— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 72 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №16523
When you were a child, did you eat 5 sandwiches?

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №16522
I look at a stack of wheels and say to my husband with a whisper: “Well, you’ve hit the nails!” and he says to his son: “Mommy, it’s our blonde... I’ve never seen the winter rubber!”

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №16521
Only in Russia can you see a man running behind a trolley bus and smoking a cigarette while running, realizing that the road will be long! O_O

[ + 43 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №16520
A friend went to the hospital for an operation, from him comes a SMS:
Imagine looking at your map now, and there the item "died during the operation". Options of answers will be given.

What I watch for him. : r

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №16519
Dorik: A cat snooping on a forest cage. on the 5th floor.
I want it.... (who likes it more): to disappoint, to poison, to disappoint, to learn.
1st to obey. At the zoo forum they wrote: let eat, where he eats there does not hurt. The Lie!:E
2nd to poison. I used rats poison. I ate everything. He guesses further.
Three I figured a beaten glass from a light bulb in a farce!
4 is remove his smell. I bought some fucking stuff in the vetaptek. Spray to destroy odors. He washed the forest cage, sprayed. He guesses further.
Looking forward to your proposals.

CSKAmpio: Shoot him. Probably

tcmfan: I anticipate the answer "I shot. It continues."

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №16518
Beautiful and smart girls are not necessarily pale and not necessarily frozen on money.
In no way - they can be frozen on anything: from blackmithall and satan to role-playing games and morder.
And not necessarily - on guys, gender interaction and the division of mankind into pairs. They may not have anything to do with it at all.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №16517
In my opinion, most of all in our army in the world are afraid of our own recruits. They are justifiably afraid...

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №16516
XXX: Have you heard? When gas in Moscow ran there, a man in a man's costume spider drove
Yyy: Fuck, it was Shoigu

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №16515
Killed a whistle, on a note, a week. I pulled the labels today. Guess what a dead man is?

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №16514
I don’t get to sleep at work, everyone runs, they want something.
YYY: Where are you working?
In the city morge.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №16513
I wanted to give the boss a candy. But something suggested to me that a candy named "The Forest Dwarf" the boss is better not to eat:

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №16512
I saw Matthew yesterday. Ordinary girl driving. The usual color.
The car had to be respected because of the sticker on the rear glass: "Recycled Ferrari"

[ + 115 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №16511
I wonder how many people keep their favorite quotes in text documents?

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №16510
I went to work today, there is a cute machine of gentle pink color...on the glass dreamy:"I will marry 8918......."

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №16509
Re: I understood
What does IDDQD mean?
Tagged: young green
Sergey: Password for Immortality in Doom-2
Tagged with: eeee
Sergey: It was relevant 15 years ago) now only old-school remembers this, young padavan.
Tagged: gesture...
Red: 15 years ago
Rice: the password for unmetry in the house-2?)))))))))))
And the word!
by DUM-2!

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №16508
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev arrives in Kirov.
While preparing for the visit of the head of state, road workers asphalted approximately a hundred and a half lucks.
On Drelevsky street, workers in a hurry made a mark for bilateral movement, while the street has been unilateral for several months.
On Productive Street in the literal sense liquidated the railway crossing - the asphalt is laid right on the rails!!! Apparently, when the President leaves, several square meters of road canvas will be rubbed.

Z is. Not that country was called Ganduras (c)

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №16507
To the citations:
xxx: I would go anywhere
YYY: go to you naked
*** by
She says: Hi my dear! Are you missing?
He: I am so fucking...
She: Rabbit, I understand, I missed it very much too.
He said, “I’m fucking fucking!

Apparently now it has become the norm to send girls naked and rude without a reason! And then you complain that you are lonely and nobody wants you to be so good. Yes, any of you will escape with this attitude!And these quotes in the best abyss...

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №16506
From the forum, discussion of taxi drivers:
I want to get a taxi and call it “Russian taxi.”
Do you not mind?
Do you want to drive anyone other than the Russians? You can’t take a taxi for a month.
No, it will be like this:
Can I order a taxi?
Oh yeah yeah...
I really need...
Oh fuck, give me the address!
The street, the house, the apartment.
Find me your apartment, the streets are enough! Go out, the white car.
And the number?
You’re all oh oh oh oh! I say white!! to
Okay, well...
On the street:
Are you from the "Russian taxi"?
Fuck, where are you fighting? I’ve been waiting for half an hour!! Let us sit! Where are we going? Where is it?!! At the airport? The shit!
What is so expensive?
You are fucking, you are fucking! Count it yourself! Order to accept - 100 r., wait for you - 100 r., agree to lead - 800 r.! to
and can...
Take off the skins, fucking, or you will shake up the salon, clean up here behind you, fucking.
And the music.
You, fucking, will be in your house to direct music.
and silence...
They came, go out.
That’s just Homer...
- I don't know, airplanes can be seen, so the airport... with you three pieces!
How many?!! Thousands were agreed.
I wrote a lot!
Somewhere so

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №16505
Fate is a word for justifying your own mistakes.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №16504
Once upon a time there was a natural market in my street near the stop. in the boxes
Strong and not very grandmothers and grandparents laid out to sell all the shit,
Beginning with the seeds and ending with God knows what. I am standing at a stop.
And I see some man, in the appearance of a purely bullshit, dealing with
in the cages of the rubbish, which apparently found in the debris. Suits him exactly.
The second one asks, “Master, is there a winter jacket?” for what
the first raises on the buyer a dimly alchemy look and,
During the break, he says, “No... We’ve already moved to the summer...
The range...”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna