— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №18524
My grandmother went to the sanatorium after the stroke to be treated. She lived in the room with a neighbor. So it turned out that the grandmother had a trip for 2 weeks, and the neighbor of her - for 3. so at the end of the holiday the grandmother collects things, the neighbor approaches and says:
"Sorry, you could not leave your toothbrush, or I forgot my home"

Grandma from the realization that her brush for 2 weeks with her brushed her teeth by a completely strange elderly woman, almost a repeated stroke did not break...
I cried

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №18523
If a poelithylene pack cannot withstand five bottles of beer, what happens to the liver?

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №18522
From a MMORPG, I don’t remember which.
The literal translation:

You are casting the song "Azzskaja bol" on Ma3oxucT
You have caused 0 damage.
Ma3oxucT has restored 250 life points
I: O_o
Ma3oxucT: How do you name the yacht?

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №18521
People, today our colleague-sysadmin Alexey has a son, I just want to congratulate him and his wife and young padavan with this significant event!!! Ura!! to

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №18520
Tagged: Listen to
AID : A?
We do not have a fire in the mail.
AID: well
Tag: listening
AniRika: Yesterday I wrote a client on his soap
AniRika: Subject: Test Text: Verification
I have a response after a while.
AniRika: 2 stripes
And here is Scuco.
Theme: Thoughts
Tagged: fire

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №18519
I get a sutra sms from my girlfriend, who left a girlfriend overnight:
I decided that we were sleeping with you and began to go to bed, and she decided that she was with Vadim))))))))"

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №18518
Oh, you know, she’s like that...
WOW: So what is it?
I saw her and in her pants it immediately became tight.
Forward or behind? :D

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №18517
The Americans are burning! I told an American acquaintance that I don’t drink vodka, that I don’t have ballayka or matrache at home, and that I’ve never danced Kalinka Malinka in my life. Now he doesn’t believe I’m Russian!

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №18516
Are the casinos closed?
- "In the same premises now operate the federation of sports poker, sports blackjack and sports prostitutes" (c)

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №18515
I live in Perm. A short working day. I put the car to the parking lot early, I go home on foot, I walk through the courtyard, and there, you won’t believe the little boys are playing football.Someone's father enters, opens the hood and begins to forge something there, the guys run there and start to ask - and that's what, and that's. I don’t know how in your Moscow with your quotes about ranets, but for perm I’m calm.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №18514
Roman Mitrofanov Glen wrote
26 May 2009 at 13:01
I know how to play Vivaldi Beethoven.

Die-Die-Die Sobaken wrote
26 May 2009 at 13:15
Vivaldi Beethoven I know how to play for a long time, now I pick up the Bach of Shostakovich
Go to Okay! O_O

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №18513
I recently watched one of my acquaintances, Hula Huba. There is a description for everyone. Turn around and you’ll all be models. But!! In the training program is written, I quote "10 minutes a day (about 20,000!!!! Routes)" which is approximately 33 twists per second =)
I represent the summaries at the ments " Died from take-off on a hookahube and beating the head of an apatalak" =))

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №18512
In our courtyard a new asphalt is laid, the work was suspended for the weekend, but the stove for heating the resins was left. I go, I mean, to the store, I see, the children near this stove have gathered, in 5 minutes I go back, and it is painted with a tiny inscription "Field Kitchen" and a star. The little girl is hot.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №18511
When Electronics was put, the lecturer waited and at the same time watched how the graduates passed the exam. The system is simple: gave all the labs - got a trio. And here is one person - in the appearance of a gopnik, only dressed normally, the last leaves. He tries with all his strength to pull it out:
What element do you have drawn in an electronic circuit?
- Well b... well... well ampere... meter ept
and well. What does he do here?
B is measured.
and yes. What does he measure?
Micro ampere... meter... ampere
That is what I ask. Why is it in this chain? For what purpose?
- Well... well I needed a thread to measure the ept, and he is such an oppa and stands.
I’ll give you a three.

[ + 92 - ] Comment quote №18510
K to:
I got out of the window to smoke, and on the window floor below the pigeons are sitting. How pleased I was to spit on my head.)
Man, it is war.

The pigeons

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №18509
Physics in the Insta is burning.
A student comes to him on the next turn, as he has always taught nothing, well, he learns and says:
Do you know anything about the ticket?
I do not know.
Would you write the law of Ohm?
and no.
Fuck, what should I do with you? Let us draw. Draw a train (Student begins drawing on paper). Where is the cable above? And paint it! The wheels are small, even the wheels! Your train is strange, there are no windows or doors. Paint the windows and doors. Why don’t you see people in the windows? Paint that there are people in the windows! Look, do you see this man? You are going to the army!!! to

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №18508
10 hours in the evening. The garbage car, 100 km / h, with the flash beacons turned on flew to the red light.

be afraid, turn in the pursuit and corruptors.
There is garbage on the dark streets!! to

[ + 83 - ] Comment quote №18507
Here is an interesting example from Russia in recent years. In order to save on salary taxes, one entrepreneur stopped paying employees officially, and in order not to issue a “black tax”, opened a small insurance company and insured all employees “from the first day of the month”. Accordingly, every month there was a “insurance case”, employees received money completely openly on documents, but only without taxes, which are not removed from insurance payments. You will not touch.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №18506
I come home after the disco and tell my father that I was offered brands, but I naturally refused. That’s what my dad (who was working in the drug department at the time) said: “The next time you say, I’ll take a lot!”

[ + 78 - ] Comment quote №18505
 25.07.2009 "Microsoft programs are rising in Russia".
Does anyone really care about it in Russia?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna