— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №36058
My friends go abroad for vacation for the first time.
She: I need a new swimsuit.
You have not been seen in the old.

[ + 120 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №36057
Sorry, of course for UG but my grandfather died so that the Police Police were not called.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №36056
xxx: friends, now probably many people know in Ocean cake for half the price. The first time after the cake, there was a very strong poisoning in me, my mom and sister. Decided that it was in the manufacturer, after a while decided to try a little piece of cake. Today it is again trouble, trouble. How are you?
While I am saving coal, enterosgel and diet, maybe there is another remedy?
Do not try a cake that has already been poisoned.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №36055
YYY (22:16:54 14/09/2010)
My cat has a name, Caesar.

XXX (22:17:03 14/09/2010)
Why is?

YYY (22:17:35 14/09/2010)
He licked his eggs and his ass at the same time. At the same time, he sits in front of the kitchen, watching when he is fed.

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №36054
I work in the fleet..I have to go to such places where even the phone catches an antenna once a week. And you know what?!...
I fucking am happy!! to

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №36053
Start of study.
September 2, the first day of class. Next to the schedule stands a young man, apparently confused. He leads his finger on the glass, something bats, he will not find what he needs.
She goes by in a good mood, decides to help the poor. The further dialogue:

Can’t you figure it out? Can you find your couple?
I don’t know how to see a pair of audiences. What are the lines?
Now we will find. What is your course, first?
At least the fifth...

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №36052
Primary :
Remember Pushkin "there on unknown paths traces of unseen animals"?

The Elephant:

Primary :
I have such a shit in the cage. He stood with Dr. in the hallway.

Primary :
They came to wash their hands.

Primary :
It is there that evolution has advanced to the simplest vertebrates already.

Primary :
As a goddess, I cleaned up.

Primary :
Shake up, here we live happily here, breeding up, pissing about the hf, lechino puza... and here the shit! From above from the sky such a hand with a washer in the foam

Primary :
The shit of civilization.

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №36051
I went to the car school today.
You are burning!
Emily, I am still silent.
Forget the fucking shit!!! to

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №36050
Diana (17:50:03 14/09/2010)
I don’t like a goat, I had two boys when I was 15, they were 20 and both goats.
kipling (17:50:31 14/09/2010)
I had two Dianas in my life, and both were fools.
Diana (17:51:56 14/09/2010)
Go you go

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №36049
XXX: How subtle our measures on the Day of the City:
Today, the city of Nikolaev, the Nikolaev region, and in general, all of Ukraine has the most important thing – it has people!
XXX: They have, as they have...

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №36048
The house is undergoing major repairs, the stands are dismantled, it is perfectly heard what the neighbors say from below. Dad and son.
Son: Dad, can you dry a man’s eye with a vanity?
Father (thinkingly): Well then you will dry his whole face...
What about a little Vanessa?

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №36047
Flash: I composted my brain for half an hour because of the fact that everything is glued in the windscreen, the mail does not work, that malkosoft is curvy and everything is in that spirit. Pilar to Ubuntu.
Flash: as it turned out in the end, this miracle just blocked everything possible in the firewall!!! to
What to take from such people...
Flash: MMM, the money?

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №36046
he: Dear, if you buy a photocopy for a carpenter, we will have a rostacuse
She: is it why?
Because you will be ugly and I will not be able to live with you.
Why would I suddenly become ugly?
He: Because you have a morda shaking from a photo for a goat!

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №36045
From an official note.
Please increase the price for me, as the price of strawberries has risen, and I lack enough food.
I have a grey...

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №36044
Yyy: Hi, how are you doing?
I am in the hospital, my leg is broken.
YYY: OMG, how did this happen?
xxx: Do you remember that in my closet, which stands next to my bed, there was an old iron boiler?
Tagged: looool

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №36043
The RU tape:
The spokesman of the Indonesian Ministry of Defence, General Vayan Midio, said that the cause of the death of employees of Sukho could have been poisoning with vodka. According to him, the use of large amounts of alcohol could lead to such consequences due to the hot climate in the country.

The head of the consular department of the Russian embassy Vladimir Pronin, as noted by the journal, rejected this assumption, saying that it is impossible to die from vodka.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №36042
XXX: How to find a job?
I have a friend who wants to work as a prostitute.
XXX Who?
Yyy: Sysadmin on departure

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №36041
I go to the store with Fedora.
I am :
I need to buy breakfast.
Take an active
He is:
Is this your breakfast?? to
and yes. And what? Eat at work.
Very little type.
He turns that bottle in his hands. Then this:
I know why you buy it!
And the finger on the bowl ticks, and there is the slogan: "the asset works, you are resting!"

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №36040
Alexander (10:23:39 14/09/2010)
Your wife is a porn actress.
I would not be able
Silent Bob (10:24:10 14/09/2010)
I think I't be able either.
all her fucking alone you love her doing like a bad guy
Alexander (10:25:45 14/09/2010)
and she throw such "I do not give in the pop, it is only at work")))))))
Silent Bob (10:26:59 14/09/2010)
And you fucking love her in a missionary position.
Alexander (10:27:44 14/09/2010)
And after sex you kiss and say "I love you so much")))))))
She didn’t even finish...
Silent Bob (10:28:26 14/09/2010)
She just slept, tired after work.
Alexander (10:29:03 14/09/2010)
With my ass in my ass, I forgot to pull it out.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №36039
xxx: well is it so hard to understand that no -it's no, no-it's possible, it's no))-it's yes?! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna