— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №24788
In our buffet there are two types of blinkers: with cheese and with meat.
With cheese costs 15 rubles, and with meat - 20.

I used to buy meat blenders. The buffet was periodically mistaken, and when I found cheese instead of meat, I was confused and upset.

Now I am buying blenders with cheese. And every time the buffet makes a mistake, I’m glad :)

[ + 293 - ] [14 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №24787
Again on this:
to this:
Here is this.
I live alone, my parents died in my pink childhood, friends as such, who betrayed, who left... but in my life the beam of light is my favorite. I did everything for her, cared for her, gave gifts and flowers, we love each other...
Why am I this... Today she died of a heart attack... support, Abyss, I’m left alone... Santa, give me the strength to live on, or I don’t want to...
There is nothing funny in this story, but I want to support the guy. of UW. The good old and good "" "-"
hold on, everything will calm only don’t lose hope and don’t do nonsense...we are with you, I am with you. hold on!
You will manage! Because you are strong! and not one =) Let us be virtual, but we support you!

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №24786
Drag: Well for what? What about 7??? Lord, give me strength!
SLI: There is no God
Drag: God, give me strength or I will bite the eggs.
SLI: God give him strength ><

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №24785
The crowd quickly forgets those who loved her, but long remembers the one who raped her.
(The Girl Without Complex)

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №24784
The case was in the early 21st century, during my emergency surgery service. Emergency surgery in the district hospital is a time-consuming and nervous matter: conditions for work are few, there are many patients, often at night to operate. But my story is not about that. Sometimes a guard. I operated until 2 o'clock at night, then for the time being one, the other - went to sleep at 3 o'clock, and at 5 I was awakened by the phone. Who is talking? A grandmother says:

Is this surgery?

Yes the surgery.

Is it Doctor?

Yes to Doctor.

Doctor, how good that I got to you! Doctor, what should I do?

What’s the problem, grandmother?

I have hemorrhoids!! to

Call an ambulance, the ambulance will come and see if you need to.
I will look, and by phone I do not give such advice, or suddenly you
Not hemorrhoids, but something else?

I called an ambulance! The ambulance came, looked, said raw
Apply the potatoes!

“Well, grandmother, potatoes, it’s not the past, it’s the past century. There is
Tablets and candles.

What kind of candles?

It has already begun to tire me.

- These or such candles, but before using them, you need to
Looks like a doctor.

How to use them?? to

How, how, take and insert...

and a-a? Is there a potato?! to

[ + 43 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №24783
A boy to a girl:
You were the most beautiful on your birthday.
thank you! I have tried!! to
Specially selected guests?! to

[ + 82 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №24782
Fuck the people! help me, pliz... a friend brought a strange device and asked what it was... The device is oval, about 6x4 cm, a fairly long usb cable, inside a small chip and two bulbs, which when you plug it into the port burn green... It does not know anything about itself, it cannot find them... I can’t sleep until I understand what it needs in this world.

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №24781
I am in line in the store. In front of me is a girl, all glamorous. He talks on the phone. I listened to her words:
Rusky, I think I’ll cook for dinner. Do you want a fried potato? What are you going to do with potatoes: with mushrooms or meat? With meat? well well.
Here is her turn and she turns to the seller:
I have chips with the taste of bacon and a pack of juice.
P.S Poor her husband!

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №24780
xxx: yesterday started to write the simplest prog-mu of the 5th line to get the ipi from the router for yourself
YYYY: well
xxx: shash found the error in the thousandth line %)

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №24779
X: MTS has a second egg in advertising
to protect it)
Tagged with: "MTS The Operator of Bad Dancers":D
It’s terrible to imagine what will appear in the next trailer)))))
See also :DDDDD

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №24778
The accountant arrived and said...
- All, tired of making the salary, got everything... I’ll go better to the snow cellar at the entrance.
It’s all under the table, right?

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №24777
A friend caught a virus, which the node did not identify immediately, and he downloaded the web.

Tagged with: lol
Rаdоst': doctor web started checking the hoax trojan authorran.ini found...nod hoax to not lie out immediately mol dada I also see him

[ + 65 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №24776
Have fun in the army! 😉
There was a window over the door. The glass was broken, the window was clogged.
Today, the praporchnik says to the fighter: go down, say, to the market, buy transparent paint - paint the canvas, or it is dark here.
The guy went.)

[ + 71 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №24775
My dad is burning.
He installed a virtual cat on his phone and takes care of him. Buy virtual food for real money.
In the meantime, the real cat sits at home hungry.

[ + 82 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №24774
Yesterday I bought a toy for a friend. An artificial member. Tonight she came to me. Word for word, word for word, word for word... share...
Yura: Well, I stood in front of her and rolled out on the and my gift. both of them. very rarely.
Yura: My girlfriend fell into a stupor. 5 minutes to compare. I turned my eyes from one to the other and back. It turned out that the artificial was longer, and the mine was thicker.
Yura: While she was comparing, I lost an erection. The girlfriend said, “Well, now there are no questions,” she took a gift, dressed up and left.
Doodie: A clear friend. Buridan's donkey died in such a situation.

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №24773
REL@X - Marinka, let it go! Tell me how it went.

Marina, you are my gold!! to

Marina - And in two guests visited and in the "Murvy" and in the hotel "Beijing".. and all overnight!

REL@X – have you paid for it?

Marina, you are a bitch.

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №24772
to this:

What would you say to a neighbor who came to you on January 1 at 9 a.m. and for ten minutes stubbornly knocked on the door to just find out if you had not unlocked the water? O_O

Are you living in Elisa?
Go to her at three o’clock at night for salt 😉

[ + 103 - ] Comment quote №24771
In the past, there were toys, you fall, they break, and now you fall, and they jump, they jump.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №24770
The morning after drinking.
Who can cook?
I, and what do we have?
A watch, four batteries and a shrimp.

[ + 98 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №24769

Sh!FER 1:38
I want ice cream, I want to eat a banana.

Sunshine is bright 1:39
Yes, and I wanted to go to the toilet - I would go my hat in the window of the cinema

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna