— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №15243
xxx - stumbled on the internet on the link: "pass the test, find out the date of your death"
WOW, when should I breathe?
xxx - tomorrow = (
YYYY -???? Seriously?? to
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I called the boss and sent him.
Which cemetery will you be buried in?

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №15242
Can we go smoke?
YYY: Well you, I assure you that decent ladies don’t do such shit.

[ + 89 - ] Comment quote №15241
Men, would you know how much pain you do to your wives when you are not happy that your child in her womb is a girl. The gender of the child depends on you, the spouse can not influence him.

Please support me.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №15240
Navys: How did you get rid of it??? You are an O_O.
Neo_N: Yes, the boss asked why, said Spiridonov, are you sitting so sad?
Neo_N: I answer that on the background of nervous work I experience a constant lack of sex, why I can not think about work at all.
Neo_N: And here I broke up! I told her that before that I finished without weekends, that I want the daughter of the boss, the granddaughter-student of the boss, the dog of the boss, and herself, her mother, the boss! She slightly shattered with round eyes almost convinced me to rest a couple of days at home.)))
Navys: Could I do that too?
Navys: I imagine, I will go to the boss and say, say, Anton Olegovich, I want you and your bulldog, let go ))))

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №15239
Have you tried missing the pumpkin package through the shredder? and :)

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №15238
XXX: playa... the ambulance is so boring... there’s all the same...
YYY: You didn’t even play it, and you say that one way...
xxx: hell... well think yourself... line is an alternative fantasy life (how curved). you go swing (to work), on Sundays you go in the crowd in the siege (blowing), dumb spend time (for example, with a whistle on the virtual shore), trying to get a piece cooler than the other Persian...? to
YYY: You do not understand.
xxx: tired to replace your life with no less uniform virtual?
yyy: there is a bunch of quests, katas, rifts, sieges, kamas
YYY: and PVP
YYY: and mass PVP
XXX: And what does that change?
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY There is no uniformity. It is always different.
xxx: ughu... it will be a week... the developer will change the quest and the guy in the city will ask to bring him not a monomakh hat, but a golden cock... ppc variety =(
YYY: You didn’t even play! Quotes of Hut! locations of the PZDC.
xxx: the main types of quests only 2: bring and soak.
They were smarter until they invented anything.
Complex quests are a combination of these two types in different variations.
X: Where is your diversity?
YYY is out of the network

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №15237
Hello, how are you doing?
I'm going to be a nephew in three days.
Will my aunt be born?

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №15236
My brother has a jump: he loves to sleep on the floor. It will lay a thin such a tourist bed, cover with a bedroom and shake. Initially it was recommended to him to straighten his back and all that, and then he used to himself, liked it. It was cold, so I bought a bed. I go into his room and see: the bed stands, wide, soft, comfortable. And on it lies the door from the closet, bed and bedroom. O_O

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №15235
From the forum of dermatologists:
Why is the skin on the penis darker than on the body?
You need to wash more often!! to

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №15234
In the meantime, the director tells the chief accountant:
I will read the Criminal Code.
Without leaving the papers:
I would read the tax at least once.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №15233
An elephant lives in my apartment.
In house 2, entrance 4.
We are used to eating:
In the morning at 8, in the afternoon at 16.
Eat for breakfast.
32 seeds of seed.
After a morning walk
and 64 brides.
We bring him for lunch.
Cucumbers of 128.
Tomatoes can eat.
250 and 6.
Eaten by 512.
Unless you try.
And mix it with kefir.
by 1024

Grow up your children from childhood))

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №15232
She: I want to swallow something soft, warm and moist.
Don’t touch my ass!

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №15231
The cat sat on the laptop. When I pressed, half the key stopped working. I couldn’t do everything normally myself... I acted forgiveness- again put the cat on top. Everything works...

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №15230
6.2 is This contract is made in two copies. All three copies are identical and have the same force. Each party shall have two copies of this Agreement.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №15229
Congratulations to the 1024th page of the best Abyss. I sincerely hope there are still people here who understand the beauty of this number.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №15228
It smells like sex. ?
I hope my grandmother doesn’t remember that smell.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №15227
I am also an EMO!! to
WOW why? O_O

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №15226
Here’s how a familiar doctor taught me to make injections: "The basic principle: don’t yours!"

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №15225
What fucking cinema? After nine hours of playing PSP, even the size of the labels on the desktop scares me.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №15224
The Wolf:
My cat was caught.
The perverted:
The symphony became?
The Wolf:
I am straight mm.
The perverted:
It’s now March, he’s now going to dragons dragons.
The Wolf:
He has no eggs.
The perverted:
The gesture
Hopefully he had a careful haircut.
The Wolf:

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna