— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №15783
You are not the only one with a busy childhood, be calm.

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №15782
I will have to get into the shit too.
The antiracist.
You won’t believe, but among the Gypsies I haven’t seen any decent people. And... are you sure that in the East and the Caucasus you would like to be educated?
Yes, I agree that it’s full of cockroaches, fuckers and other fools. Therefore, I will never connect with girls from this category (from such families, read). I worry about children, their genes and their upbringing.
Yes, this is eugenics. You can call me a racist, an idiot, and a fascist, but my descendants will at least not be an idiot.
I reject this. An inhumane request.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №15781
<Graf> I like books
<derev0> did you not read the book?
<Graf> is it not?
<derev0> oo more class, adventure
<derev0> chase shooting... mutants

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №15780
Surprisingly toned and incredibly logical our main on the roads: Pedestrians and drivers are the main culprits of road accidents, says the head of the GIBDD.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №15779
I had a girl I knew... I had been friends with a guy for six months... until I learned that his name was Kolohuyko. Why do I say children are rough?

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №15778
XXX: So what to bring?
The cockroaches of Moscow. Cat in the Net
yyy: shape as a flower
XXX: Those
xxx:...sacura falling in the lunar night on the slopes of фудzi.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №15777
XXX: still do them, eat prepared, in the house order, the games played.... BLUE how I want to work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! to

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №15776
And all that – we, the girls, the great and invincible creatures xD watched the situation in the bus today.

There are two girls of the phyphosis type sitting, one of them looking concentrated in the mirror. In a minute he says:
Give me this, or I have a little bit of it.
The second silence gets a black pencil out of the bag. The first:
- What do you dry up my pencil, I asked for a glow for my lips!
If before they were looked at as two schizophrenics, the second answer simply killed them all:
Sorry, I didn’t hear it.

Shoot it!!and (

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №15775
The recipe for the admin potato:
1st Get to admin
2nd Give him a potato.
All fucking, the potato is now admin!

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №15774
The Wave (11:22) :
Pipets :D, I sit in a taxi, in white boots, in a white jacket, with a white bag, in a light shirt and socks, well presented a shorter?

t0zzz{0m@t0zzz (11:22) :

The Wave (12:43) :
And next to me is a girl-got, all in black, black eyes, black nails, sitting on me as the enemy of the people looks, yin yang, blasphemy )))))))

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №15773
The leg hurts, the stomach hurts, cough and cold
Sun, how do you endure this?
Kill yourself immediately!

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №15772
xitraja_lapka: mya.. in my sister's room we made a change. Dad dragged the shelf with the books to the place where the purple carpet ends and the parquet begins. Mom: "something unstable somehow put.. will fall again, the child will beat..." and thinking, quietly, dreamy: "and if lucky - two at once" 0_0

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №15771
Owned!! to
The contemporary artist was arrested during the event.
A Russian photographed beduins with a portrait of Anatoly Wassermann in his hands, seeking the stylistics of the famous website "Upichka".
The local police accused him of taking pictures of children holding a portrait of an unknown terrorist and arrested him, confiscating the portrait of Anatoly Wasserman.
After an hour-long trial, our tourist was rescued by an Arab student who studied in Moscow and admitted to the photograph of a decent TV host.
) ) )

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №15770
Without humor

The racist shit.
How do you get rid of people in WOW! My grandfather fought with your grandfather for our homeland, it was a fight for survival, and thank God, they did their job! We could not be destroyed by the frost, Hitler, we could not be enslaved by Napoleon, remember the history of our state. And now, fucking, we are being destroyed! Every year, a million Russians die, and instead of them, illegal immigrants are pumped into our cities! I have non-Russian friends, but these are isolated cases, because there are so many more gastarbayters, ugly bastards who cut my friends with knives for the emblem of the imperial flag on the jacket, trying to rape my girlfriends (happiness that we were around), do you need to continue? We are destroyed just as Hitler destroyed us, but they do it from within, they conquer us from within. The nation is dying. And if we will be patient, then soon there will be no more Russians, and this will mean that our ancestors fought in vain.
And your provocations go through the woods. If my children go to schools where there are more non-Russians than Russians, then I have lived in vain. No one calls for killing like stupid skinkheads. Don’t buy from them, don’t rent them housing, don’t help them, knock on them with mints, promote these ideas, etc. Together we are strength.
"We are Russians, we will all overcome" (c) Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov.
Plus, minus, squeeze and so on. If at least one person thought about it, then this whole writing was not in vain.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №15769
On the island of Reunion (French territory) there is some weather stand, which should inform curious tourists about the weather for today. It looks like this: a heavy rope is hanged on the rope and the following explanations are given to it:
Water is wet, it is raining.
Dry water - no rain
Shadow of the shadow - Sunny
White spot on the galley - it is snowing
I can't see the cloud.
The Wind - The Wind
The earthquake rises - earthquake
There is no more cyclone.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №15768
The girl is in confusion: the insider said Skype to put, and she does not have a webcam - how will it work??? I say that Skype is like ASKA. A moment of thoughtfulness, "Maybe a cocktail, but the boss said to put!"

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №15767
In the smoking.
Stephanie - Do you think the movie "Millionaire from the Dungeons" is worth eight Oscars?
I - I think they were given to him for courage, because they held back the whole film and didn't dance.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №15766
Maybe two halves of one whole is a grave.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №15765
And it was in the sixties... Next, from the first person: My neighbor, Kolya,
The carrier in the store, at the dimensions of the heavyweight-stangist
Another time again. He fell asleep and called the doctor for a certificate.
A bell at the door. There was a doctor, a gentle man under 60. with such
Approximately the weight. He enters the wheel. A minute from the neighbor.
Terrible noise and screams. I am jumping. This doctor with all his strength melted Cole!
With Matt and Fan. Collie is stuck in the corner and afraid to turn around. Come here
I took the doctor to the kitchen. He says, “I am going in. This crap requires
The certificate is hospital. I immediately refused. He started threatening me.
Here it broke me. I spent 17 years in camps. Since the 37th year. 10 is
He worked as a doctor there for the last few years. Urki tried to squeeze me - I turned away.
But I did not give lip certificates. Okay, I’ll give him three days now.
after the battle.”
Cole went to work the next day. Three years later, I finished evening school.
5 to the Institute. He does not drink. He walks with a suit and a tie.
Greetings the first. Married a beautiful girl. I wanted to find
The doctor, but he was already dead... Cole was very broken!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №15764
The husband calls his wife:
You are where?
In the Nora...
Where? →? to
“Well, in the north that you bought me!”! to
“Dumb, not in Nora, but in Reno... I’m glad I didn’t buy you a Peugeot.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna