— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 92 - ] Comment quote №22788
"Innovation" is a full room. In the middle of the movie, all the men get up and leave. All four.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №22787
I watched Miller’s advertisement. "Miller - the colors of your life"
There are two bottles – yellow and brown. What do they hint on?? to

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №22786
Kill them all! Start with yourself (c) Black Obelisk

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №22785
Often, the beer comes to an end before it ends.

[ + 58 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №22784
A story about female logic and rich Russian language.

Periodically, every mom faces the fact that it is necessary to call a doctor at home for the sick ejaculation. Here and I, tormented by a couple of days of childcare on my own, prior to calling my grandmother to help, with the thought of a doctor, rushed to work. I don't know how you are, but we sit in the hospital with a baby is uncomfortable. Running to the office, without drinking tea and not discussing the latest news, rushed to call the registration of the children's clinic. In our provincial town, it is not possible to call in less than an hour at all. Finally, after catching luck for the tail, at that end of the wire I heard the long-awaited: - Yes, the children's registration is listening... Well, as always, a standard set of questions when calling a doctor.
FIO of the child, year of birth, which kindergarten (school) he goes to, symptoms of the disease (temperature, rhinitis, rashes, etc.). by p.The last question is, do you have a cat? I have a stupor. Here in the following
Three seconds of my silence earned a female logic. The cat? Is there a cat? There are animals, but what are they doing? AAAA... Nothing of yourself! That is, according to the symptoms I said, they decided that the child may have allergies... And I am glad for the experience and knowledge in the medicine of our doctors answer: - No... only hamster. Now there is a break at the end.
And then very restrained and tactical: - Is there a code on the entrance door?? to
This is how I raised the mood of the whole department from the very morning and confirmed my status as a finished blonde.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №22783
A good half of the population hates our government.
Can you imagine the evil half?

[ + 90 - ] Comment quote №22782
AMON RA: from youth)))..I sit at home... here the neighbor is calling... BLA... come to me... I have this one!I think...what is there?...I come... on the couch a goat sleeps tell you where did you get that??..this-in the entrance found)))..speaks.happy her..cold..need probably vodka she poured..nill..see..and strive somewhere...what blew...we went to the bathroom..and there fell asleep...something-how got her from there..found documents...was in the neighboring house lives...shook there..leaded parents))..then then oChen Lehe were grateful)).. turned out...the girl examinations did not pass...decided to drink...then drown...then winter...we on the Southern coat of trees does not freeze a little..calmed-calmed...came into the entrance to go wrong..slept down...HERE LEHA)))))....

[ + 73 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №22781
I finally learned how to go to bed!
xxxh: I go to bed with the note, as I usually hang in the inette, but I don't take the charge to the note)))))
After a few hours, the battery ends, the computer is cut off.
xxxh: and I am so lazy to get out of bed for exercise that I peacefully cut out after him))) I am happy!!! to

[ + 105 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №22780
to this:

Morning exercise for the eyes.
– – – –
- O O
O_ –
> > >
^ ^ ^
Kill, fuck, abstenka:)))) stumbled on the post... 10 minutes tried, scuco, with the eyes to repeat....

[ + 101 - ] Comment quote №22779
Fun from my friend Gennady's life. They roll, therefore, in their room (and it is on the first floor, the door goes out to the street). Guys and all serious picked up, all for 90-100-110 kg themselves, and weights are raising decent, which they are proud of. They sat there that day. There was a weight of 150 kg on the stang. Beyond the room is such a tiny man, thick, with a stomach. It goes by the course of the beer shop - the sofa of the house, in each hand pulls 4 bottles of beer (between the fingers holds). He goes into the room and says, “Oh guys, I’ve also been crawling once. Remember what his youth." Takes, puts bottles on the floor, fits under 150 kg, sits so easily again 4-5, puts on the place of the bar, takes the bottles and goes away with the words: "Oh, it was time!". And he leaves. Need to say that the boys that day all the motivation to sit down was killed at the root.

[ + 118 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №22778
My cat loves the printer. As soon as the printing begins, he makes a noise from any point of the house and carefully monitors the process, sometimes with a lap of sheets he fixes, trying to look inside, where the paper comes from... I delighted him today: I sent a hundred empty sheets to print. Let the shrimp have fun.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №22777
to this:
I propose, as a help to the brotherly people (and recently to the unfortunate brothers), to redirect all the gas planned for Slovenia to Ukraine!
Is it Julia or Victor?

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №22776
My first domestic animal is a yoghurt. I named him in honor of myself, Arsen.
And the gas...
I had a schizophrenia test.

[ + 141 - ] [8 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №22775
Answer to this:

How did you play your football!! to
Tell me, I’m the only one who hasn’t watched, and who has decided to cheer?? to
We are at least two.

[ + 96 - ] Comment quote №22774
in the 2012 film. Almost at the very end, the happy survivors are sailing on a megacellene with a bunch of animals on board. One of the main characters of the Negro clings to the president's daughter, which she so vicariously asks him:
Do you invite me to a date?
The voice from the hall.
Take her to the zoo!! to

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №22773
Give me an aska and I’ll give you a cake.
Nn ask me... ask me to put you asya!! to
Yes, it is the same as asking the graduate of the Surikov Institute of Art to paint the fence!!!!! to
What is a cake?

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №22772
“Fisher’s cigarette has just found out that the software product consists of the same parts as the Soviet ballistic missile – hrenovina, googulin and connecting them together.
<fisher> with all three parts interchangeable

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №22771
Q: Did the guy find it?
See also: AGA
XHH: I congratulate you. Where is?
WOU: hidden under the table, scuco %)

[ + 85 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №22770
You will no longer be surprised by the sound of your mobile phone. But when in the bank, at the height of the working day, one of the sitters heard a terrible voice from his pocket - "Hands for the head, everyone lies... and so on," the guard nervously rushed to the cobra, and the cashier grabbed the heart...

[ + 91 - ] Comment quote №22769
Conversation in bed:
Sunshine, please make me happy.
I: Well dear, I am silent.
silence in a couple of seconds and a wild whistle on the whole apartment)))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna