— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №18544
Teacher of Psychology at Defence Course
- And what score do you count on when you have an inscription on your title sheet on a course in philology?

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №18543
In response to:
Lovely girls! If you want your eyelids to look more sexy, stick them to your breasts!!! to
I tried to imagine it. Stephen King is nervously smoking around the corner.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №18542
Vovane: the most accurate error - my compact

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №18541
Fuck... it was only necessary to shave as my mom gave the phrase:"What? Have you been fired?" o_O

[ + 107 - ] Comment quote №18540
Here everyone thinks that the knights are good guys, intelligent, educated, fun and good jokes. But after their next arrival to us in Jurmal my opinion changed specifically. I can understand, of course, that everybody loves to bustle and bustle in a strange city, even in another country. But I can’t understand what caused the player from “Narta from Abkhazia” to hit my girlfriend and almost beat her a pair of teeth, which caused Andrey (a red step) from Maxim and even the hellish cloud of the people to chew three guys with bottles on their heads when they were already sitting in blood (I’m silent about the honest arrow in general). When they arrived, the mentions wandered like the last puppies.
The shit is everywhere full, the electricity did not expect that the square dropped so much. It never happened - the Latvian KVN arranged an afterparty for them, and they arranged a pogrom in the "regional" traditions, in an empty place, just to fuck.
I am very interested in the answers to the above questions.

Step the people, bring them to the top, so that they can tolerate such outbursts from those who are considered ideals of decency.

Cat, odmin, shredder, houle o_o

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №18539
Do you remember the "secrets"? How were fantasies buried in the ground under glass?

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №18538
Today, under the rain, I wiped a dry inflatable hill at work.
I mentioned the army.

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №18537
xxx: these modern games have demands like terrorists.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №18536
Intuition is the kind of shit that guys call "JAPHY HEAR!" =)

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №18535
What are you doing?
I eat.
and a : ) The girl prepared?
Whoever is looking at this kind of shit... prepared it himself.
and HYES. Fellowship to Heaven?
Not too long, I’m much easier.
The butter shell?
-Drawed out of turkey, soaked in red and crushed in its own juice with spices, on the garner, oatmeal crushed with olive oil. This is the second.
O O O O O This is "easy" And the first?
The ear from the oak.
Fish is expensive.
Vitaly, we have an eye on the side. He pulled his ass off the chair and went hunting.
I do not have boats.
Take the mine. Or from the shore hunting, I also sometimes lazy to wash those 40 kg on myself. And for the refreshment there was a salad of peanut strawberries. The dessert is cherry jelly. I don’t like cherries, but I need to clean up.
and.. Fuck, why are you not a grandmother... or I?
You are frightening me! :) Your universe works badly on you, this is what the praporcher said. Don’t put your course on “the causes of homosexual relationships” into practice.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №18534
[23:01:47] <pipe> girl got!!!! Who was kicked out of the house today???? to
[23:02:04] <black> I want to fuck...

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №18533
Minors are added? It is FIGN!
This afternoon a young man knocked on me with an offer to fuck... gay in general. He decided to joke about his best friend and appointed a date the next day at his home. And all would be nothing, but the next day this gay wonder wrote me "thank you for a wonderful night, sweet"

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №18532
My wife burned.
Calls to work, all in tears, cries, words can't connect... Well, I panic myself, I dropped the phone, I crashed home through the whole city, I broke into the apartment... And she is watching a movie about the dog, sorry for her if you see the puppy became. I love her)

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №18531
The girl who bitten a police officer in Chuvashia, sentenced to 1.5 years in colony

The sentence of the Kanash District Court of Chuvashia, according to which the 19-year-old resident of Kanashia was sentenced to 1.5 years in the settlement colony for attacking a representative of the authorities, reports on Friday the Investigative Office of the CPC in Chuvashia.
According to the investigation, on February 19, the girl came home drunk with friends. Her mother, who was also drunk, did not like it, and the woman called the police.
Arriving police officers tried to calm the girl, but the girl met them with an obscene stroke, pushed one of the police officers, why he, not holding on his feet, struck his head at the wall. Then the militiamen used force, but the girl bitten the police officer by the hand strongly enough.

A ment who struck a pregnant woman to death was given a condition. Isn’t that shit, comrades?! to

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №18530
The secretary’s feet are the face of the company.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №18529
The preamble. My friends and I rent a gym in the same school - three times a week, in the evenings we are going to play all kinds of sports. The relationship with the school administration is good, the cost of renting is very affectionate.

Once in the summer, the floor was crossed in the gym. Boards one to one, pressed and pressed - beauty. We decided, as an act of goodwill, to paint this matter, to apply all kinds of marks and at the same time to fix ceiling lighting - it is more pleasant when the marking is clear and the light in the hall is correct.
We bought everything we needed and came to the facility. Paint decided correctly - first layer of soil, then layer by layer of sector, zone and other art. The replacement needed lamps carefully in the center of the ceiling - there and rolled the tower.
Think - while we lay the ground, from the perimeter to the center - the bulbs are just changing, we leave a dry corridor, the tower is pushed out - and reached.
Boris was grounded. Boris - the guy is very initiative, sharp, but careful, in everything loves consistency and order - an excellent candidate. The truth is in all of this and not always the useful side is fascinating. Boris took a meter wide roll on a half-meter handle and rushed to work. On the tower in the center - the work also boils, the lamps are removed - put. We, the rest, go out, temporarily have nowhere to stick. They agreed to approach in forty minutes - Boris had to fit without problems with his long runs, agility and a meter roll.
Boris was perfect! He placed a cork with ground in the middle of the hall, near the tower, immediately took a good pace and went to wear the spiral, generously and densely grounding the floor from the perimeter to the center, gradually and logically narrowing the twists. The joy of the controversial work wiped out of him the thought of a "dry corridor" - and he carefully "domed" his spiral to a small fifth where the tower and the corridor were located. Boris stopped, relying on the handle of the roll, wiped his forehead and admired his work. The look! So fast, so carefully, so beautiful! But... Something deep in his mind was trying to tell him that it wasn’t all right. When our illuminator gave a voice from the tower, the picture became clearer - Boris "painted" in the middle of the big gym himself and the one who was on the tower, leaving no slope. The floor is covered with a good layer of viscous odorable and hard-to-wash substance of grassy green color. I don’t want to go into it, and it’s a pity work.
In all radius - the distance significantly exceeds the world record for jumping in length from the spot. Wait for drying for 24 hours with good ventilation.
When we returned, we saw the excellent, fresh, starting to dry out of the first layer, and in the middle of this magnificence, two unhappy people who were not so happy with such beauty. The idea of how to save the victims and at the same time to cause minimal damage to the done was found quickly. Wheel on wheels.
The wheels didn’t hold – well.
We decided to take the tower "on a tie" and pull it to the entrance together with our masai rabbits. Someone suggested – why just catch them so – let them
Born on the path blur traces from the tower. There was gambling. Transmitted the essence to the center of the hall - they understood and in sign of consent, approved.
They ran behind the thread. Targeted, ended, Bora caught him from the first time, passed on to the second, himself began to adapt to the accompanying painting. Somehow he settled on the lower curtains, rushed over them himself, took a roll, targeted. The second also hanged on the folds, a little higher. I had some unclear association with Kin-Zha-Zha.
Why did this idiot not tie the rope to the bottom? Where did we look? He fixed the wire one-and-a-half meters higher and just sat there, dragging the center of gravity of this already not very stable tower to a critical level. We were careful with the train.
Bora was made to hide traces. We added a little and here all the laws laid down for such a construction were fulfilled. She quickly realized that with such a balance, with such a high center of gravity and the point of application of force slightly lower, it was much more pleasant to fall than to move gradually. So then. The torch climbed - the upper from the pelvic for some reason rose on his wardrobe, which gave an additional momentum of strength. Bore, well, he brilliantly understood everything - and tried to jump over the opposite fence to provide a counterweight, but failed, turned over the coryto, and fell himself, lightening the base of the tower, and he had nothing to hinder spectacularly, with the passenger on board, to complete the fall. From the upper platform of the drive-through, a cage with the remains of dry tint and small garbage, which was left there three hundred years ago, during previous repairs, was fucked up.
by PS. It was carefully done...
by PPS. No one was hurt.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №18528
Professor of Philosophy:
Give an example of the question so that the answer sounds like a refusal at the same time.
Agreement, question and cry.
The student:
It is simple. “Would you drink vodka?” “And then not!”

[ + 686 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №18527
Foolish foolish foolish fools!
In southern California, when a car with children turned over, passing cars stopped sharply and drivers began to get out of a burning car, despite the danger of wounded children, thanks to the reaction of passing victims managed to avoid! The fucking stupid.

Not that our Invincible Russian People, especially when in the east of Moscow a jeep went into the pillar and burned with four passengers inside. Exactly 5 minutes about 15 people surrounded the car and filmed everything on mobile phones, at the 7th minute even managed to capture quietly passing by the ambulance... as a result, 3 people burned alive.

be proud of yourself and your country, because you have already been brainwashed through a zombie painter and...

P.S. I think you’re going to go away, but let at least one person think...

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №18526
What decent girls have gone, with principles.
On the first date they don’t kiss, on the second they fuck.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №18525
On the crossroads will establish figures of children crossing the road - in the city of Kemerovo will appear figures of children allegedly crossing the road.
Comments to the article: "You give carton prostitutes on the Yaroslavl!
You give wooden gaiters on the DPS fan posts!
You give clay and concrete officials with a single twist along their ass!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna