— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №17544
Admin: I once gave the girl a password: "attractive" - from the first time she never managed to enter it...
On request to issue another, offered "unprecautionary" :-))

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №17543
Today the news shows graduates. Mouth to ears. "The exams have passed! Everything is over! It is over!! Now the Institute ahead!"
They are naive...

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №17542
My cousin served in Afghanistan and, as a young soldier, his grandparents sent him to the natives for anash. His thoughts: "I will not go - they will be late, I will go - I will send again... " He went, but brought a little, very little... They did not leave, because he brought, they did not eat, because little brings...

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №17541
I would have been scared of injections in his ass, too. Suddenly the brain is shaken.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №17540
That’s why when you’re thin, every fox will tell you that you’re a skeleton, and if you tell her about her fat ass, then there’s an insult and a thousand respectable reasons.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №17539
Of course, there are people who are not superstitious, but a gas car with the number 666, which runs on the track, 15 meters from which the forest is burning, is a terrible spectacle.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №17538
Administration, you have the phone numbers of the authors of the quotations listed incorrectly!

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №17537
The first lesson of philosophy.
by Hilmonenko
Write Halimonenko correctly.
Think of a book and/or
Think of philosophy or philosophy.
I understood the difference...

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №17536
I could not open the gasoline tank in the winter. He asked for a lighthouse at Gaia. I just raised to the backyard – I watched – the haishnik runs – five copies of eyes! I immediately realized that I was not doing that. It was a long time ago, if
© OAK on E1

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №17535
I read the quotation about the passages of my ancestors to the exam, remembered a case from life. I passed the exam for four. What a miracle. All the morning I wandered, telling my ancestors that I would not give up. Shocked by the four, she began to speak honestly to her parents. Their reaction just killed me.
Did she give? For how much? And why four?
Dad gave up? Did you give up? Well, all the debt to the homeland paid, go, baby)))))

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №17534
I am not such. You are fucking. with UV. Life is

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №17533
Fuck that topic. The mantle on the table is worth a bank of 3 liters in the bank of a rat and on the bank of a cut from the UKRF that she sits behind the wrestling.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №17532
My, when waking up, sharply opens his eyes, examines the situation and speaks about it.
xxx: I decided to mock him and at the beginning he stood up with the words "Bla, cat ass, how much you can put on", it was I put his socks under him.
XHH: There were concrete experiments, and I put a vantaxe. This one wakes up, stands up from the couch, looks first at the vantuze, then at the singer, so some 15 seconds, and then says:
"And what does he not please you?"
The cat did not even ask for food all morning, after my hysterical laugh.

[ + 64 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17531
I had to find a way to separate the protein from the egg yellow. In one forum I encountered a quotation that delighted me:

How to Separate? Any cook will say that it is enough to transfer a raw egg from one half of the shell to the other several times and as a result, in one half will remain a pure yellow with cholesterol and in the understated cup - a protein with bird flu. Sugar for diabetes and white flour with nuts and chocolate for obesity You will add yourself, as salt for hypertension and strong coffee in a cup for ischemic heart disease. You will also throw off the scalp yourself so that osteoporosis will be harder with the years... ;)

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №17530
Tonight, my wife and I discussed her work. Talk about her collective. The most honest programmer in them is the economist of everything. Even the wheel didn’t get tired because it was too heavy for the company. I bought a license lunex for 50 thousand rubles.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №17529
<Zira> The new bank of Nescafe! Now it will fit for 20 more cigarettes!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №17528
To go to the pharmacy only for condoms until death!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №17527
On the day of the doctor.

My mother worked as a nurse. Father says: 30 years ago
Someone had a quarrel with colleagues in the shell. One man fell and his leg.
I pulled out. Your wife is a doctor? - Your wife is a doctor. You are right. What about Holi?
Give it. He says, I am correcting – and so “crush!” Man oret - goats, legs
the other. So I went to the hospital and was lucky with two outbreaks.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №17526
For the entire 25-year medical practice of proctologist Moses Solomonovich
Schwartzman, the most severe case of hemorrhoids was recorded with himself
Moses Solomonovich, who tried to put on the registration in the GAI trailer.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №17525
Ingo4k: and I think that in the mobile on the outgoing calls should stand an alcotester

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna