— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №19144
Conversations in Latvia:
Does your child go to the garden?
What kind of garden? Three years ahead...
and clearly. Immediately to school?
Which school? Half of the schools are closed.
Go straight to the factory!
What factory?! to

[ + 55 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19143
And yesterday I tried to beat 3 guys (it’s funny, because I’m 25 years old and I look like them, very decently dressed and bigger than the average).
For five minutes I was rubbed some purga (a man who ate in the 90s concepts and rams), in the end offended by the fact that I was standing and rubbing, and when I got the mobile phone in order to record this case on the camera were offended and left.
Ufa has 18-year-old rappers who play real "black" bandits, if you see them on the street do not offend them, plus, they are so funny.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №19142
A dispute with a man. In the Ash.
I: And I think the viruses have begun... Come look, plz.
He: Oh, maybe I'll go in the evening, we'll see, there's a lot of work.
Let me say, urgently!! I need 3-4 viruses so that the system does not lie, but the brakes were
I am crazy.
You burn and burn, little girl.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №19141
I turned the clock 5 minutes back so that the bus wasn’t late.
Di: They walk on my clock.... (((
The clock is late and he doesn’t want to be late. I hope it is sterilized.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №19140
Ihtiandr> Employees of Kemerovo drug control detained a man with two bags of marijuana.
<~KoveRs~> He didn’t just keep it)
<Ihtiandr> So he will not be put in jail. They will be asked to wait a few years in a closed room.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №19139
From the diet website:
Written by: Snowman
And my young man likes my weight (I am 160 cm and 80 kg). He says he loves chasing. I don’t know what it is, but it’s probably funny! I will not lose!! to

[ + 42 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19138
She: I read about methods of contraception in ancient times. The Egyptians are ready. Egyptian women lubricated the inside of the genitals with crocodile spruce
I: How is it?!...
It is: to play!
In the 21st century people for contraception wore on the male genital organ a latex product, similar to a laying bag...I think they will also say something typical...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №19137
A breast is enough for one female breast, an adult - and two are always not enough.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №19136
The preamble...
An old joke.
- Professor, do you not take the exam from a slightly drunk S-C-C-student?
Okay, I will accept...
The student opens the door and cries out in the hallway.
The baby b. F-F to F-F to F!

The Ambulance.
The year 1998. Pedagogical institute in the city... I will not, however, call it...
The dormitory. The morning. Not quite asleep after yesterday's drunken student by the nickname Semenich must go to take the exam in economics. At the same time, he already has two academic debts, and the third means leaving the institute with a pleasant prospect of kicking up the kirzaches and so on the delights of service in the Russian Army.
Semenich long and stubbornly wakes up... It doesn’t work out... At the end of the day, someone from his classmates begins to chew him on his cheeks.
Semenych (opening his eyes) said: “A, eh? What problems?”
- Semenich, @@@@ mother, today is an exam in economics.
Oh Oh Oh Oh Oh! Just now, I’m going to shut down...
He stands up, and, stirring up, reaches the laundry... At this time, Leha’s neighbor comes out of the neighboring room, and, seeing him having a hammer.
Semenich, brings him almost a full bottle of port wine:
Semenic, let’s go on! You won’t even go to the institute.
Semenich quickly consumes the whole bottle directly from the throat... Then comes into a state of absolute inaptitude to use...
Neighbors in the room - they are Semenich's classmates - long mock Lech.
Then they take Semenich under their hands and do not lead him, do not carry him to the institute...
Institute... Drunk Semenich is brought to the exam... Two girls of excellence urge the teacher to exhibit Semenich TRI...
Because otherwise he will leave the institute... (Economics at this faculty is a purely non-profile subject).
Economica looks at this picture with deep surprise... Then she agrees... Semenich tries to give a check, while holding behind the corner of the party... But, leaving the party, he barely grows on his back... One of the girls takes a check from him and relates it to the teacher, then puts it in his load pocket...
The replica of the economy: “Yes... I’ve seen everyone, but I’ll never forget your course!”
After the exam...
The roommatees lead Semenych - already a little sober - home... On the way they go to the dining room and buy beer... Near the door to the rectorate
Semenich is completely distracted, and he begins to scream about how he loves the economy.
After a couple of comments, “Semenich, you are what, o*well? Now the rector if he hears - you will immediately be expelled to***?” The student gets on the head, and then goes to the knock-out.
The roommatees, taking all kinds and remembering all the ancestors in Semenich, have difficulty relating him to the commonplace, pour him a "bitter" glass of vodka and put him to sleep.
The evening...
Opening his eyes, our hero breaks up with the question, “What number is it today?”
The 23rd.
- B****, I am an examination in economics about al, third tail, all, I ***YES,
Expelled to ***!
“Semenich, calm down, you gave him up.
You are what, oh oh? I did not go there!
- Semenych, calm down, open the check, you have three!
Semenich gets a catch... He sees a three... He wipes his eyes...
From where?!! I did not go to the exam!
“Yes, you didn’t go there, think... you were carried there! And from there, UCO
Also also!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №19135
an ordinary night. Husband and wife in bed, can't sleep: a neighbor's child crashes behind the wall.
She is:
Do you still want to have a child?
He is:
I have to take revenge somehow!

[ + 74 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19134
Specialized school of the Olympic Reserve. One I read wrong :)

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №19133
The officer came back from the trip and said:
They go with a colleague on the track, the rules are not even violated, here they are stopped for excess. On the radar 90, they say, what a fuck, and the gaiters say that the "60" sign hanged. The boss and colleagues argued - there was no sign, the gait - was. Sh. and K. went to see if there was a sign, and in the bushes really stands, from the track is not seen at all. Well, they, not thinking long, pulled him out of the ground and threw him into the cane, called the gaiters - they said that some pudors again (!) The sign disappeared. I had to let go in peace.

[ + 133 - ] [8 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19132
Fuck, the grandfather who shot the bandit who broke into him, sits in jail
and a drunk man without rights (previously detained), who shot down a 12-year-old child, bears an administrative penalty because there is no violation of the PDD!? to

The fucking country.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №19131
xxx: throw, you just don't think about me, I never did that, just for interest decided to check =))
XXX: In the bathroom, the member measured with an ambulance, and when he left, he forgot to pick it up.
YYYY: Ahahahah! =) is
xxxh: I sit at the shuttle near the bus, mom passes by and smiles to put the line on the table...

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №19130
Modern life is her mother, if you are seriously dating, you must definitely write about it in contact, otherwise it is not considered...
c) Durindin

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №19129
People, what is being done?? to
On August 6, Mr. Aksakov called for a devaluation of the ruble by 35-40%. This measure is contrary to the interests of Russian citizens, as it will lead to a sharp depreciation of their ruble savings. Earlier, he also proposed to introduce criminal liability for small debts on loans. What kind of anthropologists are heading for us?Do not remain indifferent - please, bring to the top, let the people know.

Schröder, Cat, 0_o, 1 minute

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №19128
Some wives try to inflict a husband on their best friend:

I asked my girlfriend to check my husband’s loyalty, and she really slept with him.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №19127
In Kiev, a fire on a vegetable storage detonated 10 tons of peppers. Experts associate this with the high content of seller in berries.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №19126
It was about a year ago at an interview in the office, where I am currently working as ODMINOM.
HR in Education?
I: This year's diploma, specialty - an engineer of IP electronic commerce.
HR: Experience in IT?
I: Officially - a half-year odmin, unofficially - the year 3 has already haltered...
HR: Did you no longer work officially?
I was working.
HR : Who?
I: at 16 - a sales representative, at 17 - a chef in a restaurant and an elite supermarket, at 18 - a vendor of YAMAHA, then SWATCH, then an elite alcohol, at 19 - the head of a supermarket warehouse, at 20 - electrical power plant and sanitary. Apparently everything...
HR: O_o I will call the head of IT.
We took, fucking, now in addition to compops, they ask for cheesecakes to look, car alarms, video surveillance, telephony, electrical wiring, meat recipes ask and which scooter is cooler...

[ + 61 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №19125
Say - before pressing OK in the program settings, do you press "Apply"?
And in the games - after downloading the saved game immediately do quick saving?
If so, then explain – where, hell, this reflection comes from?! to

Win 95 and Half Life

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna