— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №20828
There is a parrot at home. Until he says nothing, he learns. Once a friend with her mother came to visit us. Her mother saw our puppy and remembered the story from their relatives’ lives.
Their relatives had a parrot (in Peter also). He was constantly turning the feed. And his mistress always mocked him, “Why do you turn the feed?” Well, with time, he also became where he should and where he shouldn’t: “Why do you feed the barrel per-revor?” Then he often heard about Gorbachev on television. He liked that word too.
“The mountains.” They went to the house somehow, and took him with him in a cage. They go electric. Two men are talking about politics.
He heard when they spoke "Gorbachev" and how he cried out, "Gorbachev! “Why do you make a reboot?” People are lying.

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №20827
She is:
“Tell me why if a guy had a lot of girls, he was a macho, and if he had a lot of girls, he was a macho.
There are a lot of boys, she...
He is:
If one key opens many locks, it is offensive.
The key! And if all the keys fit into the same lock, it’s certain.
The fucking castle.

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №20826
#89 22.08.2009 - 15:09 Author: Anonymous
From the Moscow building, the bus "PAZ" returned with the workers who wiped off their watch. The money was received, the mood raised, and then the cook also caught the cat. The small cat did not want to sit in the basket and thoroughly struck the hostess with a cracking meal. The men let go of jokes and gave scabies advice, and the bus filled a whistle of twenty gloves. The cook didn't stand it and decided to open the jail to look at the cat's condition and somehow calm it. The animal jumped into the gap and crashed under the seats. Everyone in one moment leaned to catch the runner when the bus crashed into a trailer with pipes that stood without lighting. From the impact, metal pipes entered the salon to the very end. Stunned workers rolled on the floor, observing the iron ceiling wherever their heads were. The driver was not seriously injured, he was out of trajectory. The cat was later named "Fart" and was taken to each trip feeding exclusively from a common boiler.
Freshly? 229 is not. (4) is

Tagged. no

[ + 61 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №20825
Bravo to Men! I was frightened when I imagined how a man and a cat at the distance of an extended arm simultaneously collapse and smoke each other:)))) and the cat does it so tightly and seriously, and the man encourages him: "Let's go, barsique! More courageously! You can!!" and begins to roast itself and from this the most fun process is going on.and :)


It really works! I learned how to go to the toilet!!! to
And fuck it only when it’s praised! It is from a spoon!! to
Cats are smarter than we can imagine.
Sometimes I feel like they all despise us.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №20824
I’ve seen a lot of different cagen, but when this one said to me, “Hunny some, the files are not found!”... So he wanted to write an O_o emoji in the input box.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №20823
I guess this is a shower gel, one of the socks can be washed.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №20822
I’m beginning to understand the essence of relationships.
The main thing is not to miss the girl.
You can’t make her happy, then at least upset her with something.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №20821
Damn, Dimon is a megacrute.
Last month he struck on the hopes, and the wallet and the pipe were pressed off. Dimon immediately went into a lie - the statement hit, but he was immediately told there, type of dumb, and don't hope. The other would calm down, but not Dimon.
I went around the area yesterday - I look, stand, on the pillar ad glue. has arrived. In the big letters "Cards-money", small - the rental and exchange of discount cards and the address of the site of someone. This is what you would think?
Not even a fig. In the wallet of Dimon, among other things, a 20% discount card of the beauty salon was lying, which this salon gave him for the site made by Dimon. So this miracle wrote another site where you can rent discount cards for a penny. Gopnik, he says, a hundred pounds will be bought, here I will lie to him and give him, the card is a name.
A month of writing. The Avenger, the fucking.
I say, what if they don’t have compounds? No, he says, I have an idea for that too. Fuck, I am afraid of him.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №20820
I write in Google "what to do", the first 3 tips:
1st What to do when boring
2nd What to do if a condom is broken
Three What to do if you don’t want to live

I had a logical chain in my head.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №20819
We’re sitting, like, we’re sitting in the office. Silence and tranquility
Oh, and here it is so quietly: "Well, the computer! Well your producers..."

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №20818
The Religion. The views:

P.S And this is all said...

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №20817
She: And I sneeze and cough at the same time

He: Oh, how universal and multiplexed you are.

I am delighted with your compliments :)

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №20816
<divX> An accident on the line. Our experts are now fixing the malfunction.
<YAS> The third day of the day???!!!! to
<div> We have a very complex infrastructure.
<YAS> is so complex that you do not have a single person who understands anything about it?
<divX> is there. and two. One is currently undergoing forced treatment in a psychiatric hospital, the second is under investigation.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №20815
With KillMips

I graduated 22. I recently got a good job. I called my best friend about this. I decided to go to the club and celebrate. In the club she flooded and flooded everything.
I wake up in her apartment in the morning and say good morning. She’s a beautiful girl, but she’s still my friend. And now worse:
1)I must marry her, otherwise she will file for rape (her ancestors work in the judicial system, i.e. I will buy right away)
She didn’t wear a condom at night, so I’ll soon be a daddy.
She was in love with me from 10th grade. and long developed a plan for her "happy life with me"!

Agree to the wedding and say in the ZAGS: "No!and "
As a result, you will not land, there is no wife, and there is no fact that you will become a father :D

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №20814
This is the situation: the father of a three-year-old boy agrees with someone on the phone for a meeting: "Yes, we'll see you there and then. I will have a silver coat, and in my hand a magazine "Fire", you will immediately recognize me". They talked and ran to the meeting. The child takes off the phone and imitates a phone conversation: “Ally, yes, let’s meet, I’ll be (look down) in blue socks, and in my hand a yellow cube, you’ll immediately recognize me.”

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №20813
The men!! Where to buy blue woven socks in orange strip???? Need it urgently!! to

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №20812
“Take your head”
The most unexpected wake-up for me was a friend’s call at 8:30 a.m. with a wild cry: “Polin, you know what the Chrysanthemums look like?”and "

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №20811
Biology for the Youngest

Sometimes, even with a noticeable print, there is literally no possibility to give a refutation. This was the opinion of the edition of the Leningrad newspaper "Change", which in 1973, publishing a story from the series "To the Boys about the Beasts", made a small mistake. We were talking about the locals, whom the author pleasantly called “little long-eared animals”. In the word "long-eared" the letters "u" and "x" were replaced in places, and in this form these biological facts were presented to the Leningrad childhood.

The editor followed the party line.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №20810
Answer to:
Dear readers of BORA, except for your help to hope for no one else!
Very needed help in identifying a book from the genre of fantasy. There is a spacecraft on which unknown owners have collected biological material from many planets for many years (genes, tissue samples, etc.). This ship falls into the hands of a man, who finds it used in solving problems with the inhabitants of different planets by cloning and creating new species of organisms. For example, to solve the problem of communication 2 races on the same planet were raised cats-telepats.
I remember there were several books and they were very interesting. Google could not help, so this is the last hope.
This is "The Adventures of Tafa" by George Martin

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №20809
At first, the beer seemed diluted.
xxx: but I realized I was wrong about him
When I put two tablespoons of sugar in the ashes

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna