— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 90 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17103
About pedestrians and drivers:

In order to drive, it is necessary to have the rights and KNOW the PD (ideally, of course - exclude unicoms, who buy the rights and chase the streets, without even suspecting that there are rules). However, pedestrians are not required to know the PDD, and in some situations they begin to water drivers passing through the pedestrian crossing on a green light for pedestrians. They, unhappy, do not even realize that if the car is stuck in the center of the crossroads, missing the opposing cars, it must STOP the maneuver, even if it is already on the red light. And pedestrians, seeing the green for themselves, immediately break on the road (and sometimes without waiting), thereby creating emergency-dangerous situations, not missing the "later" cars.

Bring it to the best plz, maybe at least someone’s brains will add...

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №17102
Plague rappers glorify the lives of snoopers, prostitutes and ordinary members of street gangs. At the same time, they are convincingly asking to buy their albums exclusively legally.

by Kudos R/L

[ + 83 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17101
The penetrating voice in the television broadcasts with sadness and anxiety:
In Russia, two washing machines are broken every day. More than a million washing machines die each year.
Question: How many days in the year?

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №17100
People, like dogs, are angry at the driver, not the owner.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №17099
I don't know how in other cities, but in our some time ago authorities
The law prohibits the sale of strong alcohol after 20:00 and before.
Eight in the morning.
The time is almost eight in the evening, in the supermarket at the box office.
Exactly at 20:00 the box will automatically stop drilling vodka.
A heartbreaking cashier who does not want a people’s rebellion:
- Who with vodka - pass without a line!
Nothing changed in the turn. It was all with vodka. gathered at
The fact is that we first all beat only vodka, handed over to the storage chamber, and
Let’s go back to the rest once again. In the neighborhood, people did so.
Yes is.
The storage camera in this store is not the usual iron boxes.
with keys, and a shelf with a grandmother, exchanging things for numbers and
and back. The closet with the shelves behind the back of the grandmother after the people
I rushed to take vodka there, it looked like some kind of window window.
The water shop of the stagnant era.
Two working men enter the store. Going past the camera
storage, they see this vodka abundance and three men in line to
The grandmother. Accepting the rack for the vodka department, the men are arranged in
Watch people exchange cards in front of them.
The vodka.
One man to another:
Look at me, this is a shit!! Drinking Vodka After Eight
They didn’t buy it, they already put in the bills!!! People who have talons
Take it? How many bottles are delivered?

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №17098
What needs to be changed in order for Russian cars to meet international standards?
The world standards.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №17097
From the Women’s Forum:

My loved one stated that he really wants some impressive or shocking gift.Girls from Moscow, if someone has a positive pregnancy test on these weekends - sign up in the box.I will come to any area, I will take. for a reward.

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №17096
What fucking fucking people!! to
On wm some kind of shit threw me 10k wmz c protection code for 2 days... almost the eye didn’t fall when I saw it.
With your signature you’ll guess them. :)
I’ve been sitting all night... now I’m sitting at work with red eyes. The fuck is simple!

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №17095
By the way, vampires and architectural students have a lot in common... We don’t sleep at night, ordinary people crack at us, our eyes are always red and when we see dawn we think “Well, fuck!”and "

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №17094
I remember reading with my brother when they were kids. Slowed the dog (binded to the hose) and ran around the apartment from it))) But then a neighbor came from the bottom floor and put a ban on our game... =(

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №17093
"There is another "Superban". But I use it. Old moderns said that if you use a superban, the offender is bathed on the IP of Macadres, and then calculate where he lives, come home, fuck and burn the computer.

>>>>> has not been released

[ + 84 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17092
I can not! I have to share it.)
Today people at work talked about all sorts of funny cases with pets) And here our accountant told about his daughter's favorite cat. Well, she has an adult daughter, married and lives separately) And someday friends gave her a toy, fur, cute eggs, but if you press him on the bottle he begins to sneeze)) And her healthy catch, three years of a family, not castrated, but the streets and in general free life did not smell suddenly inflamed to this meal with the most gentle feelings))) Moreover, with the need to show them to others and the more people around them, the better) In short, as soon as guests appear in the house, the cat pulls his eggs and humbly performs the marital duty with him. At the same time, it is homeric. What is going on with people watching this picture, I think you can imagine))) I do not even see, I walk and roast all day completely inappropriately)))))

[ + 76 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №17091
xxx: noticed that girls very like niki type: "Sucks", "Straws" and so on? And now imagine the guys with nicknames "Mudaček", "Gandonchik", "Urodec", and so on;-D

[ + 90 - ] Comment quote №17090
I walk through the street, a young couple passes by, the girl tells something lively. There is a phrase before me:
Mozart cut off his ear to prove to everyone that even the deaf can make music, and then he wrote a great poem.
In his head there is a thought: "Van Gogh cut off his ear, gradually deaf Beethoven, and poems are written by poets in general... And what about Mozart here?"

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №17089
I have two cats - the old (2 years) and the small (about 7 months), so after the appearance of the small, the old periodically began to scratch not in the sand barrel, but opposite the barrel in the corner. I beat her, ticked her mouth - useless. Then I remembered the first courses of the universe of medicine, where I taught the conditional and unconditional reflexes, the experiences of Pavlov, etc. So, at the next act of defection of the old cat in the corner, I took the old and the young cat in both hands and ticked the mouth in the feces - I MALL. And, miraculously, after the third time, with all kinds of attempts of the old woman to guess in the corner, the young woman shouted at her, spit and beat her legs. The problem solved. I feel like a scientist, pleasant.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №17088
We sit with friends on the square, we talk, we look at the herd of skaters. The wind is strong on the street. And then suddenly in the crowd of skaters appears a girl in a very short shirt. Everything would be nothing if it wasn’t the phrase of somebody from the neighbor’s shop: "ha, fool! Their lips are blurred".

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №17087
Popular about protocols:
Compression: Your left hand is cut off at the entrance, and at the exit the cloned right hand is sewn (and the mirror turned, of course). The same with the legs and in general with everything that has a regular structure.
Error correction: Your own photo is sewn to the back. If you don’t look like you on the outdoors, the face is corrected.
Life of the package: All movements along the corridor - while the light bulb is burning. Do not die as a hero.
DNS: To find out where the well is in the village of Gadjukino, you first go to the president, then to the governor, and so on.
Dynamic IP: Every morning everyone changes passports.
Text-oriented protocol: Your verbal portrait is sent instead of you.
MIME code: A certificate that you are not a camel.
Level of protocol: Clean field. You have to move from one end to another. An enormous arc is built, a bridge is built inside the arc, a railway canvas is placed in the middle of the bridge, the rails are welded and a huge granite canvas is placed on them with a tunnel inside, a tube with a diameter of half a meter is placed in the tunnel, along which you go while the lighthouse is burning to the president (pressed and with correction of errors).
Ping: Go see, Ivan Petrovich has not left yet?
A single passport for the whole family.
IPv6 is a Chinese passport.
c) Mochevikin
= = )

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №17086
A friend recently had a son.

My wife is now calling, says my son is naughty
YYY: All in Dad... or Mom? and :)
XXX: She put her next to him. I slept, I slept...and he took it and quietly sucked it up.))))) says he lies now pleased with his hands mashet, smiles

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №17085
I am (19:24:36 31/03/2009)
Now I listen to Boris Grebenchikov.
Anna (19:26:11 31/03/2009)
To be honest, I’m not very interested in modern music.
Anna (19:28:25 31/03/2009)
music deep, I listen to more "mature" performers
Anna (19:29:39 31/03/2009)
Meladze, Annie Lorak, Sofia Rotaru, Alla Pugacheva, Philip Kirkorov... I don’t know what to add...

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №17084
A slave who does not know that he is a slave will not rebel.

(The ancient principle of mass management)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna