, no one reacting at the neighboring tables. The guy is okay. Fuck it is not normal! This girl is overwhelmed and deafly trying to climb to me on her knees, bragging something in Spanish. I turn my head to 360°, waiting for the seat in the form of menta and witnesses. I know that the child cannot be touched, I hold my hands as far away as possible from the girl, the little bitch has already climbed on her foot and is sitting and pulling her hands to me. I lose weight, I feel my hair gray, I have pictures in my head of how I am accepted, brought to court, imprisoned in a Spanish prison. A little bitch pulls me by the cheek, I take her by the hand, I try to talk to her. The back was sweaty, the T-shirt stiffened. Do not touch me, little shit! Is this girl not his daughter at all? I actually hit it then! I will be charged for stealing the child. Well, there will be the show’s masks and I’ll have Hanna.

Thousands of thoughts in my head. have to run. Or run away, is it the fault? Smoking, not smoking with children. The summary of my stress was interrupted by the man who left a child for me, he came back, I sit and wait for the show and the clutches. The man thanked, took the girl, and when she left, she shrugged my hand. I walked away in response to her despite the shaking eye.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №156500
xxx: met a girl, often walked, communicated a lot, told each other about their dreams. Once the girl told about the ring she saw in the magazine, very beautiful, very would it fit her other rings and dress. I told, and I forgot.

Time passes, I get the SP and another debt for the SP in 2 months. A lot of money! I even bought Rington on the phone. I think I will please a friend, found and bought a ring. In the evening I met, I said, close your eyes and put a ring on her finger. I look at her face and can’t see which finger I’m wearing.

She opens her eyes, looks at the ring on her nameless finger and cries, “Is this the same ring?” ? to ? to

I answer, yes, that is the same. (I meant that was the same one from the magazine, which was with leaves of claw and a star)

She throws me on the neck, kisses me and says, I agree!

I am misunderstood, I think something is strange.

Three minutes later came, but it was too late to turn back :)

Married in six months.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №156499
XXX: I will tell you how my former boss married me. He always liked delicious (and who doesn’t like it?) and then a colleague at work began to feed him: then cakes, then cakes, then the borst will bring to work. He liked her taste very much. I went home and there was always good food. I met, met and married. When he became a husband, he learned that his wife could not cook. My mom was cooking it all the time.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №156498
A week ago, having worked hard, I went home. I know the girl is at home, so I knock on the door, but no one opens. Well, I think maybe he sits in the shower or in the headphones, so he doesn’t hear, I insert the key, but the lock doesn’t open, I start to bump stronger, while being noticeably nervous. In general, minutes after 10 unsuccessful attempts to get into the apartment, I fuck the door with my leg, selectively being a mother. The door is opened by a strange woman in a dress, with a very frightened look. I didn’t go out on my floor.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna