— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №18824
When I was a former president, I didn’t know who our prime minister was, and when I am a current prime minister, I sometimes forget who the president was.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №18823
She: kiss me in the belly, where our baby is now :)
Then kiss me where he was before. :)

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №18822
I sat with a friend and celebrated his birthday. In the morning, asleep, we begin to gather, and then in the unlocked door flies his neighbor from below (sometimes a scandalous grandmother), and pushes one of us, in the end we fall in a narrow corridor like a domino. We're just going to give a hand, but it's somehow uncomfortable to touch an elderly woman... In short, we fell on each other three times as we accompanied her.)
And you say the crowd, the hopes, the athletes... The power in the grandmothers.)

[ + 63 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №18821
Oh yeah, the milkshakes are all overwhelmed.
Yyy: Oh, imagine 2050, MS finally enslaved the world and became a mega corporation.
You wake up in the morning from a terrible belly, you are unrealistic, you touch a packet of activated charcoal, you open your eyes and there.
yyy: and there is the MS label and the inscription: to activate coal, call the number 8-800-ххххххх and dictate the 25-significant code)
Oh, and here you remember that you have a pirate bank of salt in your refrigerator.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №18820
Status in ASK:
"So we work that it’s embarrassing to go off"

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №18819
Conversation with Driving Instructor:
Go back to Wo-O-O there.
I: There Can’t Be (Title)
A: And if I need to? (Called to be a violation)
I: I can not.
A: And if you really need it?
I: Absolutely not
What if the fucking thing?
Damn if you can.
I : Why?
I: Because shit is a circumstance of irresistible force.
The instructor answered :)

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №18818
It does not contain humor.
I'm sorry to burn the abyss, but I can't be silent. Today all day on all TV channels praise the desanters. They are good guys, and if they weren’t, we’t have an army. It's all cool, but I don't understand one thing: Why are mothers afraid to let their children walk on the day of the air? Why is there almost no one in the center of the city besides these "blue berets"? Yes, because by the time of the day, these same desanters, riding their BMWs at the meeting, broke one car into the dust, scratched a few more, created a bunch of emergency situations and shot down a mommy with a child crossing the road!
Of course, it is impossible to judge everyone by individual wickednesses, but there are too many such wickednesses, so that honour and courage are hardly visible.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №18817
LIFE (20:54:15 1/08/2009)
borsches will capture the world ))) mm borscht... my favorite mm with pellet))

neir (20:54:25 1/08/2009)
Bordeaux with Pellets? xDD

WITH (20:54:32 1/08/2009)

WITH (20:55:07 1/08/2009)
Borst with Integrated Pellets

WITH (20:55:23 1/08/2009)
Student Edison Collection

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №18816
Thank you to the four landers who saved me from another lander who attacked me for walking in sunglasses at 5 p.m.
With a celebration!

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №18815
My young man in the DR gave a mouse for 100 rubles!!! to
Is there a ring inside the bear?
Do I need to find the ring? :)
Demonstratively in the presence of the guy to take a kitchen knife and spray the stomach. Such a guy will stand in shock, and she will spit in the mouse, pulling out the cotton, and then hysterically start screaming: "Where is this hell ring!?" and so with a knife)

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №18814
Ask the child a mystery:
"It thickens, it weakens, it cries on the whole house" (the answer is a harmony).
A 5-year-old child to this mystery, without thinking, answers - "Mom" (c)

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №18813
On the tape can make a sensation from any news =)
Title: "Half of the current Australian submarine fleet is out of service"!!! You think of what happened there, and there "One of the two operating submarines of the Australian Navy failed."

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №18812
XXH: Can anyone tell a specialized car signal switch exists?

UUU: We had a goat with a hyper-nervous signal and got them all. In the morning I went to work on the roof of the dozen, I put an open canister with gasoline and a box of light bulbs in a row. Now he is in another yard.
I agree that symbolism in the combination of ordinary objects gives a lasting effect.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №18811
In Western Ukraine, the most active opponents of the Moscow Patriarchate, there are many temples belonging to the schismatic structure of “patriarch” Filaret. One of his fierce supporters and even more fierce opponent of the Russian Orthodox Church was the governor of the Rovani region of Red. He stated that he would not allow Patriarch Kirill to come to Ravenna. A few days before the Patriarch's arrival in Ukraine, the governor of Ravenna was killed by lightning.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №18810
Have you noticed how much TV has been talking about accidents?
Every day there are 10-20 people killed.
Are you preparing a new law?

[ + 65 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №18809
The people! Stop coming to visit each other to set up a winamp under you!!! It is angry! And for myself too! :)
_______ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
Put JetAudio and no one will figure out how to configure it...

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №18808
Hellbilly: Now in the news tape a message, a girl was photographed naked at the cemetery and posted a photo on the internet. Inhabitants of the city saw and attacked the militia, as a result, a criminal case was opened against it.
A criminal case and 312 police officers have been opened.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №18807
In the morning... I felt the no-response of the situation, when from the morning the perforator began to work the deaf neighbors. At the same time, some unloaded by intellect, but not deafened by the voice, oraled under the windows, called some Prochor, and this was heard by everyone, except apparently Prochor himself. I begin to guess that my deaf neighbor with a perforator is Prochor.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №18806
To see his girlfriend without makeup is like to see him naked after a cold shower.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №18805
Putin has already descended to the bottom of the Baikal, sensors have been implanted by dolphins-belughs, and cyclists have been crushed.
Will the star of Chuck Norris be at sunset?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna