— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 13 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17364
Dear Igor Dmitrievich!
I consider you to be a fairly modern person, so I have no doubt that you will read this. Do not mock me, please. I won’t be late for a couple anymore. Give me an account, or I don’t want to go to the army.
Your student
The Wolf S.A.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №17363
1 the course. The Session. We are three friends from kindergarten, now we are learning together by coincidence in a group. The morning before the exam. Going to the audience. I am with one of my friends, the third is late. Well, we almost first entered, somewhere in an hour went out - he stands, says late. We ask "ready?" - "Yes!" and enter the audience. After an hour comes out - eyes of 5 rubles, on the face obvious signs of flutter, "What did I get?" - "4..". We go out to smoke on the doorstep, he says - "All the week before the first exam prepared for macroeconomics, and the last day it turns out that he was...

[ + 46 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17362
And remember the times were... You could gather up in the naulice and play hiding around the entire neighborhood or, for example, climb the trees to collect apples or eat caterpillars.Ride on tarzanks when two shoot one and the one rises a couple of meters up and then squeezes into a tree if you can't slow down).Play a kick (where you need to beat the bottle with sticks). Or, for example, pursue a football area in the area. When you come home, I’m going to play a goal 3 or hockey without rules or an Olympics without rules where the same guy was the captain. Go to a friend who lives a few kilometers away and change cartridges, and on the television always showed your favorite Disney cartoons for an hour or a half... And also watch the premiere of films or just see the fighters for the first time with Schwarzenegger or Jackie Chan, Bruce Willis or Steven Seagal. Closer to the night you can go out and sit in the yard to breathe fresh air and talk about different topics with friends. This is only a small part of what could be done then. What about now? And everywhere and always what problems and things... And what fools we were when we dreamed of growing up, becoming adults...

[ + 66 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17361
I worked in a taxi last week. One bad thing is that the female driver is perceived as a duty in the zoo. One told me that a woman should sit and raise children, and a husband should support her. I offered to take the chance and take me on maintenance, said that I don't have harmful excesses, I cook well, my head doesn't hurt. The man is silent.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №17360
There is a belief that the skylink will scan it, and at the price it will save money for the machine rebellion

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №17359
I go to town with a guy. Something is going wrong in the shoe, I stop, I try to get that something and complain:
I have something in my shoe.
The man is indignant:
and feet.

Captain of Evidence. Scratch *

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №17358
Yesterday under my photo I see comments: "well you and fool, instead of yourself photo Oksana Fedorova put!what, you are afraid to show people, so terrible?"....
I sit down and think, better maybe a compliment and can’t be)

[ + 17 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17357
And I really like our sysadmin Andrei Rakutov. But I’m married, so I can’t admit it. People, bring to the top, you don't care, and at least one one will be pleasant!

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №17356
X is OMG! OMG is flying into my house!
X has left the game
Fuck, I’m his neighbor!
and has left the game

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №17355
I remember going home without thinking about anything, but with a strange weight on my heart, as suddenly I was struck by a strong, familiar, but rare smell in Germany. I stopped and saw a small hemp bed near the road. Her steppe smell instantly reminded me of my homeland and aroused in my soul a passionate longing for her. I wanted to breathe Russian air, to walk on Russian soil.
Excerpt from the novel of I. S. Turgenev "Asia"

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №17354
It's normal when the surgeon's cell phone calls a song:

Brick Brick Brick
Get ready
Brick Brick Brick
Who is new

[ + 72 - ] [6 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17353
Disputes about motorists and pedestrians.
When I was 10 years old, I was hit by a car when I switched to the green light. Broken bones, broken skin, moral trauma for a lifetime.
After 2 years, the car pushed when it crossed the zebra (a sphestofor in the radius of a kilometer, unfortunately, was not observed). The driver then stepped up and fooled me. I have been treating my broken arm for two months.

Pedestrians are defenseless. Most of them are not going to fall under the wheels of the car. Car drivers have under themselves an iron beast, which can easily kill a pedestrian. Just do not wear when in front of the zebra, sphatofor or the "children" icon. And in general, there are limits in the city that you all exceed.
Remember that someone else’s life may be in your hands.

[ + 104 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17352
If the packaging of cheeses was not 110 mm in diameter, but 120 mm, there would be an elegant box under the CD.

[ + 37 - ] [5 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17351
To quote that there are no normal men and they are all occupied with volves and Linuxs.

I went out for lunch today to buy fruit.
It was a terrible rain and I couldn’t handle my umbrella. The classic situation - in one hand a bag, in the other zone and a fruit bag breaks, everything falls on the asphalt!
A bunch of people walk by, for all this I work in the center of Moscow, where educated and cultural people work, and no one has stopped or helped.
And only two young people stopped, helped me and led me to the office!
There are normal men and they are there!
Guys from "Element Leasing", thank you!

p.s Publish, plz, people will be pleased!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №17350
Those who value you can blackmail you.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №17349
The son (4.5 years old), standing on the balcony and looking away, noticed thoughtfully:
“Yes, you have a beautiful planet.”

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17348
One Arab oil sheik urgently needed a blood transfusion.
Sheik has a very rare blood type and was found in only one Jew. that
He agreed, they made a transfusion, for which the Arab gave the Jew a house and a car.
A year later the same story - urgent need of blood. Jews are happy to run.
A blood transfusion facility for which an Arab Sheikh gives a box to a Jew
and cookies.
The Jew is surprised:
But last time you gave me a house and a car!
and Arabic:
There was no Jewish blood in me.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №17347
Student (11:09:26 15/06/2009)
Hi to

Yeshua (11:10:19 15/06/2009)

Student (11:10:29 15/06/2009)
We haven’t seen each other for a long time, so we’ll have a beer tomorrow.

Yeshua (11:11:40 15/06/2009)
Not cold, sorry, I serve in the army ( 23 days left)

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №17346
Someone once wrote that the ability to mother comes together with the ability to drive a car... I know nothing, I learned yesterday... It came instead of the ability to drive...

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №17345
Correspondence in contact
She: Do you have any plans for me?
Let’s meet, fuck and send...
She: Well then until tomorrow!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna