— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 54 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27328
Talk to a friend (I am a girl).
And I also have a bag on this shirt: the button on my chest is constantly stretching.
This is not a bag. This is FIBA! = = )

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №27327
XXX Go to the store.
I don’t need it, I have it all.
Is the scholarship over?
YYYYYYY: Yes! to

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №27326
Dj Strike (23:39:31 14/03/2010)
Why does the super glue not stick to the super tube?

Dipsy (23:40:09 14/03/2010)
A super secret.

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №27325
YouChaoMiou (15:15:33 14/03/2010)
How do you feel about the army?

YouChaoMiou (15:15:40 14/03/2010)
Hasn’t you wasted time?

YouChaoMiou (15:15:44 14/03/2010)
Did you raise a man?

Locky (15:16:05 14/03/2010)
Turn round and square.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №27324
Jasher: What are you doing?
Krishna: I am collecting a new computer.
Jasher: Why did you understand a new computer?? to

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №27323
Sanchoyzer: an interesting arrangement of medals:
Olympic team of Russia for all Olympics:
3 5 7
Paralympic team of Russia for the 1st day of the Olympics:
3 3 2
You can see who is disabled and who is fighting for the country ;)

[ + 53 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27322
<ccc> When you get upset, imagine the following: you are one of the Siamese twins. Your brother is gay, and you are not. You have one ass for two.

[ + 52 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27321
No process cores, megahertz frequencies, terabytes of screws, touch displays, will help us skip the final flag in Mario... :(

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №27320
Never blame yourself for your problems. When you look around you are full of people.
by Yuri Tatarkin

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №27319
Minister of Finance Kudrin announced that the deficit of the federal budget of Russia for last year amounted to about 1.7 trillion rubles, and this amount will have to be replaced from the Reserve Fund.
According to the calculations of the magazine "Finance", the wealth of the eight richest people of Russia for the same year 2009 grew as follows: Lisin - 343 billion rubles, Prokhorov - 126, Abramovich - 106, Kerimov - 219, Friedman -
254, Deripaska – 273, Usmanov – 243, Alekperov – 99 A total of 1 trillion 663 billion rubles, that is, the amount equal to the deficit of the Russian budget.
Without any comments.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №27318
An old Jew sits on a wing and watches his grandson playing in the courtyard:
This is a miracle, this is a boy, our monkey! I would know for sure that he
My grandson...
His son, the father of the boy, heard these words:
Dad, and how do you, sorry, understand? You know about my wife.
Something like that?
The man reassured him:
No, not about yours.

by Andrew (c)

[ + 80 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27317
Scientists have found out how to walk a woman to know if she can experience orgasm! Attention, question: what word forgot when writing the news headline?

[ + 61 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27316
C Habbra

A whole generation of cats has grown up who didn’t have to lie on a warm monitor.

If only a generation. I have at least three already.
I will never forget when, on the day of buying a 15-inch LCD almost nine years ago, my cat rushed by habit, jumped on a chair, tried by habit to jump on the monitor, and... cried out to the floor, thank God, without touching the monitor itself. He was in shock and I was crying from laughter.

[ + 89 - ] Comment quote №27315
I love Russia.
Today in the movie in the middle of the film quietly sneezed, and almost the whole hall choir said "Be healthy!"))
Small and pleasant)
Be kind to the people around you.)

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №27314
Melchior: one grey, the other white
Gandalf and Saruman.

[ + 79 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27313
I came to a acquaintance. They have a cat. stupid to impossible. While I was there, he wiped the stick out of my boots, took it to the hosts’ bed and buried it under the pillow. Then he jumped like a young antelope on shelves and cabinets. Then I walked down the bottom of the bath, and the enabled water didn’t bother him.))))
The owner said, “Look.
I started brushing my teeth. The wet (and walking in the bath) cat slipped on her back, and began to catch her leg brush (well, a figured, moving too).
In an attempt to throw it down, he stumbled his nails in the back and held back.
In the end, I saw this beast entering his house. He joyfully overcomes the master's sofa in two jumps (and if suddenly the masters are lying there, this is not an obstacle), and, jumping high, pulls out the front legs and flies straight into the house. From the direct super-man of the local spill!

Now I don’t know whether to cry or rejoice that I don’t have a cat.

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №27312
I stand in the store. Two neighboring boxes opposite each other. One young couple buys chips, chips, limonades, slices of sausage and bread, and a small pack of condoms. At the second box, a couple of 45 years of age buys grains, pasta, fresh pieces of meat, sauces, spices, vegetables and a large package of condoms.
The girl at the first box, looking at the set of an adult couple, thoughtfully like this:
"Can you learn how to cook?"

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №27311
From the microblog:
Tagged with: cinema
Bond won’t be Bond if she doesn’t sleep with her

Tagged with: cinema
My mom’t be a mom if she didn’t come into the room at this moment.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №27310
Are you so late?
I was driving in the garage.
Do you have a car?
I have a garage.

[ + 66 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №27309
to this:

I tried, to be honest. Once in a while. I wanted to be a real man. And only years later a familiar psychologist helped me get rid of a sense of inferiority, explaining that no one had yet managed to knock a nail into a concrete wall. ))))


I have a friend, when the carniz hanged, two screws hit the carrier wall. Yes, so that I was not reworking - there you need to brush the wall to get them)) So, men, you can't become a man, become at least a tough Minsk girl!)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna