— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №31818
xxx: I don't understand why I have programming at all, but I gave up.
What language do you have?
xxx: English

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №31817
I don’t like living in the village.
The toilet is always full of flies.
I want solitude!

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №31816
Leather(14:40:43 20/06/2010)
Are you sick? Recover at last or die now!

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №31815
I am an exemplary girl.
XXX: Okay
YYY: Yes
XXX: Can you give an example?

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №31814
Do you know what Zombie is? :)

- No, but it sounds like I wasted my head and painted my nails.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №31813
The boss brought his two-year-old boy to work. He took the key from the safe from the manager. The manager tries to exchange the key for a visit card, the little one looks at it as if it was a choked one.
YYY: Oh it is useless. I know that little guy, he has the right installations. He doesn’t even exchange the key from Porsche Caine for the key from Lexus and the chocolate.

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №31812
If the roar of the tank engine comes out of the toilet, it means that it has gone to mess with the laptop again.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №31811
From Blogs:
" is great. remove the pants from the rope after washing, and in the pocket the socks washed=)"

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №31810
My favorite gave:

And if I get better, you’ll run around and scream, “It’s all mine!” It is all mine!

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №31809
Served in the army. He was hospitalized with tooth pain. It was necessary to tear the 8k (the tooth of wisdom). The doctor, a 40-year-old aunt, says: "Don't worry, I've broken my jaw before 8k until the guy's jaw was broken!" I pulled the pen off the chair!! to

by KVG!

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №31808
All, I went

I will either kill myself or put it in my hands.

The neighbor's department moved and took the tea!!!! to

The Fuck!! to

The pedestrian!!! to

How to work now?

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №31807
Yesterday I watched the matrix in the original.
YYY: And before that, did you only look at transposed matrices?

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №31806
Chloe: I remembered one funny story here. I used to have an eternal complaint about the fact that at 25 I look like 17. I took myself as a "kinder" and was very upset by this fact:)) One morning I went to work. Wear a new super sexy business lady costume: a black shirt, a white swimsuit and a black jacket. I turn around the mirror, all such an adult and serious lady. Dad is watching me. I turn to him, asking with a victory in the voice:
Do I look like a kidney now?
Now you look like a Kindergarten Penguin!

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №31805
The girl is not allowed to walk after 21:00, I find out the reason. Her answer killed me:
I just said my phrase...
-mam, unless as I grow up the time I can walk decreases>.<
As the size of your breasts increases, time decreases.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №31804
My boyfriend is a metalist. All in black, all in black, all as it should be.
I come home to him one day, I look at him, and in his closet some white fist is looking through.
xxx: "Not figured, I say, do you still wear white clothes?" He looks at the dress and so carelessly:"No, it’s a Jedi costume";
XHH: 25 year old
Who do I meet with o_o

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №31803
XXX: I ask you like a good housewife: if the pellet has popped up, are they ready? Or is it not Pellman?

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №31802
XXX: The Girl Gone With Me
YYY: I wonder why?
xxx: called me a dumb shit and went to another server

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №31801
The Basatron:
Never go with a stranger in a big place.
Especially when his wife kicked him out of the house.
As the practice shows, he can be a long-distance driver.
Go with me to Peter.
The Rice:
What a gesture.
The Basatron:
At least I woke up in the anniversary.
When they came out for 15 minutes, I tried to figure out where the beach was from.
The Street of the Admiral
After a day I went back on electric cars.
Damn I drank a beer.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №31800
Talk to a Ukrainian from Lviv.

How do you know Russian?
YYY: Studying in School
My grandfather is talking.
How do you know Ukrainian?
See also Google Translator :)

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №31799
Logan: Blind...I try to install a photo-jeep in the wine and he set me some fonts here...the internet explorer puts

He will set the window.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna