— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №15223
The greatest creatures in the world are men. Where they come from, there they go! © by

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №15222
Atro: Dimka, I will not drink with you anymore. The “tree” with which you wandered from those dwarfs was a road sign. And it was not necessary to plant it on a canopy and water it. And it wasn’t worth digging down the road to all the encounters with the question "and you planted a tree?". The two men in the funny hats were menta. They also wanted to plant a tree. That tree was you.

Dimmu: Oh yeah... I understood that I am a plzhensky box. to protect against the youths.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №15221
In fact, a little scary is the fact that in the advertising agency, where I want to order a poster, the consultant in aske nick "Kaliaka-Malaka"

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №15220
(Discussions about apartments in Moscow)
F!G: Moscow, Smolensk, Agricultural area D is 11, 10 minutes to the subway by foot, 726 million The rub. This is a 11 room.

Q: Do you really want to buy an apartment?

Owl: Hz

Owl: the drinker

Owl: with a 100k sp, you can buy it in 605 years

Owl is fucking))

F!G: these are apartments for elves

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №15219
Allan Carr's book "Easy Way to Quit Smoking" has already begun to act, I accidentally smoked the wrong side of the cigarette
YYY: Next time you put it in the wrong place, read on.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №15218
Bred says: Well, how is life there in Portugal?
To4ka says: ja nashla russkij magazin s hav4ikom
To4ka says: tut jestj semki, i mne ne nuzhno budet boljshe pokupatj seme4ki v zoo magazine

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №15217
Here you all admire the life of linux. herniated. In the small-sized, apparently, the entire software is blessed with Davidblein.

I have now connected via the local network to the car in the bode. It is strange.
I see its content. It is incredible.
Including unshared files. It is impossible.
Including a DVD drive. It is nonsense.
And the final accord: judging by traffic, this hernia calmly connected through me to the network and distributes tours.

If she now starts upgrading the screw in her, I will throw the physfak, I will go to the army.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №15216
Blonde is cheap! Now she has another battle!
Junior, we are with you!

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №15215
I bought cowards Chinese, like everything is normal, like female, string... no, the label says "YA HUI"!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №15214
To all who live in Russia - clone either Putin or Medvedev and send clones to us in Ukraine, ought to, or with Yushchenko is just a shit of some kind.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №15213
Senya on psychology determined that a person in the anger of his eyebrows disorderly moves his face))))

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №15212
I have recently seen a bunch of metalurgists (all in barracks with healthy feet) walking through the deep slopes that all normal people bypass, singing:
"The Saviour walked along the way..."

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №15211
Our power has gone out of the people and does not want to return.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №15210
Believe it or not, but I swear by Allah, it was.
I have one friend, Lecha Gunderman. After school, not to serve
In the army, he went to the menta, and so he stayed. Over the past time
even a small "career" to do - from the ordinary PPS-nik came to
Opera, and the other day produced it in captains.
Well, here, we sat yesterday in the cocktail on the first CPC, we note in a narrow circle.
Drinking a snack, everything at the level, and the culprit of the celebration of something is dark.
After the tenth step, the songs were tightened on the rope, and here Lecha stands up and masches.
by hand;
And guess it! I wrote here recently... Happiness sing...
Well, all the currents welcome and Lech in the manner of "Generals of Sand Careers"
He cried out in full voice:

I started my life in the pebbles of mint-avsky, and good words, I don’t.
See also Al...
When you licked the children of the swahili, I beat the people, I bribe the bra-al...
When you see me, don’t hide your eyes, and don’t spit in your back.

Lech did not have time to sing, the rhythm was stifled by the hysterical laughter of the neighbors.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №15209
The American Forum. You ask a question, then you are answered.
The Israeli Forum. You ask a question, then you are asked a question.
The Russian Forum. You ask a question, and then they tell you a long time.
How stupid you are.

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №15208
Don’t sleep right away. Okay is? I don’t like to fall asleep after sex.
well well
Today is four and a half years since we met.
It is wonderful! We will mark tomorrow.
Have you ever had love so quickly?
and no. I do not remember more accurately...
So it was...mmm...and I don’t have it! I have this for the first time. Listen, and your previous Natasha, she loved you right away?
Two days later, he began to sneeze about love.
This is a 100% lie!! to
Why is? You are at the beginning...
You don’t feel the difference!! I have that feeling, and she just walks through my ears.
and yes. You are right.
Or do you not believe me?
I believe.
Well of course! I knew so. She believed me, but I did not. And her breasts are better and she finished MGIMO!
and Ineas
Do you remember she’s finished? Do you still love her?? to
We studied together.
Well what? No matter who I’ve studied with, I’m not talking about them.
and sleep.
I can not. She will always be between us.
You are a hundred times better and I am with you, not with her.
from the pity. Who needs a body with a ass like me?
You have a normal ass.
What does “normal” mean? X is meant! A hypocritical creature. Are you all on your Natasha???? to

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №15207
I work in digital. The customer asks for our phone. I dictate :
Seven hundred thirty, thirty and thirty.
Reply to:
I understood, I understood...

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №15206
I saw a picture: a girl goes with a dog, and on the way she is not quite a sober guy. The girl passes, and here hears a whistle from behind, turns around, wants to stick something ulcerative-sensitive...
I was killed by a guy’s word. Kindly looking at the dog, and with a misunderstanding of the girl, he gives:
You stupid, I am not you.

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №15205
Who else got the advertisement in the middle of the window scrolling along with the page? Add to your booklet this script:
javascript:void(a=document.getElementsByTagName('*'));for(i=0;i<a.length;++i)if(a[i].style.position=='absolute' Mediateca[i].style.position=='fixed')void(a[i].style.display='none');

When you see annoying ads, just click on this bookmark (or simply insert this code into the address bar and press Enter).

Please make it better for people to use it!

by Furax.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №15204
- Fucking only in Russia in a filled tram can take out of your pocket a bowl with urine analysis!!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna