— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №150825
Presentations at weddings and corporations. The Cossack Choir. and expensive.
Ask to Vladimir Vladimirovich

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №150824
People usually see kindness as a sign of stupidity.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №150823
As a child, I was a very active child. My parents did not have it easy with me. And although I was not capricious, but managed to quickly exhaust anyone, because the energy in me was like that rabbit from the advertisement.

One day my mom’s beloved aunt came to visit us. They have not seen each other for several years. In the city, my aunt was on the road after a long trip and was going to stay with her beloved niece for a few days.

I was 4 years old then. I passed through our narrow two, like an army of Hunts, leaving chaos and destruction behind. My aunt only had one day of contact with me. By evening, she had already picked up her bags, said goodbye to her mother and rushed home on the train.

My parents were so worried about my excessive activity that I was even drunk with valerian and driven by doctors. At the reception with another neurologist it turned out that I was completely healthy. Meanwhile, the doctor asked my mother if I was the only child in the family. Her mother jokingly said that she would not dare to have another such active child soon. The doctor said very seriously, “You think so. After all, if one child had to be tortured well, the other will be a “gift.”

This reception at the doctor made a strong impression on my mother.
A few years later she gave birth to a younger brother. As my mother later admitted, the doctor was absolutely right. Indeed, if you struggle with one, the other will be a “gift.” This was the “gift” for me.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №150822
“I was born” – I was born. It is “I was born.” We are used to doing everything ourselves.

[ + 27 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №150821
There is nothing more unpleasant and annoying to a professional historian than a credible fact.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №150820
Jason Ohart writes:
"I played golf with a busy 78-year-old old man who constantly gave life advice. I have never met a bigger puppy in my life.
After the game, he told me, “Don’t talk to me in the parking lot. My wife will take me away, and she thinks I was deaf five years ago.”
The legendary man.”

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №150819
You have the right to remain silent...Everything you say can be used against you in court.
Why do you read the words of American police officers?
"This is not a police phrase, it is a new user agreement for registration in Russian social networks.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №150818
The party is merely a form of organization of people on the principle of "your-strangers."

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №150817
I talked to a funny couple in a neighboring bed. Misha is a healthy, slightly overpumped and overfed guy under a meter ninety. Masha is a thin, cute cock weighing twice as much. Both were shy and shy. They told me that they met a few days ago right here, at the resort. After the trial, they are determined to get married.

Michele remembered the first day of their encounter. They swam it all and swam it. The girl struck him with her fear. She swam well, but did not dare to go further than twenty meters from the shore. She climbed the rocks cleverly, but higher than a few meters up she was scared. I got married, but I kissed Misha. She packed things when moving from the beach to the beach with such care as if they were on a long space trip. She was constantly spraying the cream, afraid of burning.

Finally, Misha began to get it in order.
That’s why she is lonely! He thought, sadly, that she was a good girl.

In despair, he cleverly tried to drink her. The same smoothie came out - she replied that she loves Mohito, but refused to drink it categorically. I took a sad breath at that. Her eyes were filled with sad memories.

Why - Michele would soon be convinced on his own skin. The sun had already bowed to sunset when it broke Masha. She quickly drank a large glass of Mohito and was transformed. With a disturbing wide gesture, the hair adhered to the whiskers and turned into a beautiful witch with a hairstyle "enemies ruined the crown nest." The devil was clear in her eyes. She whispered laconically and whispered: I clutch to those stones! He threw his hand somewhere in the sea, and it was. Within seconds, her thin figure was already waving in the waves.

Misha could hardly see the stones coming out of the water in this Masha direction. The distance was a little frightening for him. But he was delighted with the opportunity to show her all his power and ability to swim. He left traces. He ferociously struck with all his limbs, his biceps and his triceps, trying to push this wickedness. did not succeed. It resembled a wheeled steam boat race for a torpedo boat. So much foam, so little.

Misha had already reached the middle of the strait and had been exhausted when Misha welcomed him with these stones. She was bored there quickly. He swam and went back to the beach. Moving past Misha, she joyfully asked: take me off on that rock until the sun settles!

Looking at the object of the film, Misha trembled. The rock really looked great, sprinkling out into the sea from the beach. It had only one disadvantage – verticality.
Masha is standing! He walked after her - don't think about going to her! You will be killed!

In response, there were bumping bubbles of her laughter. Misha was still bragging in the waves, when at the hellish light of the burning sunset he saw her figure cheerfully climbing up. With the cleverness of the broken cat, she grabbed for invisible performances.

Remove the slugs! He desperately blasted Misha. The rock consisted of smooth plates of the strongest mesozoic limestone, drowned by dinosaurs. Misha himself on such plates slid in wet shells and in a flat place.

But Masha hurried to climb the top before sunset. She succeeded. Without taking slides. When Misha finally ran to this rock, Masha had long and thoughtfully posed in the hills. The entire beach was delighted to photograph her silhouette at the same time as the sunset.

Take me off! Weakly brought to Misha.
Sit in silence! Do not move! I go behind the camera! He responded to Misha.
Take me off the rock! I am scared!! to

Mochi seemed to have been out of it by that time. Changed the sexy pose with the knee up to the emphasis of lying. He threw his head over the pit and was terrified.

The sorrow of Fedor was on her face.
Don’t take me off, Misha. Masha said bitterly – or you’ll kill yourself! I cry while it is light. Take it when I crash.

I thought about the absurdity.

Could you call a fire car? Let me be photographed.

"Then the barge must be called," Misha replied, "the drying technique will not come here. Let’s try it ourselves first. Sit where you sit, don’t move.

And began to rise. He could climb the rocks much better than swim. He reached the top faster than Masha. Three meters below it, I realized that further - only a ticket to one end. He got stuck with a dead grip for a couple of concessions in a position that allowed him to take the falling Masha on his head.

He carefully examined all possible taps for her descent. I asked her where to put her hands and feet. In shock, I did not immediately realize that Masha began to descend too in the slats!

Throw them down to the fucking grandmother! He was grumbling.

Masha humbly and alternately shrugged her legs. Both unwittingly looked down, realizing that they could hit someone in the bowl with these shoes. From the beach, the rescue operation was monitored by crowds. The slopes did not reach the spectators. They alternately collapsed on a slope and... exploded! Flown into many bright colored fragments. Thro the crowd went a crowd of astonishing admiration from the cycle "I don't believe my eyes!" The resting people caught the pieces that fell on them and looked stupidly at them. Misha almost fell out of surprise.
Masha, what was it? Did you hide explosives? Why Why?
The mosaic has flown! Masha answered sadly.

It turned out that its shells, modest from the outside, from the inside were a strange idea of the designer. The plastic pad had a high border on the edge, inside which numerous multi-colored pieces of elastic material were placed under pressure. They fled when they hit the shovel.

When this couple finally came down, it was awaited by a whole deputies with selected pieces of shellfish. The children walked into the hillside in search of the lost pieces. Masha began to restore the mosaic on one of the tapes, Misha tried to help her by collecting the second. But I had trouble. It was a real puzzle.
“Don’t,” said Masha gently, “there’s a pattern to remember. I will collect faster.

I looked at the fragments carefully.
“Children, there is still a small orange piece in the shape of a cupcake!

Detvora was delighted to spread around the surroundings and in a couple of minutes found the tea. And Masha, meanwhile, laid out the pattern, sometimes thinking.

Meanwhile, Misha began to comment:
We need to develop shoes! Increase the intelligence. Self-liquidate when the IQ of the owner or the owner itself falls. They recover if she has the courage to gather them back.

Masha laughed and continued to squeeze the colored pieces.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №150816
A resident of Barnaul was sentenced to five years for publishing Rorschach’s spots on the Internet. The court identified on the picture: demonstration of Nazi symbolism, insulting the feelings of believers, justification of terrorism and pornographic image of the mother of one of the investigators.

[ + 7 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №150815
A monarch acting in the interests of the people is better than a parliament acting in the interests of the party.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №150814
In Novosibirsk, they removed stickers with the inscription "For Russia without scammers and thieves".
In the act of inspection it is written that the violation is an agitation against "United Russia".

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №150813
President of the State Duma Volodin said that there is a hole in the budget, so Russians will have to do without state pensions. Or is it better for us to do without the State Duma and its president?

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №150812
In the weakened kingdom, there are far more eaten than satiated.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №150811
In my family 4 children.
I am the oldest.
My mother and I had this conversation:
When did you decide you want children?
That moment in my life has not yet come.
Mother of the Year

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №150810
I don’t understand why iPhone owners don’t like those with Android. What do people without loans do to you?

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №150809
There was an interesting young man in our class, a second-year-old - Eldar. He made a hole inside the pocket of the pants, pushed his reproductive organ there from the inside and offered the girls to smell something interesting in the pocket. The whistleblower quickly flew through the school. Ella Albertovna, a tough woman, soon arrived at the scene of the accident and, without words, put her hand in Eldar's pocket, but did not pull back. Ladies with many years of pedagogical experience strongly compressed the subject. She dragged him to the end to the head of the educational department. In the mid-1990s, the second-year-old dissolved in time, but there were no relapses.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №150808
I make mistakes so well that I only learn from them. Other mistakes are of very low quality.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №150807
“And I know what you’re looking for,” said the taxi driver on the way to Vnukovo. “I’ve been driving people to the airport for five years, I recognize that look right away. You are looking for a passport. Turn off the alarm and look into the front pocket.
Oh, here is he! But how do you know...
and five. The flight.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №150806
Pete, do you know what a prospect is?
Vasily Ivanovich is good. I have enough explanation for the nuance.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna