— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №26048
We have a predecessor with the name Machin-Machin.
It is even a figure with the fact that all the jokes about him were uniform, like the jokes of Cap: "I do not repeat, I do not repeat!", "We will increase the counter by one, we will increase the counter by one"...

But when the comrade proposed to give him a pet Chao-chao to the DR without a sting...

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №26047
and Negro

But the Samsung toner catch now I know how to understand))))))))

[ + 59 - ] [6 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26046
Girl Blonde (D) and Boy Student - Physicist (P)

Q: Hats, semafor on the light-diode matrix, basy!
D: What does this word mean?
Q: The Semafor?
D: not
Q: The light of light?
D: not
The Matrix?
D: No is it!
P and what? O_O
D: The basil...?

[ + 47 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26045
Are you going to be an olive?
HH: Then I’ll sleep in it.

[ + 87 - ] Comment quote №26044
Another “genial” explanation. Orthography and punctuation are original.

Explanatory to the Principal Doctor of the Regional Hospital
I, a thermal engineer, was assigned the task to the dwarfs from the RMM to bring the stand in the working state in the 3rd hospital.
At the same time, they should not have burned anything, because I did not give them such instructions. However, these goats, on the eve of the fucking with a stand, attached to the basement an old, dirty, oily fucking and placed it carefully under a fucking stand, so that the sparks did not fly, but fell directly on this, no-one-needed fucking.
When the dots from the RMM began to bring the herer's stand into working state with the help of a welding machine, down on the fuffayka, like a New Year's fireworks, sparks flew and I wandered from this picture, remembered the difficult childhood, and like a lamb, quietly settled on the picture of the fire. Then the smoke began to fill all the floors of the 3rd hospital. Panic arose and I, in order not to look for further adventures on my ass, quietly went off. Fuck, it won’t happen again.
Heat engineer A.V.

[ + 66 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26043
I feed my dogs with meat. Truth is once every 3 months for procedures to carry, that would worms did not.
Do you eat raw? Prepare it and that’s all.
Oh, Shash, I can even freeze it!

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №26042
After watching "House" I, inspired and embracing the catch, confessed: "Dear! I have to tell you (dramatic pause)... our cat is not from you!!!and "
A dear envy, but then important answered: "I guessed!" "Why????Because when you came to me, the cat was three years old!!!and "

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №26041
$erg (09:57:12 15/02/2010)
Carnival is in Venice.

Dazz (09:57:39 15/02/2010)
Macarons in Prison

[ + 80 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26040
I know a 3 year old girl. In the morning with my grandmother.
Grandma, give me a bowl!
(The grandmother is lazy to get up – pretending to sleep)
V: Grandma, well, I said, POSALUTA, eat an estimate I want. (mama continues to pretend, grabbed...)
Grandmother, she really wants to eat! It is fucking!! to
Grandma does not react.
The child moves to her bed, looks at her in the face and is annoyed: “Sleep well, SCOTINA!”

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №26039
I found behind the old closet a jumper...Scuco! I will not break away!

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №26038
I watched a duel. I listen more carefully when I dig with the compound. The ears are:
And now it is "I was riding"!
I turned in horror... It turned out to be the jump of Jakko Tallus...

[ + 94 - ] [8 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26037
Everyone who hates this black bank "Russian standard" bring it to the best!!! Let’s see how many of us are!! to

[ + 60 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26036
She: as a child, 15 years ago, when we gathered with my girlfriends at my house, they built houses from chairs and blankets like all normal children. We sat inside a circle, put a centh lamp and started telling the secrets, discussing the boys, etc... and since we were at home, we called our structure... HOUSE 2

[ + 40 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26035
The defender of cats who dropped Tolick from the balcony! We are with you! How are you? not found? How is life at your friend’s house?

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №26034
Here is an interesting thing... You have 100 friends in contact, and 70 of them don’t communicate for several months, and you don’t want to. Not friends, but one name... But suddenly – they become 99, and immediately unhealthy curiosity – is what kind of fox is no longer my friend?! to

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №26033
Once Nasreddin read in one book that if a person has a small forehead and a beard longer than two fists, then that person is a fool. He looked in the mirror and saw that his forehead was small. Then I picked up my beard and found it to be much longer than it should be.
“It’s not good if people guess that I’m a fool,” he said to himself and decided to shorten his beard.
But the knife was not at hand. Then Nasreddin just set the end of his beard on fire. She burned and burned her hands. He pulled them away, the flame burned his beard, his beards, and he burned his face. When he recovered from the burns, he wrote on the fields of the book:
<Tested in practice>

The Dalai Lama has always been!! to

[ + 59 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №26032
The Government:
I can't put the time in the bios, instead of days are months and vice versa, that is, days only go to the number 12, and months to 31, tried to zero and the jump and the battery has no effect.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №26031
raVen ‎(18:32):
What is the day of the day, the day of the day, or the day of the day?
Toughened Laminated Safety ‎(18:32):
It is Nirvana!! Shamrock and Shamrock split.
raVen ‎(18:33):
WOW, that means a mastiff...

[ + 89 - ] Comment quote №26030
<xxx> I feel like I’m getting better :(
<yyy> and let it go! You have the perfect parameters. and ;))
<xxx> to be honest? and :)
<yyy> Yes!!! 90 120 176 - like a snowman! and :)
<xxx> You are here!

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №26029
I go with a friend to the center of Kharkov, past the Shevchenko Theatre. And here in Sumskaya is a tank, not a big, but a sluggish tank! I have a blind eye, I have nothing to say, I just point my finger at him. A friend knocks her eyes: "Gryshkovets, what, comes" - a poster, you see, in the theater, in her eyes, and not a tank O_o

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna