— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №148505
What kind of hype? My parents are always at work, my grandmother and grandfather have enough business, I read books from 2 years old, everything is quiet. I am 3. A sister appeared. Washing, laundry and vanity. I am 8. Friends, buildings, a lake, a forest... A compulsory attribute is a sister without whom you will not be allowed to walk. I scratch the bonus for everything in a row because she’s small and can’t lie. I am 15. A friend with a boy, the sister tosses immediately. At the age of 20, I learned not to hate her. And now even friends, because we live in different cities and see very rarely. You say five...

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №148504
> who are the WASADULS who are in the garden

They are female auricles. Do you remember?

"Auriki, auriki and auriki
Men walk and women walk".

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №148503
The scandal broke out in the city of Pervoralsk in Sverdlovsk region. The chief doctor of the local hospital appealed to the police with a complaint on the self-called doctor. For more than two weeks, the unknown citizen was dressed as a doctor and led the reception of patients. Moreover, the specialization of the false doctor varied depending on the mood: today he is a therapist, and tomorrow - a gynecologist.
The offender was previously convicted 31-year-old resident of the village of Bitima. To his affair, the man was preparing in advance: on the passage he said that he went to the hospital to work as a sanitary technician, and when he got up to the floor, he was reincarnated into a doctor.
The staff of the hospital said that the man behaved so confidently that no one in the medical staff could even think about what it was about the self-called man. Moreover, he knew all his colleagues in the face and by names: before he repeatedly lay in this hospital in the surgical department, and therefore behaved here in a domestic way.
Interestingly, none of the patients suspected anything. During his medical practice, he received no complaints.
Whether the man will be involved in the criminal case is not yet known. Local law enforcement authorities do not know how to properly qualify the case. It is possible that for a false gynecologist, everything will end in a preventive conversation.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №148502
I am absolutely ordinary (a gray mol, you will not notice passing by), standard dressed, no stupid kind. With husband and lover.
What do you think? I’m still out of the BBB.

Well, with your husband and lover, God himself commanded you to get rid of the babies.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №148501
Thanks to the efforts of the user %user%, a new cause of lifetime ban "Death " has been introduced specifically for him.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №148500
Remembered in connection with the "clam after jail". I had a friend – a lover of taking everything that lies wrong. I did not shake up in the tower (I do not know at the time) because the father with all his victims and menta agreed well. One day my body disappeared. tk. He was there immediately, and I asked him to return the body. He was very upset—how could I think of him, and in general—I was redish. I said, either you give the bodies, or I call the menta. He said, call whoever you want. The menta came, took it away, and then brought it back with my phone. So – if a person once did something – it makes sense to expect that they can do exactly the same.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №148499
I heard the call:

>Hard work for the catch, but still,
Fuck, work is in the air.
Working with people.<

No need to overwhelm. In the original:

The palate does not know the breath!
But hell take it,
work in the air,
Working with people.

Vishnevsky’s rhythms were not ignored.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №148498
The problem is that they are not those people. Here is a man who spends his vacation being treated in a psychiatric clinic from panic attacks and he is considered a psycho. But he is cured and just adequate. And the real psychic with a tail for neighbors on drunk spots is chased, but is not treated - he is much more crazy - and without registration in the clinic for society as if normal. Here is a criminal who has sentenced his term and now, having already received his punishment, is clean before the law. It is on it that the stamp is. And a bandit who has never been tried - that is, the current criminal who has escaped from justice - does not receive a seal.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №148497
Today, for the first time in my life, a young man gave up a seat in the road. I just stumbled, and stupidly asked why he did this? ? to (I think I am still young)

He couldn’t find anything to answer, and again said, “Sit down, I will stand.”

I sat down, looked at the faces of the sitting grandmothers and grandparents, and realized that it was not beyond the mountains.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №148496
My parents regularly reminded me, as a young child, of the question, “Who do you love more, Mom, Dad or Chocolate?” She shouted “Chocolate!” Without thinking for a moment.)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №148495
I went to the zoo with my little nephew. The day is sunny, not hot, all the animals are walking, playing, everyone has gone around, everyone has looked at. The day was great. I asked what I liked the most: the answer. Yes I remember. That in the corner some pipes changed and opened the asphalt.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №148494
At the shootings of one of the series "The Inhabitants of Evil" Actor Oded Peer played a fighter of the spearhead. And here the seven, Peer with the team, equipped, with weapons, start the movement.

This is “Stop!” A military consultant, a former "specialist", points to him with the finger, "You are moving wrongly and you hold the weapons wrongly and everything is not right at all! "

Yes well? Peer was born in Tel Aviv and served in the Israeli Naval Special Forces.

- That you are from the "former" can be seen immediately, - smiled the consultant, appropriately. But here’s Hollywood, you guys. You do not have to move right, but beautifully. Let me show...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №148493
Today my boyfriend was so impressed with my abilities in sex that he wrote to my ex-boyfriend a message of thanks.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №148492
Newborns cry very little, especially at night.
What!?? What was that, puff? The author is deaf. Have you never given birth to a living baby? I remember that hell. And he is such that I will never and for nothing agree to give birth again. Rise every 40 minutes, complete devastation and hatred of the child. If a child sleeps at least from 12 to 6 in the morning, it is such an unimaginable happiness!
by p.s Yes, my husband still thinks that the child slept at night, and I lie and charge myself a price. He hadn’t heard him crawl! I did not get up, of course.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №148491
According to the same unwritten rules, a woman inviting a man to "drink a cup at home for two", calls for sex. Whether you like this installation or not, but in our society it is a very common stamp. And if a man in the situation you described is not a telepath, he will come with champagne and condoms. And the discrepancy of his expectations and reality will cause resentment.

According to unwritten rules, if a man slept with a woman, then the next evening he must come to her with champagne, roses and a ring. Well, okay, not after the first time, but in six months I should definitely make an offer. And then you have to take care of her and love their common children. The discrepancy between her expectations and reality will cause resentment. Where is the shit? And such views have a fairly large proportion of our fellow citizens - I fear that even more than considering any invitation to a woman home as an offer of sex. and CHO?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №148490
As a pupil of the fifth grade, Edak went home from school. In the hand of a swing, on the back of a wallet, a whole day of computer toys awaits. Beauty in one word.

Suddenly, my gaze fell on the shoes rolling right in front of my feet. And, like every decent schoolboy, I pulled this shoe right before I got in (about 10 minutes in a row). The joy had no limits.

And as soon as I got home, a thought came into my head - "chuchak, check the package with the shift."

And indeed, there was one shoe in a wooden bag.

I ran out on the street to take the loss. I was an idiot.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №148489
After college, I came to work at school. I asked to create a school website. Everything was done, the site worked, the information went. For this I was awarded a prize in 2500 r. After some time, I started working there as a businessman. There were orders for the premiation of the order for the creation of a school website for 30 000r. each of them. They did not participate in the development or filling of the site. The sadness...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №148488
We stayed at a hotel in Astana. For breakfast we had to go down to their restaurant on the first floor. When the waitress arranged the food, he accidentally bended a plate with puddles, and one fell right on my jacket. A large fat spot. The waitress apologizes, takes my jacket and takes it to the cleaner. In the evening he was cleaned and brought to my room. Good service I thought.

When I went out of the cleaning room, I was included in the price. did not pay.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №148487
and Walk

>~> FUW!!! "Sandy clock" is the most terrifying type of female figure.

You just got caught with sinking sand. Nothing terrible, even pleasant.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №148486
by this:
I don’t quite understand what’s terrible about caring for others, what should make a child unhappy.

Her husband has a daughter from her first marriage, her mother recently gave birth to her sister. The daughter of her husband, who was a joyful, joyful child with five in school, turned in six months into one of the most backward in the class, a nervous, eternally insomniac hysteric, because instead of sleeping and studying at home, she is awaited by hell, a baby whirls, she is forced to nurse and do everything at home. She comes to us to sleep. She hates her sister.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna