— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №31798
[1:01:52] MADRIDDICK: Bruce Lee could have thrown rice grains into the air and caught them with food sticks
[1:02:01] MADRIDDICK: it seems that the chac has a competitor

[1:02:55] Miriam: the chick could throw the bush of the throwing grain and catch it on the sticks for food
[1:03:11] manana: this is verified information

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №31797
See also 192. by Growth. My mother bought me a sofa 300 cm. 280 to see. So I managed to find a girl of 180 cm who sleeps in the middle of the couch. You just have to sleep in three deaths! 8 * (

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №31796
Hippie(03:51:34 19/06/2010)
Go to bed, it’s too early.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №31795
xxx: I am afraid that in our country there are no guarantees at all, and no one is insured from anything.
YYY: I fear that there is no guarantee in our country that it is our country.

[ + 71 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №31794
The Suicide Forum

I am a suicide, tell me who to go out for me to be dismembered into organs (everyone or I will kill myself or at least somebody to benefit...)

Go out to the combo.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №31793
XHHH: The PriFetics. Lovely guys come in private. Explain the girl how spacecraft sweep the vastness of the universe;)
yyy: "The Voyager 2 flight lasted much longer than planned. In this regard, after the passing of Jupiter, the scientists accompanying the mission had to solve a huge number of technical problems: failure of the radio transmitter signal frequency compensator. This device was to adjust the frequency of the carrier radio transmitter in connection with the fact that it, moving at a speed of about 11.5 km / s, experiences a significant Doppler shift. The problem was solved by creating in the shortest possible time a terrestrial analogue of this device, but already for the ground reception complex operating to date, without which communication with the apparatus would be impossible.
YYY: to continue?

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №31792
Elize: No, it’s too fast

Elize: Let’s exchange screenshots of the desktop first.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №31791
by Anna:
An example of female logic - the wife, leaving to the country, leaves a note on the table of "Cole, the keys to the neighbor." He goes out, locks the door, gives the keys to the neighbor and leaves.

is funny?

and RU:
Not very (but smiling)

by Anna:
It’s a joke, but I didn’t understand it.)

and RU:
She left the note at home, and without the keys she could not read it.

by Anna:
It’s a fool ?

[ + 83 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №31790
[from the Veterinary Forum]

Is it possible to castrate a cat yourself? They told me how to do it: I need to.
Stretch the testicles strongly with a leash and sharply drag - to the breakout. Burn the wound. and
All of it! ? to? to

> Blackwolf
I’m looking forward to Annie, cheap!!!! Get off!
Money to transfer to AA 31, Bobruisk

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №31789
I am a genius ?
Would you say?
xxx: this is the case, under the windows, the hell knows how long some adepts of chaos sit and loudly falsify all the shit.
WOW : and?
xxxh: I started in them with my children's notebook with notes) first mothered, and when they found what came in them, they silenced and broke up)))))

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №31788
cattle, cattle and ohrene

The Trojan runs out of the Avast storage and shows me – look, hostess, I found the Trojan! Give a bone.

I have never seen anyone in my life who is more hypocritical.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №31787
XXX: She has a cockroach again.
If you want to lose weight, you have something.
Are you afraid of your breasts?
XXX: Yes No
XXX: She's just strangely trying to lose weight
For her, a mono-diet is when you eat candy once a day, and then eat it all day: "Well, have I eaten so much?"and "

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №31786
In general, they’ve fallen biology again.
Was that the last transfer?
Yes, he gave it, but on one condition.
The next day I have to donate blood.)
For the blood, and for the exam, goes out, soul?

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №31785
Dream, is it ready?
I’ve done it all, doo.
Talk about yourself as much as you can!
You always wanted a son!

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №31784
thx 22:28:01
and also I'm scared "Malarov" are such big mosquitoes - they're all the time flying to my room (

yyy 22:28:23
G-d and paint it?

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №31783
As long as the computer was cleaned in the shopping room, he barely restrained, so as not to rush. Girls call complaining, like a computer is dumb, it is impossible to work. Well, I first used to touch the system under the table for overheating (summer, heat). I looked under the table and forgot what I used there, because they hang there - guess what? A lumpy flying tape! There are a dozen flies on it. So I wanted to ask: "What girls, hot water turned off, yeah" )))))))))))
No, I understand that they really have no place to hang her (flies) anymore, because the shopping hall, customers, somehow would not be aesthetic... But, shit, symbolic! )))))

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №31782
The young man is unable to work and the old man is unable to work.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №31781
For many years, your stories and anecdotes raise the mood. I want to share one story. She was very much in the topic before Victory Day, but you can’t say to diseases – wait.
I hope the readers will be interested.
My neighbor in the hospital room told me about his uncle who had gone through the war.
Let me go from the first person.
My uncle, Timothy Kupchenko, before the war, completed driver courses and carried artillery shells throughout the war. and batteries. He has never been injured, but has gone through something that is true, you can only agree with him. He often said, “But God still loves me.”
From his stories it seems that it was so.
I arrived late on the battery. The Germans just finished shelling our positions.
I still remembered with horror what I saw. There is nothing left of our battery. Metal fragments mixed with the earth. People were not seen at all.
With great difficulty they dug out of the ground one soldier. Alive but heavily confounded.
He carries somehow a battery of shells, and among them a box with grenades.
The artillery officers were angry and threw the box into the body. Go where you picked up and see what they load.
He goes back to meet a German plane. He gave, he missed.
Well, the uncle thinks, now it will turn and the racing will not miss anymore. The place is open, there is no wreath. Where to go? He jumped out of the cabin and under the radiator.
The German did not fail. I asked for a box of grenades. The explosion destroyed the car. Uncle Timothy, no scratch, only very injured. And when it is injured, it stops talking or cries very hard. Arrived in part on foot. He had to do a lot of work to explain how from the empty, without shells, the machine was nothing left.
On one trip, a young soldier, his countrymen, a single peasant was in his companionship. The house is remembered. German aircraft crashed. While he explained to the landlord where it was better to hide, while pushing him out of the cabin, he had no time to run to the wreck. The explosion of a full car of shells swept him far away.
Timothy was lying very injured, without feelings, but no scratch. The landlord decided that Timothy was killed. His letter to his hometown that
Timothy Kupchenko died in front of him. However, the passing doctors determined that he was alive. He was in the hospital for two months, and only then wrote home. Oh, and got that one villager, who with some sort of outcry came home later.
Once again he walked on the battery at the time of the start of the shelling of our positions.
All in blends. Timothy rushed to the nearest, and he was full. He had to lie down in the depth before entering. A heavy German projectile hit the blinds.
He remained alive alone. He was swallowed by the ground, and when he got out, he could not speak for a long time from injury and horror. He tells, I raise my head, and in centimeters from my face, human limbs and other parts of human bodies are cut off.
He carried the bullets to Berlin. He was not injured once, he was wounded many times.
I went to Berlin on a Studebaker. Once with an accompanying, junior officer, decided to get a snaps. And how? Change the gasoline. There was no time to complete the exchange, two individuals on a motorcycle. They were all thrown on gas. And those like the racing do not lag behind. There was a large shield at one of the turns. He fell down and smashed those “individuals.”
What happened to them he does not know, but they were shaking for a long time, waiting for searchers and investigators.
They themselves moved to the parking lot of cars prepared to be handed over to the Americans.
They chose a car that was not damaged, changed the number and vowed for 30 years not to tell anyone about it. It all happened. No one was sought.
We went by train from Berlin. In which half-station was a Gypsy attached.
You have an affair with iron, and you will die from it. So it was in his soul that, when he returned home, he categorically refused to deal with the technique.
I worked riding. He was sent somewhere after the seed. Senna loaded what is called "above the roof", a whole roof. I sat up on top. The road went along the forest. On the other hand, the whole. There is a lonely tree on the road. Forest on the right, oak on the left. The oak is old and broken. Branches hang over the road. The car will pass. He began to run around the whole tree. What the mine was, it doesn’t matter. The horse and the chariot were broken in pieces.
And my uncle Timothy, with the remains of the seed, was high on the branches of the oak. Uncle is targeted, but he is heavily injured. Two months later, I spoke with difficulty.
When he came back from the war, the lunch started at the second. He says he is accustomed. And how?
So lucky, only poured into the boiler first, shelling or bombardment. Running to the shelter, you splash everything. Do not run, or the earth will saturate, or even a piece will fall.
I decided to start with the second. It is easier to run with him. And then, if I could, I ate the first one. Lunch starts at the second.
The garden of his house is located on the hill. Along the fence she walked expensive and turned to the side. The road is sandy, drivers chase down, cars take off. One of them removed part of the fence. I promised to rebuild the fence.
Soon I brought section fence and pillars.
Timothy was pleased and said that he would rebuild the fence himself. He grabbed the pillars, remaining the last. The old pit is tiny, the new pillar is much longer.
Deeping the hole, the spade hit something hard. I thought it was stone.
I brought LOM. He hit a couple of times.
Either it is the right hand of God, or the sixth sense. A second before the explosion, he jumped away from the pit and fell to the ground. Again, we are injured, but we do not hurt.
The last case. They dug a hole in the yard, covered something, made a basement.
This is immediately after the warrior, with vodka is difficult. Timothy got a couple of bottles and hid them in this cellar. The eldest son of a tractorist, on a hooked tractor, walked back into the courtyard. He broke down the whole cellar, and his hose was grabbed. Digging in steel. They filled the ground, compared to the level of the yard.
20 years have passed. The house was expanded, the foundation became on the former basement. A hole was excavated to strengthen the foundation. I dug those bottles.
Uncle was incredibly pleased. He covered the table, gathered the floor of the village, feasted everyone and condemned "and God still loves me!"

It was a long time, but... it might be interesting. You to decide. The Leukodon.

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №31780
I read Dale Carnegie. I decided to start the next day with a smile. Thro the first half of the working day, I smiled diligently to everyone, as sincerely as possible. At lunch, the boss came to me and said:
Once again smoked at work, you’ll get stuck.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №31779
I – the guys ask us to write a song... the roup jump club anthem
Bob is who else?
These are the guys who jump from bridges.
Bob - Well then it will be a very short song.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna