— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №78587
I went to talk to the boss.
YYY: Good luck!! to
XXX: I don’t remember what I wanted.
YYY: to resign
XXX is sure!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №78586
After analyzing my difficult life, I came to the conclusion that I analyze too much and complicate my life. and c)

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №78585
Discussing heavy as ringtones.

Dr. Off: This is the story.
Dr. Off: He went to kindergarten for his nephew.
Dr. Off: The phone left there
Dr_Off: The educator tells me: "You’ve been called somehow. The children first danced, and then one talked"
Dr. Off: In short, I don’t go to the garden for my nephew anymore.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №78584
XXX: Don't confuse horrible and horrible
Yyy: to see something terrible enough to look out the window
and zzz :)
Yyy: there Luhansk
YYY: Every morning

[ + 45 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №78583
I sit somewhere at work, and our tables are shifted in rows, we sit next to each other.

The system is on the right of the monitor, that is, the picture is as follows: monitor, system, monitor, system...

My computer hangs, I confuse the systems and tick the reset on the one on the left, i.e. in the neighborhood. Compu popped, I am surprised and ticked a few more times.

Then I look at the neighbor on the left, and he looks at me.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №78582
Sorry we can’t be together.
WOW : Why?
NHL: 42
I’m 26 and I think the difference in age ;)
The MDA...

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №78581
My inheritance is great! My grandmother has three survivors!! I will be the same!!! to
Hygiyya... Yes, she must be handed over by the female satan with the pentagram of the Hero of Bab labor! Three men from the light!! to

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №78580
One evening my daughter (14 years old) comes to me and reports with a confident sad voice.
I seem to be a mother.
Looking at my half-blind state stretches me a cell phone, on which hangs the SMS spam "Mommy, urgently translate to such a number so many rubles, in the evening I will tell you".

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №78579
Comment to the news "School teachers of South Dakota were allowed to arm themselves"

Hotey: Now in the Dakota children will be moving through the corridors, and shooting physruck - a worker to gather crowds of fans.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №78578
After 30 seconds, the telephone begins to work and a waitress appears in the door, with a victorious look twisting the grinding.
I sit here and think she did there.

It blurred the IR lighting on the security camera, which blurred so that it reflected up to the neighboring room and knocked the controller.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №78577
Philopath: Do you really think you can find a narrowing in McDake?
Pathophile: rather extended :)

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №78576
xxx: Well, what about me, how foolish will I be driving to Moscow, when I can drive directly from my home to the university by electric car?
What is "Little"?
Yyy: Are you a little fool?

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №78575
I have very chaotic neighbors. Someone put an old closet on the staircase. The next day, the inscription appeared on the closet: "Confident. There is no narcissism"

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №78574
from the forum space =))
"I would return my former luxury. The length is now 15 cm below the shoulder. There was always a kidney minimum, sometimes a lower ninety. Thick and strong, even hanging on your hair... Now the thoughts of suicide on your own grip are not relevant at all. The"

[ + 39 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №78573
Yesterday before bed, the daughter (4 years old) says: "Mommy, let's sing a song about cute pony? " We pull with her a song from the initial titles to the cartoon. We sing the last line, I silence, and the child looks at me with a clear condemnation and continues: "Friendship is a miracle! Author of the idea Laura Faust, producer - Sarah Von". And so insultingly he adds to me: "Why did you not sing until the end?"

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №78572
From the review of VAZ 2107:

... A! The ignition key is very stupid, inserted to the left. The windows sweat in the winter. It does not blow on them. ...

Commentary :

The key is located on the left to start quickly, with the left hand to start and the right hand to switch the transmission. It is like a porch."

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №78571
XXX: How the pop hired a worker
To you, girl, my life will be easy, not as much to work as to rest!
You will wake up in the morning, as you would, to the light. You will wash the cattle, clean the courtyard, feed the cows, let them go, put them in the straw and rest.
Breakfast you shake up, samovar you warm up, meat us with mommy breakfast and sleep-rest!
In the field you will work, in the garden you will field, in the winter you will go to the woods, you will go to the seed and sleep and rest!
You will cook lunch, you will baked cakes – my mom and I will sit down for lunch, and you will sleep.
After lunch, wash your dishes, clean your bed and rest!
When the time is appropriate, you go into the forest for berries, for mushrooms, but the mother is sent to the city, so you run away. Go to the city with your hand, and there will be no eight warts, and then rest.
And you, girl, are sleeping day-to-day, what time will you sleep at night?
At night, you will struggle, squeeze, raise, sew and rest again!
Well, in the morning, you wash your clothes, which needs to be washed, cut off to sew and sleep-rest!
Girl, it is not for nothing. I will pay money. Every year for rubles. Think of yourself. A hundred years is a hundred rubles. You will become rich!

YYY: ordinary job ads for an enicacheer

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №78570
RT @ryba_xek: Some guards are shocking. I go to car service. The KPP. I am in service. The guard: “What do you want to repair the car?”
...??? to
RT @ryba_xek: No, that’s not all! Another security guard at the same station at the exit asked, I quote, “Do you think this car is worth repairing?”

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №78569
CHC: When you say “Apple iron quality” you mean the metal body, right?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №78568
In the social network:
xxx: I will donate any big book, pages of 500-600, preferably enlarged format, well or at least simple. Any content, even a reference book. Average or good, year of release does not matter.
Q: What about the color? This is the most important thing in the book!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna