— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №17344
In the Russian Armed Forces as a result of crimes and incidents that occurred during service, in May died 10 people less than in April, reports the site of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

According to the Defense Ministry, 27 soldiers were killed in May. Almost half of all deaths (14) are committed by suicide. 12 soldiers died as a result of accidents. Another one died in the accident.

Compared to April, the number of suicides in the Russian army decreased - then 20 people committed suicide. The number of deaths due to accidents and accidents remained unchanged. In total, 37 people were killed in the army in April.

Since the beginning of the year, non-combat casualties in the Armed Forces amounted to 158 people. 83 of them committed suicide.

In 2008, 471 people died as a result of various accidents. Nearly half of all deaths (231) were committed by suicide.


It is said as it should be. What are the questions about why people do not want to go there? Why can’t they understand that something needs to be changed when people are stupid in the barracks? Bring it to the top - maybe you will see who of the lawmakers...

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №17343
Fuck, well, people and problems: "the plasma panel in the elevator does not wet"...

[ + 77 - ] Comment quote №17342
from JJ:

We sit in the garden, and Olya tells a story. They were given 300 volts overnight in three quarters. Whoever worked, was burned. But a woman named Lena awoke at the same time and apparently went to the toilet. Turn on the light in the room. The lamp is lighted by a strange white light and is blown up. “Oh,” Lena thinks and turns on the light in another room. The lamp does – thistle. Lena continues to experiment. It includes a torcher. It is exploding. Lena in Aachen. She doesn’t understand whether she’s sleeping or not, and in horror turns on the TV. He makes a strange sound and explodes. It goes to the microwave and burns. In the morning, Lena almost went crazy and thought of herself somewhere as King Midas, that is, what she does not touch, it explodes. So she moved all the electrical appliances home.

The continuation of history is like this. There is an LG warranty workshop in these three quarters. Since it is Odessa, the master makes the neighbors, in principle, everything they bring. And the Chinese toy horse, and the ancient Soviet vacuum cleaner. There are many neighbors. And then in the morning, Lena wakes up and doesn’t go out. Three quarters of people came out with dead microwaves. Slowly moving along the boulevard. As we know, at the workshop. Lena does not know that. The street looks like a fantasy film or a zombie movie, but the zombies were all with their stoves on their stretched hands. I haven’t been told anything more about Lena, but I’m afraid for her.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №17341
Interestingly, do many people know what Trotsky was doing specifically, besides that he was puzzling?

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №17340
How would Apple name its vacuum cleaner? and iSuck?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №17339
in Spanish "virginity" - virginidad
It sounds like the name of the city.
Good traveler enter the glorious city of Virginidad - you will not believe your eyes!
The adventure of the cascade awaits you. Are you ready? Open up, Cézanne
Jane Doe
and ROFL
be wicked and cruel,
A beautiful east.
Pull up your cloth – and go ahead! xd

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №17338
I am jealous of my boyfriend for his breasty elephant from the line...he is fucking fucking with her...

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №17337
Did you fuck Masha, without a rubber and ended up in her?! to
Well, by itself, yes
-That is, of all the methods of contraception in the 21st century, you decided to use:"Pray grandmother,Pray grandfather,I don't want children yet!"?

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №17336
Putin on television about Belarus: "Whoever calls himself so is called."
The bed

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №17335
I decided today on a friend of the EEG in physics. Literally (I can show the photo):

A10: The temperature of the iron piece weighing 200g decreased from 70' to 50'. How much heat has the particle given?"

Answers: a)256J; b)2.56kJ; c)128J; g)1.28kJ

Solution: energy = mass * heat capacity (table data) * change of temperature =
0.2*460*(70-50)=1840 J 0_o

Well, I think it's okay, in the table of Egeshna, I went to Wikipedia, there is a heat capacity of iron 450 (i.e. Reply to 1800

Now I understand why of the 750,000 graduates on 100 points write about 100: little that you need to know the subject, you still need to guess what answer 'true' (:

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №17334
Sergo113: The goal of Russia is obvious is to capture the whole world!! to
Gabitus: And do we need it?
Aliens are clean. :D

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №17333
Photo-girl near a typical Russian bath with 2 chihuahua, comments:

Jordan Davidson at 12:56 on 23 May
They don't have chihuahuas in Russia, do they? LOL

Inna Zaytseva at 11:21 on 09 June
Yes, we don't. They are afraid of our bears...

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №17332
C65: Wikipedia is burning)))
Articles about pop music

Features of

One of the most important features of Russian pop and pop in general, the absolute spiritlessness and stupidity of the texts, and the absence of music as such.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №17331
Good luck, happiness and joy to all!
SUPPORTER: shit, ass wishes me good luck and joy...

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №17330
S...S....m: When I was studying at the technare, we had a teacher in Russian. And we once had a dictator, I, as always, forgot the notebook at home, and decided to write on a double sheet. Three pages succeeded. I wrote, all okay, she grit type: not all will be handed over, but selectively.
S...S....m: Well, I think, oh, I have a not controversial assessment, I don’t need to, and let’s go over the edges with a stepler, my last name is at the end of the list, so I’ve already had time to scrape.
S...S....m: And here she calls my name, and to smoke me in the bush, I still have to smoke before a couple, oh.
S...S...M: So I gave up.
S...S...M: On the next lesson I was returned a leaflet. All the scraps were carefully cut. And the leaflet was completely glued to death from the inside. I did not know the evaluation >.<

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №17329
Do you consider yourself a final loser?? to
2nd and (
1st Start-up programming games
1st Tap once in any square!
1st You see - it has not exploded, so it is not all lost!!))
Thank you friends!!! )

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №17328
from ZH:

This is where my mom grows. Hole and Hole. Plans are built. Metropolitan wants to become... a doctor. The genetics.
And the child grows, becomes Sisadmin, and fucking.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17327
I am young, smart, beautiful and the rest. It usually ends: Long time no sex, where to find a normal man?

Girls, it’s already a hole. You don’t give first, and then you don’t. There are normal men around. be careful. Maybe someone loves you but you don’t pay attention to them? Did you love it and you abandoned it? Or just did not notice? You do not appreciate what they do for you and what they feel about you. Do not appreciate moving from another city (9000 KM!, and only for love). Do not value gifts, love, or romance. And after all that was good (yes, there was bad, but nothing is perfect) - you get stuck in the dirt by betrayal. And then the bad starts. But it ends quickly and the good continues. Do not appreciate it anyway. And what remains? You are looking for a "good man". When they come out of the skin - do not appreciate, when because of this we cool - throw away, when not - look. Of course, it is not just so said. Just recently on BORA I saw a quote exactly written by my ex. Since I do not want to write directly to her (I am uncomfortable after what she did), I write to all the other girls - look around, you need someone. Or were needed. You just missed it or missed it all. Do not say that something is wrong with you if you are to blame for it. There are normal men, you just don’t see them.
I am not looking for a girl, I am not suffering from old love, I am just tired of such quotes.

[ + 0 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17326
A big and brutal guy, with a tattoo and a beard, 2 courses of mechmat... Well, come to the cute blonde-EVThnice, with whom you sometimes ride in the same bus, and we will meet... and??

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №17325
The coincidences...
I am in the subway, a couple are sitting in front of me. Nobody around not noticed, the guy is constantly whispering something to the girl's ear, and she is shy. In the meantime, the train arrives at the station. The guy was slightly overwhelmed with epithetics along the way, because the girl's eyes were sharply rounded, she stood up, dropped the guy's sound bark and left the car. And at this very moment, the dictator announces with a solemn voice: "Dynamo Station". I was smiling all the way :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna