— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №18864
Do you want to be the first man? Drop it in the morning.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №18863
In the mid-1980s, Riga... Around our school was a bright red fence made of thick metal bars, three meters high. Each bar from the top ended with a sharp cone, climbing - a couple of tricks. Therefore, in order to walk unnoticed in the samovuls, we sprinkled them in the lower part.
He bowed, went out, put it in place - and everything was as it was. The command of the school regularly calculated and cooked these passages, and we continued to regularly spray them further. So our passages were migratory and other times, returning from the city, they could simply not be found. And then we had to start looking for new holes, hoping that the “brothers in arms” would worry about it. Why I am doing this, you will now understand.
This was before the New Year. The mood was raised, everyone was waiting for the celebration. And we have to tell you that in such days, pre-holiday, the activity of the students increased sharply, the number of self-fiber increased sharply and, in order to stop it somehow, walking guards were launched around the school: usually an officer (or senior) and 2-4 students.
So, on the 31st of December. Local time is around 22.00, the street is dark.
The door opens and into the location of our company, similar to a mourning, a procession (4 students: two on each side, in black shape, black shells and black hats) introduces an insensitive body and, going from behind, the officer asks: "Your?“Look at me,” he said, “Yes.” This shit didn’t bring us to a heart attack.” It turned out that "this fox," firmly putting somewhere, returned from the samovka and, due to its condition, could not find in the fence any passage. When trying to climb through the fence, she crashed, managed to cling to the barrel from behind with the collar of her shinella, a little slapped, tired and fell asleep.
Now imagine what the guards felt when they saw the body hanging at a height of 3 meters, swirling from the wind and already dusted with snow...
...c. They ran away – and he, the fucking, is also shrinking!
So they wore it all over the roots and wore it until we recognized it. This is the New Year’s story.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №18862
The black woman comes to the gynecologist, sat down in the chair, spread her legs.-the gynecologist stood her there and is silent, a minute silent the second.. the tenth.. then sharply beats the table with her hand - ALL, RESOLVED!- what is resolved? I take a black Porsche Cayenne with a red leather salon

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №18861
Sokol (17:42:20 4/08/2009)
The Bush tea?

Qoren (17:42:38 4/08/2009)
Coffee by Obama?

[ + 89 - ] Comment quote №18860
Lord the employers! Why don’t you want me to work? Admin girl is great! Unlike her, she is:
1) not smoking
Not drinking much (not drinking much)
Able to provide aesthetic pleasure at work
He will not be taken into the army.

In addition to:
1) City registration
Diploma of Higher Technical Education
2.5 years of experience in a similar position
4) No husband and children
5) learning anything at any time when pronouncing the magical formula "to immediately!"
6) Understand the words "need", "immediately" and the expression "I said what?and "

I am ready to write a receipt that I do not want and will not bring offspring for five years and tell you the instructions for contraceptive pills.

And remember it! The different structure of the sexual organ does not imply the presence of higher mental abilities!

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №18859
How to Ask a Question in the Forum
Pupok: Put a question mark after your phrase

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №18858
Here, all, probably, noticed in different television audiences, for example, says: "The most important in the state of the Middle Ages" and you need to put the word out of the letters "O L I K O R" and definitely someone will call and say: "Parliament!!" or even more terrible nonsense. So I have a question: how much for these calls are paid, and where can I arrange for such work?

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №18857
Those blondes...

Alia (06:19:53 3/08/2009) good morning
by Offline
August 13, 2009 at 1:16 am Why did you get up so early?
Alya (13:19:12 3/08/2009) and how did you know how long I woke up?? to

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №18856
The Sims 3 Girl.
She created herself a cute virtual man and began to build the house from scratch. The money was enough for the foundation, the walls, the booth, a couple of rooms, the fireplace and the unitary.
Now her sweetheart eats in the park what others have accomplished or failed to eat, washes in the shower of the water park, sleeps in the sun lounge near the pool of someone else's home.
Who would have thought that the Sims 3 is an elite simulator of the BOMJ :)

[ + 84 - ] Comment quote №18855
Today my son (5 years old) said that mosquitoes can feel blood at a distance of 50 meters, regardless of the clothes on a person, etc.
I, sock, admin at the age of 37 years, with a "high" and life experience holy thought that if you hide your head under the blanket then the mosquito will not find you!!!! to

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №18854
Lucky to you!! I watched the movie for a long time. Not the Russian. I want to know the name. There was a prison, I don’t know how people got there. I remember an ordinary man, another, he hanged a photo of naked women on the wall, from them a vagina was formed, and from him he shut his eyes and looked at everyone. There was a man with a third-size breast. They wanted to escape from there. There was a book they tried to get rid of. The content of the book was constantly changing. There was a ritual to get out of prison. A component was needed: the blood of a virgin. A man with a breast was used instead of a virgin. The movie is psychological.

Just don’t ask me what I smoked, and don’t ask me to quit. There really is such a movie. I hope for you. The whole brain eats trying to remember.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №18853
Remove the foolishness from the forum!
Admin: Where is it?
Chefs: what are the branches of fisting and canting?
I can't find it, but I can scrap it.
Sorrento, he got hot. Fishing and Hunting
I would marry you, Barry.

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №18852
From the sex forum.

Soslo: I am very curious, has any of the girls had an orgasm during a gynecological examination?
Dog: Meeting question: guys who ended up on the appeal commission...

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №18851
(Friday 10 July 2009 by 01:39 )
No, I don’t sleep, but in my opinion, it’s a bit of some kind, in the middle of the second night to roar in karaoke Zemfiru "Would you want me to kill neighbors who are hindering sleep?and "

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №18850
The Union of Cinematographers has submitted to the Duma a bill on tariffs on audio-video equipment. These stucks want manufacturers to deduct them by 0.5% of the cost of each unit of equipment.

Bring it to the top, you have to do something with this marasmo!

Letters to write. In the Duma, as well as in the Union of Cinematographers and personally Mr. Mikhalkov. It is desirable to correctly and unmatchedly justify their unwillingness to pay for the boring swarms of domestic film industry. Better than paper.

[ + 59 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №18849
In the presence of the country there is one plus - parents can leave it =))

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №18848
<fritz> "As long as you sleep, the enemy does not sleep"
<fritz> more
<fritz> we have 8 hours difference )

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №18847

Where are we going?

There is an answer to the question.)

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №18846
Stabbed in the WWE?
On Sunday we walked around the center, with our wife and son (8 years old) - so the subjects behaved very well - the doors to the cafe opened to us, gave the son a flag to waving (he liked it very much), what was fun - so their holiday - let it be.
And the derucas and the girls are attacked by a drunkard who accidentally got into the landing.
We live in Izhevsk
So that

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №18845
XXX (22:20:51 3/08/2009)
The spider is sitting there all the time.

YYY (22:24:22 3/08/2009)
so cute ) he is lazy, thinks it's a web and you can't get your own :D

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna