— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №14685
I sit with a glassed a nephig, first read the label...and shit..there is written:Row glassed with filling "Grishenka"...I am up,blowing,nothing drowned!!! to

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №14684
Statement of Status: 50
Olive: Hi to you! How is Della? What is 50?
Neon: the number of minutes until I was stumbled
Status of Message: 0
How long did the countdown fall? ?

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №14683
So you’re going to give him something on February 23?

Princess: Well, I looked at a very cute tie, he will like it... On the one hand, I would buy him this tie, but on the other hand, I would rather buy a tail and cut him and this girl his new in a bloody cloth, and then stand over this cloth and admire...

Princess: That’s why I doubt the costume... it won’t work out...

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №14682
Employees of the Abkhan Post received a package with a working vibrator for a bomb. People were evacuated from the building, police, firefighters, sappers, cinologists and doctors arrived at the scene. The local resident to whom the package was addressed took it immediately after the departure of emergency services.

Without a burn.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №14681
AltF4: I can’t have sex now))))
Harper is ?
AltF4:It's about like, I'm a friend, when I just started dating, I couldn't understand she ended up or not, I play her in a jerk screaming Ur)
AltF4:so after day three it wasn’t normal))
AltF4: as the moment approached it rusted like a bomb shell))
It is raining ?

[ + 68 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №14680
<CharlieA>: There is a simple rule to go to sleep – you should not go to bed on the day you wake up.))

[ + 95 - ] Comment quote №14679
A friend told me.
In the evening, it is dark, there are gentle guys standing - drinking beer. A man passes by—a small, small, almost old man. One bitch is suitable for him.
Are there no cigarettes?
He gave him a loud voice:
Nnet, I do not smoke.
And the puzzles?
The man turns - the kaiaak will give him a fist! Bydlan (healthy and was) - flies two meters away.
The man turned to the boys, and with the same thin voice:
I do not smoke, but I have my puddles with me forever.

[ + 80 - ] Comment quote №14678
I’m sitting here now, preparing for a check in discrete mathematics... it depends on this check whether I’ll have a machine or not when I’m going to take a session...
I thought here...
And let's make such a button "disconnect the BASH for an hour", so that it is pressed - and the BASH exactly the hour is NOT on. and nick. In order not to break it.
Support domestic education, make such a button, right?

[ + 73 - ] Comment quote №14677
Loving, cute girls who write on BASH about how many guys they have, how skillfully they hide from them other fans, as well as those who in life love to boast of their sexual experiences, do you really think that you make this impression? Believe me, being crazy is not cool at all."
Do you think, Kobe, how many kids here want to look cool? For normal people, this is not cool.
They took their hands and walked out of the bastion. Or do you, the crowd of dwarfs, remind you on what resource you are?

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №14676
by K
Commentary on the Russian website:
These fools can work in a taxi all their lives, but they can’t twist the meter.
And to a similar quote about the deception of the apparatus defining marriage.

No, I understand, we Russians have good imagination, good reasoning. We are capable of non-standard solutions more often than the same Americans. I personally am proud of that.

But I am not proud of the fact that most of our non-standard solutions relate to the service of customers, the police, no matter how bad it is, the service of our own, the Russian people, the service of foreigners and others. I will honestly say - in OPU such a ability to make non-standard decisions, if it is almost always used on behalf. If they were more honest, but less reasonable, it would be more useful. It is not about corruption, but about mentality. For the same Americans and Europeans, stealing from the state is equivalent to stealing. And to steal from the state is like not to steal, and you can boast.
Anyone who understands, support me.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №14675
Every young sheep is convinced that the "baran" in the female genus is


[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №14674
Today at work female half us instead of gifts on February 23

Gave a cake.

In response, it will be necessary to buy vodka on March 8 :)

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №14673
The vampire, the vampire. The son does not know whose footsteps to follow.

Tax or in the IMF.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №14672
Get ready guys!
We will soon be given.
New socks and
The family cowards.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №14671
Gunya: Dear, let’s give me something for March 8=)

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №14670
A piece of hot iron fell on the roof of a building in New Jersey.
Huiase, our make satellites from ZUGUN O_o

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №14669
Dialogue with colleagues in the office
Here is your true nature and it emerges.
His true nature did not sink.

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №14668
When the bluff manufacturers of flashes guess not to make a flash with a rope, but to connect a flash and a cap with a rope...

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №14667
I decided to read about Absinthe (for the purpose of literate use).
I read wiki. Methods of use of absinthe:
The French.
Put one part of absinthe in a glass. Put a special absinth spoon on the edge of the glass (his cup, as a rule, is either simply hollowed or perforated with patterns). A cubic of sugar is placed on this spoon. Now you need to pour three parts of ice water into a glass, through sugar in a spoon. Sugar dissolves in water. The resulting syrup is mixed with absinthe.

The Russian:
In the glass is poured absinthe, it is burned. Let it burn a little. Then cover with a second glass, the flame is extinguished. The absinthe is quickly poured into the second glass, and the first is covered with a towel and turned up with the bottom. Heated absinthe is drunk, and under the overturned glass a cocktail puddle is squeezed and vapors are inhaled. The sequence of inhalation of alcohol vapors and drinking it can be changed.

That is, all normal people dilute 70-degree absinthe with fresh water 3-5 times... and only the Russians drink it warm! Better to breathe his breath!! to

Well, even if the inhaler is not poured...

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №14666
xxx: here I sit sometimes at work. kind of around the high-tech, new servers of genetic stand and such a feeling that I am in the tundra...
YYY :?
Xxx: all around one elephant fucking!! to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna