— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №16023
Why do we have so long internet bills?
This is because someone has a headache too often.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №16022
Yesterday he gave me a wonderful evening...He wasn’t home all night.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №16021
< Oleg > My friends... yeah.. some Oleg_frends ;)

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №16020
Alice: That is something else. One day I was stuck in an office elevator between the first and third floors. As I bled, I thought how lucky I was to be alone. On the third floor, of course. Gender came in. So we walked in silence: I stood in the corner and pretended that it wasn’t me who stumbled, but he stood in the other corner and pretended that I wasn’t going into the dirt.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №16019
Vegetarian talk about soy sauce:
Do you enjoy eating something that reminds you of meat?? to
Do you eat carrots or carrots? How can you eat something like a cock?

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №16018
We are on ul. It is a Canadian monument.)
A sign of friendship with the Japanese people – in the form of an egg))
Some Japanese symbolism.
13 years ago, in the deep night before Easter, one of the then roots – Destroy blue in the dust crumbled from a walk with the words “Easter! We need to paint the eggs!" and he walked to the other shore, taking on the way a bowl of paint and a brush and painted This egg.
Yesterday in the news showed how this egg is covered with a thick, thick layer of paraffin, so that the paint would not stick to it :)

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №16017
And you also thought that if a toy shakes badly in a kidney surprise, what cool is it?

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №16016
xxx: Given my "hardness" with girls, becoming a blood donor may be my only chance to be inside a woman.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №16015
Yes, and there is access.
Basil: What is collapse? o0
Skafer: with root access >(

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №16014
- Okay, don't be deceived, or your ego is so bloated to the size of the universe!
by ha! The universe compared to my ego.

#L! on #

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №16013
Yesterday a friend bought a Chinese fire extinguisher, little that there was a lot of mistakes, so there was a crown phrase behind where everything was written about him that just broke me half a minute for 30!
© "Do not spray near open fire."
It is >_<

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №16012
“Alter, I know a waiter who told me that he had two fishes on his table and that he was going to tick them. What do you think he meant?
* Alter fell into an unstoppable hysteria from the words ¿.
¿: Alter, fish - seagate baracuda, pisa - pc3000 (hardware and software compact for working with HDD). to rebuild the screws he was gathering

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №16011
by Kot-Koshmar
Good to everyone!
A window appeared, such as "thank you for visiting the gay site, etc......send a text message to the number.............." And the window is made to the mouse, and the controller opens and immediately closes.
help me

The back number:
"The manager of the task" is a masterpiece.

The Ars:
What did you expect after visiting the gay site? :D

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №16010
A bright future, a bright future!
Ohhhhhhhhhhhh? to
WOW: then all these wicked babysitters will go home from the bars.
The grandmothers and groceries are eternal, it will be like in England from every groceries exit to the internet and the grandmothers from laptops will scratch you not only in the area but also on the scale of the whole city!
WOW: And then they organize UNNOBABUSCHNICE and the whole country will know about you.
We will establish the FZOPS (the front of protection against evil old ladies) and we will break their sites and shops at night.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №16009
Knowledge is transmitted from father to son through belt transmission.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №16008
The Russians in Germany.

In his lifetime, he gave money to street musicians only twice. The first
once, for professionalism – the duo of mandolin and guitar performed wonders in the
A long walk near the mountain. It was a small concert.
(they could be written on CD) for which it was not sorry.
to pay.

The second time I gave money (total 10 euros!) The musician who wasn’t
Never a professional. He played with his soul, but badly. In Moscow I
Of course I would not accept him. But it was not Moscow. It was Darmstadt.
A small town near Frankfurt. My grandfather was sitting in the center.
on the square and on the lost bowl all the melody of the song "This day
Victory...” he also sang out to himself.

This people cannot win.

[ + 13 - ] Comment quote №16007
Life after fifty just begins... thought the woman.
I asked for another fifty.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №16006
<Hynox> Have you ever had sex, matthias?
<matthias> Ask my children :P
<Hynox> Did you have sex with your children? O_O

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №16005
Will you be busy until Sunday evening?
He: I don’t know yet, and what?
She: Can I ask an unstable question?
He: Of course, I am a coveted bearer)))
Can we go to church tonight?

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №16004
First impressions of Moscow after Novosibirsk.
I have never seen so many left-handed cars.
They have ducks on their branches instead of spiders.
Well, where are the infamous Goths... and Emo?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna