— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №14665
Lamo4ok: I sit on a limo
lamo4ok : we have a happy client, Vladimir Putin
Tagged: Hoyace
lamo4ok : he repeated to the manager twice: "the letter will come from Putin Vladimir, THIS IS NOT SPAM!"

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №14664
Another candidate for the monument. I am anonymous.)

I am often asked, you are cute, educated, interesting to communicate with you on any topic, you are 26 years old, and why are you still not married?
70% of the population is women. These are the women who can’t even burn their own eggs, if they can burn a hundred poodles, these are the women who can’t do anything but sell cell phones, these are the dreamer women who wait for all their oligarchs on the white Lexus until old age, these are the stars who believe that no one should exist except her in principle. Go down to the ground, we are so few, and you are still killing us with your illiteracy, lying and sex, because I have crushed you on the first day of our acquaintance. That’s what I’d like to answer, but I can’t, because it’s very long)))))) and it’s all sad.
And the remaining 30%, and try to meet them in this difficult metropolis where everyone tries to look glamorous and there is no time for real feelings!!!! to

[ + 102 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №14663
The man who wrote that we are all flesh, blindly believing in propaganda. Go, that’s what I’ll tell you. Because of people like you, the country is falling apart. I am individual, my friends and relatives are individual. At the same time, I remember that I am a citizen of my country, as they remember. What was said in the advertisement is true. You don’t want to see what’s going on in this dull country. And I see. I see people, seeing the beating of the young imbeciles of the old man, pass by. I see how illiteracy leads to case studies such as “It’s not we won the Second World War.” I see everyone joking about each other. Do you think he has enlightened people? Let’s build anarchy!! And then you, your mother, will cry when before your eyes a fat Japanese or American with a machine gun in his hands, on a tank, comes to rape your girlfriend or MAMA. And you can do nothing. I am not sorry for you, cruel cynical animals, I am sorry for my country, for the fact that it is dragged into a deep hole, and with every second we are approaching the point of all-deathing singularity.

And you, the guy who wrote about you are all meat, go away from here, to the United States or to Europe, this country doesn’t need you, animal. If this quote does not reach even the Best Abyss, it will confirm how few people are left in this country.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №14662
90% of people are idiots and don’t know it.
And the others?
The other 10% are also idiots, but they know and enjoy it.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №14661
You can’t think of yourself as an adult enough if you have school photos – digital.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №14660
111: Do you eat after the compound?
222: I eat before the compound.
333 And I go to camp!
444: I did not understand the point. I have a wall behind me.

[ + 56 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №14659
As a child, the fingers of the legs formed. From black socks - black, from red - dark brown, from green - dirty-green. They appeared in all children, but with the age of the catches became less and less, and then they completely disappeared. Where did the catches go?

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №14658
What is the French Belt of Fidelity?
Breaks on teeth.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №14657
XXX: Fuck it was ugar)))))
YYY: What is it?
XXX: The fire is burning today. Do you remember the habit of Antoha forever, when he comes to Seroga for a visit, immediately takes Bon-Pari candy from the bowl from the table, picks a hug, unfolds and throws it all together into his mouth?
YYU: Well, there’s such a thing with this naughty rose)))
xxx: Well, Dick today specifically before his arrival, Seroga and I were sitting specifically and they changed sweets)
YYY: In other words, have you changed?
We sat down, this Holse in packages from Bon-Pary was sealed and thrown into a bowl.
Yyy: And this fool didn’t even think that candy shapes and smells different? O_O
xxx: Tomorrow you’ll ask him))) He’s already drinking the second graffiti in the kitchen))))) XD

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №14656
Sysadmin from insomnia:
One IP package jumped through the router, the other IP package jumped through the router.

[ + 57 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №14655
Ukrainian prosecutors are so harsh that...

In one of the capital hospitals for medical care and complaints about headaches, the prosecutor for supervision of investigation of important cases by investigators of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine appealed.
As a result, it was discovered that he had a gunshot injury to the head."


[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №14654
In the store they gave a surrender and five fell. I say a little rabbit, please raise it up. Then the man next up and gives me with the words "I am of course not a rabbit... ". The little one was so upset, why did he raise it?? to

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №14653
Qwerty: Hello
asdfgh: Hi
Qwerty: How are you?
asdfgh is great. U is?
Qwerty: I am sorry, I don't know English very good...
asdfgh: then write in Russian and don't fuck up

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №14652
by Daisy!That Saturday was Friday the 13th!
Mr. Di is genius!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №14651
Men prefer to watch movies where they kill a lot, quickly and easily.


But women like to watch someone slowly and

He dies painfully.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №14650
We implemented SAP in a company. It turns out that for one of

Business processes will have to write an additional program. Our analyst

spent many hours with the customer manager, clarifying the technical task

For the programmers.

- Well, and the last question, says the analyst to the employer. What we will be

What if such a situation arises?

And he describes the manager the option of executing the business process, never before.

This was not discussed.

No, this situation is not possible. It is not worth it and

The manager is responsible for him.

What to do? As a result of this, our analyst

He writes in these tasks:

In case of such a situation, send a message to the screen.

“Call the manager like that, the phone like that” and indicates the name and

The manager’s phone.

And finally, the long-awaited moment of implementing the system. At the end of the first

The manager calls us and cries:

What a fuck that is. 300 people called me today. Working

is impossible. What did you bring there?

by Igor Levitsky (

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №14649
Scientists have discovered a new species of fish - fish falls. It doesn’t get caught and it’s all here.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №14648

24: [ 30 ] added 2009-02-18 18:57
48195 (preserved 2009-02-18 at 16:00)
We start gymnastics for those who read Bach.

The minimum program:
Straighten the back.
Remove the hand from the beard.
I closed my eyes for 5 seconds.

The optimum program:
They stood up, stood up, and made a couple of easy fastenings.

The maximum program:
- Press the cross in the upper right corner and push to work-sleep-eat-have sex-feed a cat-walk a dog-prepare for the exam (need to emphasize)

Do not eat at the table!! to

P.S Thank you very much to the one who first wrote about the left hand on the beard! Your contribution to the health of the nation is invaluable, friend!


Stop crawling in your nose!! to


Fuck, why are you looking at me?

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №14647
8 What did you drink?
yyy: file settings of the month :)
XXX: O_o
yyy: mart.ini :)

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №14646
The reason for the poor operation of ventilation is most likely that someone from the above residents deformed or completely blocked the ventilation mine, setting up a niche in it for the installation of a refrigerator.
This is diagnosed in a simple worker-peasant way: you climb the roof, approach the head of the ventilation mine and throw a large, heavy, sharp break in it. If the windshield is not damaged, the breakout flies to the first floor and blows about the foundation of the house. And if he is stuck in one of the built-in refrigerators, then the diagnosis has been confirmed and can be filed in court on the subject that damaged the common property of the residents of the ICJ. The Chaus (YUK)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna