— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №15743
Announcement of sale of 1980 car.
Body: there is rot, not visible from above (only in the trunk and wings from below).
I exchange for equipment in any condition, off-road and tourist equipment, a cross motorcycle (you can not cross, or on a quad-cycle, a scooter), an elephant, a house in the village, a submarine or money =). Just selling is boring, so I change =)

X: Such people cannot be defeated!)

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №15742
It does not contain humor at all.

The Russian people are dying 1 million a year. Your children, the brainless cosmopolitan, will be studying in a class where two-thirds are Ashot and Aslan.

Do not kill yourself, give up bad habits. You need your country.

Bring it to you.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №15741
I sent the girl a quote about a guy who gave a flashlight in a box from under the rings, as a result of which they had to marry. So she surprised:

I approach from the McDonald’s box with Big Mac (it’s sold in a box). I sit down and stretch her. And she begins to cry and glow from happiness: “Dadadada, I agree, god! What a happiness"

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №15740
Comments on YouTube for the Clip

xxx: hey, this horse laughed me especially "go here n*hu"
YYY: I laughed at how you put the censorship

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №15739
Anyone else remembers? (c) :) So, someone else remembers what Brady’s tables are?

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №15738
I try now to call the programmers from UralSibBank.. takes the phone guy, I say hello, type we have a question.. he apologize I am wildly tired.. and puts the phone!!!!! to

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №15737
XXX: How are my pictures?? 7
Soap, I will send you.
XXX: The Soap

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №15736
Potatoes of admin

I, of course, did not know that this dish is now so called, but I have been cooking it for a long time and have already developed the perfect, in my opinion, recipe...
so this is: clean the potato, cut it with circles with a thickness of 7mm (the ideal thickness is explained by experience), lay out a layer of circles in a plate and qualitatively lubricated on both sides with mayonnaise, then the second layer also and further by taste or by the amount of potatoes in the same spirit... sometimes I either press out there a little garlic or just put a couple of teeth next to it.. and all this happiness in the microwave for the first 7 minutes (depends on the individual characteristics and the power of the magnetron)... when you screw (either sparkly, or sparkly) you try to crush the potato with a villain..finger I do not advise. when the root flourishes without excessive resistance to the taste, you swallow the

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №15735
I discovered yesterday at a psychiatric lecture that I had predisposition to schizophrenia. Pleased at first. Then something loaded. Then I thought that the construction of the ionic bubble should be postponed until...

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №15734
Student: I have a division. If you want to drink with an old man, if you want to bring a familiar man to the cinema, if you want to go to a scientist to beat him. Everything is not hunting, everything is lazy, everything is humiliating. But I don’t see any other way to pass during the course. demanding the opinion of the people.

Modern: "Student" banned for 20 min. Reason: I hate analphabetics.

Student is OK. Help to solve the dilemma. Drinking with someone? Amusing a woman who is angry with me? To humiliate myself in front of my boss.

Modern: "Student" banned for 20 min. Reason: I hate analphabetics.

Student: Why did he stick to me?

Aboriginal: Dilemma

Students thank you. So the dilemma: to look for an old man-zanuda, a friend-family, a scientist-self-guard?

Modern: "Student" banned for 20 min. Reason: I hate analphabetics.

The Aboriginal :?? to

Tagged: trillion

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №15733
The Limousine):
Yesterday I had a day of female insight.

by Anil Net:
Didn’t she give me anything?? to

The Limousine):
and worse. I watched hockey yesterday. I, he, his wife and her sister. Everything is normal, we go home. I was asked to bring a sister. Of course, I can’t refuse (friends of course). We go out, catch the motorcycle, give the driver a piece with the question "Do you eat?". He says no. I would like to ask you to stop near the barrel. It stops. I am not exchanged. I go to the flower store to exchange. I get rejection. Then (I say) give a rose, give (and the delivery came from somewhere)))) I approach the car, sow a rose to a girl: it’s like you! I went, everything is okay. In the morning, a friend calls, he says, like I am rolling balls to my wife's sister. I explain the whole story to him. A friend of mine nodded from laughter. It turns out, the sister called his wife and grit that I specifically planned this topic with the exchange of money to give her flowers (the wife of a friend agreed with her). After that, I realized that girls and men understand the same circumstances completely differently.
P.S And I suddenly became a pitch on the ball how romantic))))))

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №15732
Night, session, notebook, tasks
No sense at first sight.
Learn from an old book
The course of the formula

Don’t give up and start again.
And it will repeat again.
The red eyes of the student.
Tasks, Session and Notepad.
© †D†

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №15731
I’m a rabbit, I’m a bear.
NN: Give it up. I’ve been crazy lately, I’m crazy.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №15730
No matter what the child is delighted with, the truth should not be spoken.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №15729
an unfulfilled contract.

In Stuttgart, Germany, a judge is to decide on the case of "honest
in a situation where a man hired his neighbor to fertilize
his wife.

So it turned out that Demetrius Sopulos, 29, and his wife, the former
Photo model Traute, very wanted a child, but Demetrius was told
The doctor said he was infertile.
Sopulos, overcoming the protests of his wife, paid his neighbor, Frank Mouse, 34-year-old
years, a decent amount to make Traute pregnant. As a mouse.
He was already the father of two children, plus looked very similar to Sopulos, plan
It looked very good.

For the next six months, three days a week, Mouse tried desperately for 72 days.
To remove the trauma.

When his own wife began to protest, he explained, “It’s for me.
I like nothing more than you. I do it for money. Try to
to understand.”

However, after six months of fruitless attempts, Sopulos insisted that the mouse
I had a medical examination, which was done.
The conclusion of the doctors that Mouse was equally infertile shocked everyone, except
His wife, who was forced to admit that Mouse was not his father.
The children.

Now Sopulos, trying to get his money back, tries with the Mouse,
accusing the latter of breaking the contract, but Mouse refuses to
to give, stating that he did not guarantee conception, but only promised honestly
to try.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №15728
Do you prefer bananas or peaches?
Are you in the market?
In the pharmacy.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №15727
XXXX: I recently saw a proposal on the Internet to solve the main problems of the world.
XXXX: The proposal was this: to feed the hungry homeless.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №15726
Soon on the request in the search engine "House-2" the first line will be...

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №15725
I am writing this here for the first time...sorry... but:

I can cook, drink beer and wear sweaters, I’m not irritated by computers and cats, and I don’t care if you have a car! Young people with compasses and cats reading towers, which barracks do you go for peelings and beer? Where to meet you?
ZY: admin basha, make a familiar page. Too many people are looking for each other.
The girl!!!!What are you? what are you???? to
c) Chak

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №15724
A whole generation has grown up that Nihua does not know!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna