— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №18944
Using the opportunity that everything goes into the abyss, I greet all of Russia!

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №18943
KD: I don’t get bored. Half a day I sit and look out the window on the road... On the asphalt a hole in the width of the strip... and all passing machines dive into it. Traffic workers came to fix the problem. We slept with asphalt, we ran... And there was a straw, now all the machines are jumping... Fun! =) is

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №18942
I am delayed for technical reasons.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №18941
An analogue of Dr. House in Russia is Artemiy Lebedev. The unbroken shrugged, forever dissatisfied with everyone, sends everybody out, but for some reason, many are rushing away from him.

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №18940
You read quotes about the day of the air defense and how it became possible that peaceful citizens are afraid of their defenders. Imagine what it would be if the veterans of the Great Patriotic at every step would hang on you with the words "Brother, yopt, drink for the 144 infantry company, n-regiment, n-division, n-front... how don't you want??? We shed blood for you, shit!But these people have done for us a million times more than a nonsensical deadline in the blue beret. Honor and respect for them.

Youngest Lieutenant of the Reserve. Medical Service

Artem Shehovtsov

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №18939
5 August 2009, 17:39
Chuck Norris asks Obama to show birth certificate
and Chuck! We are with you!

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №18938
We recently traveled with a friend in a car through half-country from Moscow to Tamani. The road map of Russia was purchased. He is driving, I am the assailant.
D: I should stop and take a bath. Are there waters nearby?
I (within the map on which I see a small blue triangle): We will now drive through the village, next to it some blue shit is painted. Lake, probably... Just some form is too correct. I will look at the legend.
D: Well what is it? The Blue Brothers?
I (studying the special designations on the map): No. You know, but you almost guessed. This is DPS!

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №18937
I am a fool! I am bad! It is just PPS!
BBB:Guy :) and I am the girls who organize suffering on the grounds of all appearance I send a daddy pre-prepared with photos of various wicked ones :)) in 5 minutes they are already rotting and do not think about their appearance...
A: It is fun. Come out to me?
BBB: eyeyeyeyeye... no... no.
AAA : Why?
What is there, am I there?!!!! to
BBB: No Comments
* has been removed from your list of friends*

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №18936
ZZZ is unfair. 200 for both marriages. 200 for each divorce.
xxx: entrance ruble, exit two)))

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №18935
On Monday, I was sent to the office car to send reports to the tax office.
I go in. Careful security guard:"Fall out!"
I am from such an organization to report.
Organizers are missing!
And I don’t have a bank pass, I’m just on the lists for entering the building. To explain it to him I did not decide, I took Visa from my wallet and said:"Here!"
Is he a new model?
I am UGU.
The guard is you, go here. A second guard appears. He says, “Look at the girl’s pass, have you seen it?”
Watson, I have seen it.
Here is my name and name, here is the logo.
The guards, go on.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №18934
For boys, this is an exercise:
You attach your legs to the turnik (strongly), hang down with your head, take the gloves and press them behind your head. Next 4 approaches, 10 times try to reach your head to the turnik.
After the exercise, you scream loudly for someone to come and take you off.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №18933
Have a smile and smile! ?

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №18932
JustMe: Why do you realize that sex is not the most important thing, only after you’ve become adolescent?

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №18931
XHH: how fluorography works is not known?
You are dressed up by the belt.You enter the cabin and press your chest. to the hollowed lens, the thick old babe oret "Inspired and STOPED!!!!", you are dying in the air, there is a burnout, a scream "Breathe out!!!You go out, you dress up. approximately so.
Tagged: idiotic

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №18930
And I’ll build my own Facebook, with audionarkots and prostitutes!!"-Pavel Durov, 2006

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №18929
On Tuesday, Putin arrived in Orenburg, farmers complained that the drought destroyed the crops. There was a heavy rain on Thursday. Thank you Vladimir Vladimirovich for fulfilling our request.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №18928
C@T: Opened a new slaughterhouse for himself
C@T: 0,5 kefir mixed with pieces of black bread and salt, you can bite a slice... And piss
Divisi0n_by_zer0: men, you invented the demo version of okroška ))

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №18927
I just got into a fight with my husband. He wanted to go to bed with two children, three books and a calculator in his bed.

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №18926
Students in the metro:
X: Well, take a couple of eggs off, and you’ll keep it up.
Yyy: You say “a pair of eggs,” as if he had a dozen more in stock.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №18925
Interestingly, I was the only one before when I watched a movie, and when I saw that the main characters were swimming under the water, I also held my breath and checked if I could keep up?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna