— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №18844
Yesterday I watched a family walk on the beach. In front of the meters at 30 - years 5-6 puppies, carrying play as a spy.
Mother screams to him:
M: Go next to us, don’t run far!
Q: No, I will go ahead! So much safer!
M: I said go next to us, you get the ass!
Q: Okay, I will go with you. Safer than that...

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №18843
XXX is
Fuck the Seven. Nothing better than XP.
And what?
XXX is
From this transparency and special effects, I start to get sick.
Did you want to launch a notebook and the blockbuster started with Stephen King?
XXX is
in the w. Fuck... there is electricity left to blow up the helicopter.

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №18842
Mazdaia: Look at it here. Mafia is right in Italy.
Mazdaia: Yakuza in Japan.
Mazdaia: there are gangsters in the US
Mazdaia: and in Russia how?
Volondemord: a united Russia?

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №18841
So now in the gas tank lies a ring, a magnet, a spearhead and a gauge key.
Tell me how to get it all out of there.
We are afraid to go back into the backs again. Can I ride that way?

Put a lighthouse there.

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №18840
My name is Ilya!by :

A colleague (K) st told the story:

I have a grandfather (D). He is 90 years old... well, they don’t live so long – somewhere over 90, and he says to me somehow:
D: Oooohh, I’m very old, I’m going to die soon, probably...
Q: Why then grandfather?
D: Yeah... I slept yesterday under the shayaang and I can’t push 150 kg... I try, but I feel a looohomite in my shoulder... ohh... I had to push 145...

The Curtain!

[ + 68 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №18839
Form of Strike:
It is difficult to imagine yourself as a cool special forces when your bodybuilder after washing his wife smells of a purple peel.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №18838
Alice in Wonderland ‎(14:43):
Here I am now offered to go to rest...with three men...I am one girl there...
Is it standing?
Ghost ‎(14:43):
have them?
I am sure it is worth 😉
Sorry, I can’t stand up 😉

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №18837
I was here on vacation... and I don’t know, educate the plyze... why Putin went down to Baikal... why everyone doesn’t like the megaphone... and who is that mysterious grandfather on the green chess...??? to
Please...or I can’t sleep anymore...

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №18836
Fossi: Birth is a severe case of separation of personality

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №18835
There was a rock festival here recently and it happened on the day of the Air Force, so here, I had to get to know one of them, all as it should be, bold, healthy, in a carnage, barbecue, shooting on beer, and here is our dialogue with him:
I: Let me buy you a bottle of beer, and then you break it in the head!
VDF: About whom? Are there programmers?
I: No, only Sisadmin
(Sysadmin, my friend sitting next to me, smoked nervously)
VDV: No, I’m not going to be Sisadmin...I’m the Sisadmin.XDDD

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №18834
Upon receipt of the diploma, the student handed over, and the transportation card left to himself. I decided to try today without a student.
I give the cashier a card and money.
I: For this month.
Q: Show the student.
I : I forgot.
K is no. I cannot do without a student. Give money and card.

Then he leaned closer to the glass, pointed to the card charging machine, blinked, and said - "And you are in the charging machine, he doesn't ask ;)";

More such cashiers.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №18833
I don’t know what I dreamed...but it’s definitely not a romantic dream. When I wake up, my parents say:
I wake up at eight o’clock, with the question "status, do you want to get up anymore?"...and my answer is absolutely clear: "I can’t. I’m breaking things down into endless pieces of infinite size, and immediately I started snoring again.
XXX: The Faculty of Cybernetics is, stsuko, a verdict.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №18832
The response of Mail...
The first question...
"My husband came to a meeting. What socks to him under black shells to give, and shorts blue. So what do you mean?"

A few minutes later, another author...
Is it worth having an explanatory conversation with my lover’s wife? He has an awful taste in his clothes.
attached to me in a shirt with a tie, shorts, and on my legs socks in slats. Is she specifically making fun of him? I am ashamed to go out with people...What do I do???and "

I guess I know what kind of meeting he was going on :)

[ + 125 - ] Comment quote №18831
All, I tied up with cigarettes.
and cleavage. And what?
The fucking. I went to the balcony and smoked. I stand quietly, I enjoy, Daddy comes in, looked at me quietly, nodded his head and left. I hear in the hallway his cry: "Aaan (my mother), let's have a new child, this one I liked."

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №18830
The boy talks about the day of VDV: The heat! And to me in the bus they stood))) I drank with them "For the Air Force!", then they learned that I am the chess chief and let us shout "For the soldiers! For the officers! For the generals! And for chess players!"

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №18829
The father told, he is driving along the Vernadsky Avenue and sees: a man stands on the crossing, an important one, in a shirt in a tie in a jacket. In the hat! You are in a hat! The shoes are solid. Without pants and cowards.

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №18828
I recently walked around the market and saw this picture: the cancer was long and stubbornly carving on a box with a price of 120p. And eventually jumped out of it in a 130r box. Even before death he knows the price of himself.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №18827
You have already doubled!! The words "why" and "why" are written EXCELLENT!!!! to
WOW: for what?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №18826
In order to make a lot of small things into one big whole, there is always a lack of a small thing.

[ + 33 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №18825
Physics in the Insta is burning.
A student comes to him for the next transfer, as he always did not teach anything, well, he teaches him and says:
Do you know anything about the ticket?
I do not know.
Would you write the law of Ohm?
and no.
Fuck, what should I do with you? Let us draw. Draw the train
(The student starts drawing on paper.) Where is the cable above? And paint it! The wheels are small, even the wheels! You have a strange train, no windows, no doors. Paint the windows and doors. Why don’t you see people in the windows? Paint that there are people in the windows. Look, do you see this man? You are going to the army!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna