— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №36038
Prof: Passengers of the Moscow-Odessa train realized that something went wrong when Stephen Seagal passed the wagon with a tense face.
How does Stephen Seagal’s face tell you he’s tense?
Kobold: the Voltmeter

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №36037
A sleeve acquaintance opened the SD flash drive to find out why the photos didn’t open.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №36036
Young family will rent an apartment in Sibylovo no more than 8000 rubles
Now two girls are looking for an apartment everywhere (except Demy, Zaton and Shakshi). Nine is cheaper. 9 is rare.
- two girls this is filled with the constant presence of foreign men, dangerous! position yourself as a young lesbian family without children and pets

[ + 55 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №36035
xxx: And I most often stumble while I read the inscription "Be careful, thumb!"

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №36034
XXX: Good morning
Tagged: goodbye
YYY: Oh good! ))

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №36033
Raylin is wind! The wind! You are powerful! You are chasing the room! Silence, the wind, do not chase! Let me catch Wifi! >_<

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №36032
Don_Pavlencio: under the window children worship:]
Ray :D
Don Pavlencio: The Bell of Glass
Don Pavlencio: It’s all over
Don_Pavlencio: the silent voice of the girl: "scorpion wins... (pause) fitality"

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №36031
Stepan with members: Hi, have you translated us about members?
LentLilly: I. Is there something wrong with them?
Stephan with members: No-no, they have a new instruction, will you take it?

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №36030
xxx: We agreed with the nearest Sberkassa to exchange Lechina’s little stuff for money in exchange for a box of candy. We went together today.

XXX: Meeting a girl with a notebook. Sociological survey: whether you use a bank card, whether you have taken a loan in a bank, whether you have savings in a bank...

xxx: Well, Leha showed her two litre pots with little stuff. Never in my life has it been so hard not to crack.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №36029
Ida: I’ve gotten overwhelmed... with all these manners, but to turn off the lights, the monitor and everything else when you leave.
Ida: decided to cook the chicken in the oven. She turned on the fire, opened the oven, got the dish, the chicken in it, the dish in the oven, closed the door - switched off the stove - went. The collapse.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №36028
xxx: Did you hear that Lukoil was granted benefits for mining in the Caspian Sea?
YYY: The Ohga They need to repair the financial situation they spent covering the killer director.

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №36027
XXX is
in short )
XXX is
My mom told me yesterday.)
Yesterday a friend called her and told me.)
She went somewhere, to rest or elsewhere, and she has a pudel for 4 years, well, she gave his girlfriend, for a while, and that cat
XXX is
and short. Puddle is in love with a cat! And all two weeks did not give him a passage, tried to fuck everywhere, the cat did not know where to go from him!
XXX is
she came, took him, and he who day at home knocks under the door foolish and wants to cat.)
XXX is
she already gave him a reassuring and that only did not, does not leave the door and cries, demands a cat.)
This is love 😉 😉 😉
XXX is
Not much of a homosex, but also a cat)))

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №36026
I pointed out to the chief that in Japan, in large corporations, the anger is ripped on the puppet copies of the leadership.
The red...
Our boss is a cute lady of 30 years... and the department of men 25-48 and many more...
I realized that 20 men would not have enough of one doll, and nobody would be able to beat 😉

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №36025
So my familiar programmer talks about his scripts, and you know – I believe him!

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №36024
XXXX: Fucking hurt the pepper. I have to go to the hospital.
and so on :(
SSS: I’m afraid to clarify... to the pectologist?

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №36023
Repeat the old equipment. It is necessary to write down what was folded in the basement in one bush of metal "black" (as later became clear). I haven’t woke up since morning, but it’s Monday. I didn’t really get into the matter, and the main discussion was on Friday. Talk to the boss (N), I will come in the morning:
I: Good morning
N is translated. You remember having to make a large bunch in the basement (and shows in your height)
I: Oh, I’m not going to do so much alone!
N: Fuck, a bunch of written technology!
And only after that, under the general rubber of the department, came up what he...

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №36022
The Perfect World. Discuss the size of the breast:
Dubonus: 18 years and 4 sizes?? to
Dubonus: little to believe, but it sounds great ))

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №36021
Skatenok (18:33:30 13/09/2010)
How about Katy?

Joker (18:35:03 13/09/2010)
The whole brain has already eaten.))) See there substances necessary for recovery

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №36020
Conversation of a boy (p) with a girl (d)...
D: And what hell do you argue with me? you have to agree with me in everything!
Q: Yes my dear!
I like it!I love it!I love it!I love it.
Q:Em...and what should I say: "Yes, Dear?and "

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №36019
WeSeeJḳbḳb/ (22:02:29 14/09/2010)
Well, this is real chess b comp she didn’t have a telecome you did?
SERGant (22:02:48 14/09/2010)
I would be happy in the fifth grade.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna